After all, there are so many resources in a city, just like the Beast Master. If one city develops fast, the other cities will slow down. This is the law of everything in the world.

Although there may be another first-class city like Luoyang City in an area or even a larger area covered by Luoyang City, once Luoyang city is successfully promoted to the third class main city, it is hard to say. Even after Luoyang city is promoted to the third level main city, the first level cities it covers will probably not get any good resources for a long time, instead of having the ability to compete with Luoyang City now.

Therefore, for such a large number of suntu runes, many big forces are bound to win.

"One thousand and one hundred yellow crystal stones!" After the fireeye master called out the price, a middle-aged man's voice suddenly came from a private room.

"One thousand and two hundred yellow crystal stones!" Just when the middle-aged man was still lucky, a woman's voice came out of the private room.

"Hum, I'm going to make a decision, 1500 pieces of yellow stone." Another middle-aged man's voice came out of the compartment.

"You should be the leader of Changhe City, changnanshan?" After the man called out 1500 pieces of Huang Jie Jing Shi, the woman said faintly.

"Ha ha ha, I'm the first-class city leader, changnanshan. What is Miss The status of changnanshan is noble, so it's impossible for him to hide. What's more, he's not only powerful, but also with seven or eight yellow rank animal masters. No one dares to underestimate him wherever he goes. How could he be afraid of other people's eyes?

"Little girl Hongyan City, hongziyan!" Hongziyan reported her name, which immediately caused a burst of uproar.

You should know that in this three-level main city area, Luoyang is the most powerful city in addition to the main city, but in addition, Hongyan city is also the most detached existence among these main cities.

Its detachment is not because Hongyan city is a city composed entirely of female residents, but because xuanjie Beast Master can be born in this city, which is unimaginable for any first-class city.

It is because of this that Hongyan city has become second only to Luoyang City. To some extent, its mystery is far beyond Luoyang City.

In addition, the beauty of Hongyan city is also an important thing. Not only that, some royal beast division and Hongyan city beauty married, gave birth to most of the children are also very potential. For hundreds of years, it can be said that Hongyan city has opened up branches and leaves. Almost every first-class city has many families who have been married to Hongyan City, which also makes the contacts of Hongyan city more and more terrible.

Most importantly, there is only one Hong family in the whole Hongyan city. This kind of rule has lasted for hundreds of years. This courage alone is enough to shock the surrounding areas. Moreover, in the past hundreds of years, Hongyan city has repeatedly revealed its amazing achievements. Therefore, most people are reluctant to provoke the disciples of Hongyan city who go out.

It is because of the above reasons that the appearance of zihongyan is very strange and grand.

"Are you the youngest Lord of Hongyan city? I'll give it to you! " Changnan mountain god feeling slightly a Leng, finally sighed, ready to bear the pain to give up.

Therefore, the 100 pieces of sunken earth runes finally fell to Hong Ziyan at a very normal price. Generally speaking, the auction house will hardly charge the employer much service charge for this kind of slightly lower price auction goods.

After sunken runes were auctioned off, some of them were auctioned off, but these runes were too common, and they were basically auctioned off at a price slightly higher than the market price.

But in this process, I have never seen the space flame Rune made by Lu Yang.

Finally, after several rounds of auctions, when the scene was a little chilly, the eye of fire once again pulled out a black tray, which was covered with a red curtain. The energy in the curtain fluctuated, as if even the space became distorted.

"What's going to be auctioned is one of the most valuable treasures in rune. It must be clear to all of you that among all the basic runes, according to their value and rarity, they are divided into gold, wood, water, fire and earth, followed by thunder and lightning, followed by darkness and light, and finally space. It can be seen that among all the basic runes, the space rune is the most precious and rare one

"Well, here comes the play. The next Rune to be auctioned is the space flame rune. According to the maker, this space flame Rune can first distort the space, stop the enemy's attack, and then release the flame energy to form an effective counterattack. The specific attack power depends on the user's strength."

"Now the price of this rare space flame rune is 600 Yellowstones, and each time the price is increased by 50 Yellowstones!" Lu Yang's eyes lit up when he heard the auctioneer's words. He didn't expect that the rune reserve price of his refining space had exceeded his expectation, but he didn't know what the next bidding would be.

After all, the number of space runes is extremely rare, and this is a space flame Rune made of flame crystal, so its value is even more incalculable."650 pieces of yellow stone." Up to 600 pieces of huangjie crystal, most of the fake huangjie beast masters and the huangjie beast masters sitting on the VIP seats are unable to compete. Now only the VIP in the private room has the strength to compete. The speaker seems to be determined to get the space flame rune.

"Seven hundred pieces of topaz." At this time, someone is bidding.

"Eight hundred pieces of topaz." Don't know when, before and hongziyan bidding changnanshan also began bidding.

"Ha ha ha, Lord Chang, when do you need to buy these runes to protect your life? I'll give you nine hundred Yellowstones. " At this time, an old man's voice came out in a private room.

"Hum, Weng Ba, do you want to fight with me? I'll take the rune for a thousand pieces of yellow stone! " Changnanshan seems to be in a bad mood because hongziyan robbed her Rune before. Now there is another old man competing with him for rune, so he can't tolerate it any more. It's not a matter of rune, it's a matter of face.

"One thousand and fifty pieces of yellow stone!" Weng Ba called out a number again.

"1200 pieces of Yellowstone." Chang Nan Shan didn't care to shout again.

"What, 1200 Yellowstone stones?" Lu Yang never dreamed that the price of his own Rune was more than twice as high as he expected. And the bidding between them is far from over.

"Don't rob both of you. This space flame rune is for me! I'll give you 1500 pieces of topaz! " Just as Weng Ba and Chang Nan Shan were competing, a middle-aged man's voice suddenly appeared.

"The space flame rune is completely composed of flame energy, and it uses yellow flame crystal. It's worth a lot. For me, it's more important. You three big men don't want to compete with little women! " Just as the three men were fighting, another woman joined in, "I'll give you 1600 pieces of yellow stone."

Another bidding almost made Lu Yang more excited.

He really didn't know if he could get a higher price for his space of flame rune.

At this moment, he felt that his heart had to keep beating with the realm of the field, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred. His heart beat faster and faster with the rising price. If he had not been out of the category of ordinary people, it would have killed him dozens of times.

"Hum, just now I let the people of Hongyan City, but I'm afraid you can't do it. I'll give 1800 pieces of huangjie crystal stones!"

"One thousand and eight hundred pieces of huangjie crystal buy a space flame rune, which is definitely a profit. After all, it is very difficult to make space runes, and among all the basic runes, they are almost scarce. In the same way, it is very rare to find flaming topaz. Now the value of two kinds of goods is even more expensive when they are added together.... "

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