It was their first time meeting, and yet, Lu Yang had already given them such a precious thing as a greeting gift. In that instant, the two's good impressions of Lu Yang rose to a whole new level. If it were not for the fact that the current occasion was inappropriate and the difference in age was not small, he probably would have had the impulse to become sworn brothers with Lu Yang on the spot.

"Kid, just because you're so outspoken, I'll make you my brother!" Qing Feng smashed his fist against his chest and laughed as he spoke to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Aren't we brothers already? "Good stuff should be shared with brothers!"

This kind of thing called Spirit Wood Book s was already very precious to Rubbing Master, especially under such circumstances. One extra set of Spirit Wood Book would not only save a lot of Rubbing Master spiritual force, it would also save a lot of time. The most important thing was that if the Spirit Wood Book was in their hands, it would undoubtedly increase their chances of winning the competition by 10%.

It was just that although Yuan Tongba and Qing Feng were moved, in Lu Yang's opinion, it was just that. To him, there was no such thing as a spiritual force, nor was there any other possibility of success that needed consideration. The only thing he needed to consider was time.

"I wonder to what extent can the chief Rubbing Master's speed reach?" Lu Yangxin thought.

The competition had already begun at this time. As for the rules of the competition, it was simple. There was only one day left in the competition. From now on, it would only end at this time the next day.

And within the set time, it would be considered a victory for anyone who could inscribe even more Beast-controlling Technique. As for all the tools required for Skill Storing, they were naturally provided by the Myriad Treasure Pavillion that was the host. As for some special tools, such as the top quality Skill Storing materials like the Spirit Wood Book, they could also be brought along.

It was just that, being able to save time and the spiritual force, along with having the highest quality Skill Storing Materials that could save almost a 100% of time, did not even have a lot of Donglai City, let alone the entire day's worth of energy.

However … Since Elder Chen was able to take it out, as an elder, the power behind Xu Fann seemed to be even stronger. He would definitely have Spirit Wood Book as well, maybe even more.

"His innate talent is already very scary. If this guy had enough Spirit Wood Book, then things would be difficult." Lu Yang worriedly thought to himself. Although he had the Beast Subduing System to help him Skill Storing, the system was not omnipotent.

Quickly, the sound of a bell rang out in everyone's ears. With nine ringing sounds, all of the competitors became fully focused.

This was the start of the match. When the bell rang, it meant the start of the match. Everyone had long since been prepared, waiting for the moment the match would begin.

At the same time, the Rubbing Master on the hundred stages started to get busy. Streaks of white light started to shine from their hands, and in the end, landed on a book containing Beast-controlling Technique s, and then moved it to the Purple Shirt Book s beside.

Only Lu Yang's method of Skill Storing was slightly different from theirs. His eyes continued to sweep across the Beast-controlling Technique, and then, the system automatically helped Lu Yang to Skill Storing. He did not need to think at all, only that his speed would still need ten minutes.

Compared to ordinary people, this kind of speed was extremely fast, but every time experts fought, it was as if they were fighting to the death. Other than Skill Storing, Lu Yang also glanced at the High Level Rubbing Master s around him.

Although the few High Level Rubbing Master s were nimble, their speed of Skill Storing was not comparable to Lu Yang's. Even for veteran Rubbing Master like Yuan Tongba and Qing Feng, the situation was the same. Basically, he could only complete one Skill Storing every half an hour. This was already quite good.

Until Lu Yang's gaze landed on another corner, which was a little far from Lu Yang. Moreover, there was a number one on the stage, which was obviously the position of the lead Rubbing Master.

Lu Yang looked at Stage Number 1 for an entire hour and discovered that Xu Fann was indeed skilled. His speed of Skill Storing was on a completely different level compared to the others. Xu Fann was in the sky, while the others were on the ground. This was because Xu Fann's speed had actually reached ten minutes per book.

"Looks like I've really met my opponent this time. I wonder how long this guy will be able to maintain this state?"

Generally speaking, a person's spiritual force s were limited. Once they were in a tense state for a long period of time, no one would be able to endure it for a long time.

After coming to such a conclusion, Lu Yang returned his focus back to Skill Storing, and focused on the High Level Beast-controlling Technique in his hands. Under his concentrated state, Lu Yang's speed had faintly increased.

had already activated Rubbing Technique who knows how many times, and his speed was also gradually increasing. Although it was not obvious, but in a competition like this, even a slight increase in speed was still considered good.

On the other hand, the surrounding Rubbing Master had already endured for a few hours. The spiritual force was initially full, but until now, each and every one of them became tired.

Lu Yang couldn't help but reveal a slight smile. The current situation was exactly as he had expected, and as long as it was a human, no matter how strong the spiritual force was, there would be a limit, which could absolutely not be compared with the system.

A normal Rubbing Master would have already reached their limit after a few hours of imprinting. Someone who could last for twelve hours could already be considered a genius in Rubbing Master. As for those who could endure for eighteen hours, they were definitely blessed by the heavens.

