Myriad Treasure Pavillion held a transcendent position not only because they possessed a large amount of wealth and resources, but more importantly, they possessed a large number of experts as well as the most authoritative Rubbing Master.

It could be said that all of the most outstanding Rubbing Master in the Donglai City had gathered at the Myriad Treasure Pavillion and the ranking of the Myriad Treasure Pavillion's Rubbing Master also represented the position of the Rubbing Master in the entire Donglai City.

For example, Lu Yang was currently seventh place in the Donglai City. Not only was he seventh place, he was also seventh in the entire Donglai City.

After listening to Elder Chen's explanation, Lu Yang had a certain understanding of the rankings of the Myriad Treasure Pavillion and Rubbing Master s.

As for this Skill Storing Conference, it was actually a competition between all the Rubbing Master in the Donglai City. Whoever could obtain an even better result in this competition would be able to get a higher ranking. If he missed this opportunity, he would have to wait for another three years.

"The Skill Storing Assembly will not only compare the number of stars in the Skill Storing Beast-controlling Technique, but also the probability of success, as well as the speed of success." Elder Chen told Lu Yang: "At that time, all the powers in the city will send people over to watch. The rankings obtained during the general assembly will be recognized by the entire city."

"However, with your talent and your performance since the start, I believe that you will obtain quite a good result."

"Actually, the reason why I came to find the elders this time around was mainly because I wanted to understand the reward for this Assembly. I wonder what the reward for the victor of this Assembly will be?" Lu Yang rubbed his hands together and asked the most important question.

Elder Chen had some understanding of Lu Yang's situation and knew that this fellow would work only if there were benefits.

Having stayed in the Myriad Treasure Pavillion for dozens of years, besides being an elder, Elder Chen was also a Rubbing Master. He had also participated in who knows how many times, so he naturally understood the situation.

Therefore, he said to Lu Yang: "The rewards for the Skill Storing Conference are all provided by the Myriad Treasure Pavillion. In the past, they would give some rewards to the top ten Rubbing Master s. But these are not the main points, the main point is that every time the top ten Rubbing Master s get a chance to enter the Myriad Treasure Pavillion Treasury, they get a chance. "

"Myriad Treasure Pavillion treasury?" This was the first time Lu Yang had heard of this place, and he couldn't help but be curious.

After meeting Lu Yang for a while, Elder Chen completely satisfied Lu Yang's curiosity and introduced him to the treasures inside the Myriad Treasure Pavillion.

The so called treasury, was a place where the Myriad Treasure Pavillion stored precious treasures. A lot of the treasures inside were priceless treasures, things that even money couldn't buy in the Donglai City. Even the higher-ups of the Myriad Treasure Pavillion would not be allowed to enter. It was a collection of the Myriad Treasure Pavillion's own.

Only people who had made special contributions to the Myriad Treasure Pavillion would be able to obtain the qualifications to enter. However, in the Myriad Treasure Pavillion, even if one had the qualifications to enter the Treasure Vault, they would not be directly rewarded with treasures. There would also be a price to pay, because this was an accepted rule in the Myriad Treasure Pavillion.

"Alright then … "There is actually a price to pay …" Lu Yang said gloomily, in his heart he felt that the Myriad Treasure Pavillion's rules were a little similar to the Beast Controlling System. They were both vampires, and no matter what, they would have to pay a price.

However, thinking about it, how could there be such a thing as something that could be obtained without paying a price?

Elder Chen saw through Little Jiu Jiu in Lu Yang's heart and said, "Kid, don't be so unsatisfied. With your current strength, you are already ranked seventh. If you are satisfied with the treasures you can obtain from that place, then what is the price you have to pay in comparison to the treasures inside? "

Lu Yang immediately said to Elder Chen with a sullen face: "The price is not a problem. The problem is that I am a poor person, how can I afford to pay?"

And there was only one thing that he couldn't afford, and that was to sell himself in debt. Lu Yang was still in debt to Myriad Treasure Pavillion, he had thought that after the matter of Yuan Family was over, he would have more time to slowly pay off those debts.

But was caught unprepared by the movement of the Kun Family. Not only did the debts not decrease, they continued to increase.

"Ai, when will I end up selling myself for wealth!"

Based on Lu Yang's current speed of imprinting, in order to pay off his debts from Myriad Treasure Pavillion, he would have to work nonstop for at least seven days before paying off these debts.

Fortunately, Lu Yang's Myriad Treasure Pavillion was almost up to a month, which meant that it was time to pay him. And now, Lu Yang was promoted to High Level Rubbing Master, his monthly salary also changed from a hundred thousand Primary Level Crystal Stone to fifty thousand. Maybe, when it was time to pay, Lu Yang's pockets would slowly expand.

"Alright, you should go back and prepare for it. The Skill Storing Assembly is no small matter. You must not let your guard down." Elder Bai and I have our eyes on you, and we forgot to tell you, if you get a higher rank in the convention, then the treasures we take away from the treasury will also be better! "

When Elder Chen said this, he even revealed a mysterious smile towards Lu Yang, as if he was sure that Lu Yang would be able to obtain good results and would be able to rank better.

