The boy that the wizard said was naturally Lu Yang.

However, he knew that Lu Yang's affairs were not discovered when he entered the Terran realm, but the news he got from the auction house. Otherwise, even if Lu Yang's strength was strong, he would die in the hands of this old monster again.

"And you black village, what I asked you to do, how did you think about it?" The witch envoy no longer paid attention to Dongzhi, but looked at the black brown bear.

At first glance, this brown bear is similar to an ordinary brown bear, but it's a little too big. It's almost ten meters high and weighs more than 100000 Jin. Standing there, it's like a hill.

But if you look at it carefully, you will find that this brown bear has something similar to tortoise shell all over his body, but the color of tortoise shell is brown, as if he was wearing armor all over his body.

This is the descendant of an ancient bear turtle. It is said that the ancient bear turtle not only has strong defense, but also is not old and does not die. The flesh and blood of the whole body can be cut off at will. As long as there is a trace of flesh and blood on the body, it will not die and can still be reborn. It can be said that it is an extremely fierce beast.

But now the ancient fierce beasts have gone through a disaster, and all of them no longer exist. Only these monsters with a third or even a quarter of the holy vein blood still exist in this world.

"My Lord, I also need to consider what you said. After all, it is related to the future survival of our people. I can't give you an easy answer!" Although it seems very easy for them to lend troops to the sorcerer, once it comes to the root, the three leaders are still not willing to reply immediately.

Of course, their hesitation is the second, and they mainly want to see how other tribes make their choices.

"Well, I see. On the surface, you guys still say that you are the descendants of our fierce beasts, but in fact, you have different ideas. Forget it, anyway, I don't have much hope for you. Since you don't want to obey my orders, I won't mention this matter in the future. But one thing you should remember is that if you refuse me this time and you come to me on your own initiative, I'm afraid you will have to pay more than that. Let's go A scepter suddenly appeared in the wizard's hand.

This scepter is carved from the ancient wood of ten thousand years with runes. On the scepter, the runes are like dragons, which turn into chains to completely lock the great vitality and energy in the ancient wood of ten thousand years. At the same time, there are several arrays to provide the scepter with a continuous stream of heaven and earth aura and other energy. Finally, the whole scepter and the above runes The article has formed a faint dragon shape, although not very lifelike, but incomparably vivid.

In addition to this scepter, a huge pale and slightly red gem is inlaid on the top of the scepter. It seems that there is a flame inside the gem, which flows back and forth. It seems that it will escape from the gem at any time. It looks very strange.

Now the sorcerer raised the scepter high, and a powerful space force spread out from his palm.

"Thank you very much Although these three monsters are very clear about the danger of space transmission, they don't have any bargaining possibility in front of the wizard. This is not only a punishment for them, but also a special reward for them. This reward allows them to go directly to where they want to go.

"Let's go!" The sorcerer snorted, and the space power in the scepter quickly spread out, and then the three figures quickly disappeared in front of the sorcerer.

"Hum, Dongzhou city?" Firebird gives a cold smile and thinks of the young man mentioned by the sorcerer. If he can get him into his own hands, maybe he can learn some space power. Even if he can't, he can make space runes. At least he won't be so painful in the future.


As the huge space power shrinks, Firebird feels that everything he could have seen is submerged in the dark, and then a strong space power expands from his position, turns into black tentacles and begins to grasp her body.

At the same time, around her body, there is a huge whirlpool that completely wrapped her body, walking slowly in the dark.

If Lu Yang is here, he can clearly see that the space power is nothing else, but tens of thousands of space runes form black tentacles, and then catch the Firebird to the place she wants to go. Moreover, the farther away he wants to go, the more powerful this power will be.

Fortunately, the place where Firebird will go is not very far away, so this strength did not reward Firebird's body tearing. But even so, after leaving the whirlpool of space, Firebird's body is still dripping with blood. It looks particularly frightening, just like a war.


Firebird leaves from the whirlpool of space. She has appeared in a forest, which is the nearest forest to Donglai city.

The Firebird coughed for a while. After coughing out the blood in her internal organs, her face was pale. At the same time, the frightened look in her eyes gradually returned to calm, and then replaced by a strong sense of hatred."Hum, old man, we have to torture us every time, just to make us submit to him! I think you're dreaming. A guy from the cult dares to make trouble. I think you're tired of working! " Firebird scolded after a few words, the original heart is not happy also disappeared, replaced by a face of excited expression.

"I haven't been to the Terran world for a long time, and I don't know if there is any fun in this secondary city." The Firebird was so happy that he was ready to look for the nearest city.

Wu Shi didn't tell him that it was the man who had the power of space in Dongzhou City, so she could only rely on her three inch tongue to deal with it.

At the same time, a bigger thing happened in the Tianjia village.

"What do you say Tianxing is dead?" Tian Xingjian's father, Tian Qibo, seems to be several years old after hearing the news of his son's death.

Although he didn't want to believe this fact, the diviner broke it down with him according to the hexagram.

Even if divination itself is a unreliable thing, but can't bear to have nearly a hundred times to show this result, so even if Tianxingjian doesn't believe it, it's not enough to be sorry.

"Master, I once heard that there is an ancient tomb in rehuang town. I'm afraid he took people there for exploration." Next to him, a pseudo yellow level Beast Master quickly reminded him.

"It wasn't long before the town was taken over by tianyimen. Although no ancient tomb was found, the town was built slowly." The pseudo yellow level Beast Master continued.

"What could have happened?" Tian Qibo was a little surprised and said, "if this thing is true, then Tianxingjian may have been killed by tianyimen people. Go and find out. You must find out for me!" Tian Xingjian's eyes are full of fierce light. It seems that he is ready to avenge his son.

"Tell the master that the Kun family are going to leave our Donglai city overnight. It's not clear what they're going to do. Moreover, their houses and properties have been sold to Duobao Pavilion. It's absolutely true!" After the words of the pseudo yellow level Beast Master, another pseudo yellow level beast master came over there and said in a panic.

"What? It's strange that the Kun family should move. Don't you know what else the Kun family has to say? " After hearing the news, Tian Qibo immediately stood up from his chair.

"Did the Du family make it?" Tian Xingjian thought about it and finally denied his idea.

Although the Du family has such strength, it is not necessarily the Du family's people who do it. What's more, how much does it cost to drive away the Kun family!

"Give orders immediately. Our Tian family members are not allowed to leave the area of Donglai city within a month, especially the family members!" Tian Qibo obviously felt that the whole atmosphere of Donglai city had been changed, and it must be something big.

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