According to Lu Yang's calculations, Xu Fann was very likely to be a Heaven's Pride of the Rubbing Master, at least until now.

From morning until now, the sky had gradually darkened. Lamp after lamp began to light up, all of them high quality fluorescent stones, illuminating the entire arena. It was almost as if it was no different from daytime.

Only ten hours had passed, and there were only a few people left who could still persevere. The nine High Level Rubbing Master s were still busy, just that their speed of Skill Storing was not as fast as it had been in the beginning.

Currently, the only ones who were still in good condition were Lu Yang and Xu Fann. As for those middle ranked Rubbing Master, many of them were resting in place to recover their spiritual force.

When Elder Chen saw that Lu Yang was in such a good state, and had been in high spirits since the beginning until now, he was simply overjoyed. In his heart, he thought that he had finally picked up a treasure, and in the entire conference, only Lu Yang could still be compared to his current state.

When he looked at Xu Fann again, he saw that his speed was still as fast as it was initially. However, his face had already turned slightly pale and his forehead was covered with sweat.

At the same time as Skill Storing, Xu Fann also noticed Lu Yang. He was slightly shocked, but he still clenched his teeth and persevered.

In the past, Xu Fann had never placed these people in his eyes.

"I never thought that a dark horse would appear at this convention!" This speed can definitely compare to mine. Let's see who can last until the end. "

The two were silent. After such a long period of time, the opponents' strengths were all clear to see. The strong and the weak were all determined. The two of them worked hard, putting themselves in their best condition and imprinting it with the fastest speed.

And just like that, the night gradually faded and there were very few Rubbing Master still persisting on the stage. And the Rubbing Master who had previously rested well, upon the end of the night, they once again stood up and continued Skill Storing.

As long as the time was not up yet, they would not give up so easily. Even if they could only make one more copy, it was still hope for them.

The High Level Rubbing Master s who had been persisting from the start till now had all reached their limits, and each one of them finally could not hold on any longer.

Qing Feng and Yuan Tong collapsed onto the ground. They waved their hands towards the arena and weakly said, "Referee, we can't do it anymore. We choose to end it early!"

The referee nodded slightly. Right now, there were only two hours left until the end. Even if they chose to rest, a mere two hours was still far from enough.

They came to Yuan Tongba and Qing Feng's stages respectively and counted the number of copies the two had made. The judge announced loudly: "High Level Rubbing Master Yuan Tongba, 35 books! High Level Rubbing Master Qingfeng, thirty three books! "

There were only two books between them, but it determined the ranking between the two of them. Needless to say, this kind of result was definitely the lowest among the High Level Rubbing Master.

When the surrounding Rubbing Master heard the results of Yuan Tongjian and Qingfeng, they all let out a breath of relief. They knew that someone was helping them to reach the bottom, so they relaxed a little.

"Eh? The two who were ranked eighth and ninth have already ended, but why hasn't the seventh have ended yet? " Seeing Lu Yang still continuing with his Skill Storing, the sixth ranked Rubbing Master started to panic.

Although his back was drenched in sweat and was completely relying on perseverance, the sixth ranked Rubbing Master still refused to give up. He wanted to take the last bit of time to make another copy and fight for a good ranking for himself.

However, seeing that the fifth ranked fellow and the seventh ranked Lu Yang were still busy, the sixth ranked Rubbing Master immediately lost his confidence.

"Could it be that I am really ranked seventh? Why have I been working so hard for these past three years, and yet still ended up like this? " His heart was filled with unwillingness, the sixth ranked cultivator fell to the ground after he finished the last Beast-controlling Technique, and actually fainted.

"High Level Rubbing Master Wang Lei, 43 books!" In terms of numbers, they had already surpassed Qing Feng, but the difference in numbers compared to Lu Yang, was simply too great.

Hearing this result, the fifth ranked cultivator heaved a sigh of relief, and chose to end the competition early.

When there were only two hours left, another two Rubbing Master s could not hold on any longer and ended the competition early. And the most common one only took sixty-eight copies before all of his spiritual force were exhausted, and just like the guy in the sixth place, he directly fainted.

There were only three people left on stage, and only two hours were left.

Xu Fann raised his eyes and looked at Lu Yang. From the look in his eyes, it could be seen that he already treated Lu Yang as his opponent, and as for the person ranked second, he was immediately disregarded by Xu Fann.

Xu Fann's mouth curved into a smile as he wiped the perspiration off his forehead. persevering for a day and a night was not a small feat for him, but he had obtained a hundred and thirty-six books of results.

However, this wasn't his limit.

Xu Fann quietly reached his hand into his bosom and muttered to himself: "Looks like I've really met an opponent this time. It's been a long time since I've received such a threat! However, how could I, Xu Fann, be so easily defeated? "

When Xu Fann's hand came out of his clothes, Lu Yang suddenly raised his head and looked through the God's Eye and saw what was in Xu Fann's hand.

The thing that was filled with spirit energy was clearly the Spirit Wood Book!

"Have you finally revealed your trump card?" Lu Yangxin secretly sneered.

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