But regarding this point, Lu Yang was also confident. After all, they were relying on the Rubbing Technique, while Lu Yang was relying on the Skill Storing System!

The announcement for the Skill Storing Conference had been made the day before yesterday, and it said that three days from now would be tomorrow.

Taking advantage of the fact that he still had some time left, Lu Yang went back to his own room to take a good rest. He also cleaned up a portion of the Skill Storing he owed the white haired old man last time, and the sky started to light up.

In the entire Rubbing Master, more and more people started to come and go. Even if the sound isolation was not bad, Lu Yang could still feel that there were people constantly walking around.

The Skill Storing Assembly was about to begin and all the Rubbing Master s had become excited. Lu Yang, on the other hand, leisurely got up from his bed and went to find Elder Chen.

As expected, there were a lot of Rubbing Master s that Lu Yang had never seen before in the venue, and there were even two High Level Rubbing Master s who were not part of the Myriad Treasure Pavillion that were participating in this conference.

Lu Yang was a little surprised, but even so, there were only a handful of High Level Rubbing Master in the entire Donglai City that could rank in the top ten. It was just that … Would Lu Yang be satisfied with just being in the top ten?

Lu Yang had already raised his Rubbing Technique to ten stars long ago, and his speed of Skill Storing was extremely abnormal. In ten minutes, he would be able to produce a copy, with a success rate of one hundred percent. How many people present could compare to Lu Yang in terms of speed?

"The two over there are High Level Rubbing Master s from other powers, but they do not belong to one of the three great families. Moreover, other than being High Level Rubbing Master, they are also top tier High Level Beast-controlling Master, and their strength is not one bit weaker than the Yuan Jin you defeated. You have also developed quite a few forces within these ten years of Donglai City, so there's still a bit of a gap between your Heaven One Sect and theirs. If there is a chance, we can come into contact with them, and it might be of some assistance to you in your battle against Kun Family. " Elder Chen said.

The corner of Lu Yang's mouth curled into a smile. Perhaps his Heaven One Sect was still insufficient to compare to theirs, but Lu Yang's Heaven One Sect development merely took a month, yet they had used ten years to reach their current scale. If they allowed Lu Yang to develop freely, not to mention ten years, it would only take him a year at most. His Heaven One Sect would definitely surpass theirs, and he could even be on par with their Kun Family.

"Since you are all from the Humble Class, then it would be easier for you to come into contact with me. If someone were to help you, then even if it's the Kun Family, I believe they would still have some misgivings." Lu Yang thought in his heart.

Elder Chen pointed in another direction. It was another Rubbing Master team on the Myriad Treasure Pavillion but it was led by another elder.

Furthermore, Lu Yang realized that when Elder Chen looked at the other Rubbing Master, they were obviously his own people, but his expression had actually darkened.

Elder Chen said in a low voice: "The Rubbing Master at the Myriad Treasure Pavillion is led by a total of three elders. The team over there was led by Elder Chen.

It was obvious that the three elders had different factions, but just by interacting with Lu Yang, he could tell that the two elders were not on friendly terms, and the reason for that was very likely because of the great character, Rubbing Master, that Elder Chen had mentioned.

Elder Chen sighed, "I am one of the Myriad Treasure Pavillion's three leading elders. I have been on good terms with the other one. It's just that this Elder Chen is using the might of the Rubbing Master under his command to suppress me and the other elder, so we have always been enemies. "

"Yo!" To be able to suppress Elder Chen, it seems that the High Level Rubbing Master under the elder is quite capable! " Lu Yang said loudly.

Elder Chen rolled his eyes at Lu Yang and said snappily, "Three out of only seven High Level Rubbing Master s are under his command. And the most important one is that one."

As he spoke, he pointed to a young man beside Elder Chen. The young man was thin and tall, half a head taller than Lu Yang.

"Don't underestimate him, he's the head Rubbing Master of our Myriad Treasure Pavillion. Last time's Skill Storing Conference was where he won the championship." Elder Chen said.

"It's actually the lead Rubbing Master!" Lu Yang suddenly realized what was going on. No wonder when he observed the young man just now, he did not sense any strong power of vitality from the young man's body. Instead, he felt a mysterious power hidden within his body.

Looking at it now, that mysterious power should be a spiritual force unique to the Rubbing Master, it was just that the spiritual force on the Rubbing Master was so much stronger than normal Rubbing Master, no wonder it was able to sit in the seat of honor at the head of the Rubbing Master.

"His name is Xu Fann. Even though he isn't very old, his spiritual force s are exceptionally powerful and he has been a Rubbing Master since he was young. In less than ten years of time, he has already been a top-notch High Level Rubbing Master. In the entire Myriad Treasure Pavillion, only your previous performance was able to compete against his. If you get into the sect too late, your realm will be too low. "

It was no wonder that Elder Chen had voluntarily gifted the high grade Rubbing Technique to Lu Yang. Although it was a price that had to be paid, compared to the high grade Rubbing Technique, that bit of price was nothing.

It seemed that from that time onwards, Elder Chen had already planned to have Lu Yang fight this Xu Fann. Thus, today was not only a competition between the Rubbing Master s, but also a battle between the elders.

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