Among the war favorites Lu Yang has now, the king of fire Golden Dragon is a war pet with independent consciousness. Naturally, Lu Yang does not need to manage him and can let him act on his own. The king of gold war is a real war pet and must be controlled by himself.

In addition to the two Huang Jiezhan pets, Lu Yang also has a very special Huang Jiezhan pet, Bi an. Bi'An was born cunning and greedy. Although he had been transformed by the Royal beast system and reshaped his body, his nature could not be changed. Therefore, Lu Yang did not fully trust him and had to control him.

In this way, Lu Yang has made a new change in his deployment when he came to bury the barren forest this time.

The flame Golden Dragon King was sent by Lu Yang to the buried forest for self training. When necessary, he came to support tianyimen's disciples, or even to seek help from Lu Yang. This is the second protective measure Lu Yang buried for tianyimen's disciples. In this way, he can be more at ease to do their own things.

In the real battle, he relied on the king of gold.

At this moment, the python has been lurking from behind Luyang. In his opinion, his action is safe and even can kill the prey easily. But for Lu Yang, every move of the python is under his supervision and control?

Lu Yang narrowed his eyes and seemed to control his mental strength to a certain extent. Just after the python came to his dangerous area, Lu Yang had already taken out the Dragon chopping sword.

"Here it is All of a sudden, the python has realized that it can kill Luyang. It suddenly starts to speed up. As it moves faster and faster, a python, which is four or five meters thick and more than ten meters long, has appeared behind Luyang, swinging its huge body.

It seems that he can tear Lu Yang to pieces.

"Hum, beast, you finally appear. Let's see!" As soon as Lu Yang turned around, his dragon chopping sword turned into a whirlwind and flew out.

The whirlwind collided with the Python's body and produced a lot of sparks.

What's more, the animal's forehead has grown a horn that is thick and thin as an adult's arm. It has a tendency to turn into a dragon. Once it becomes a dragon, even if its blood is impure, its strength will be greatly improved, and it may even become a fierce beast of the mysterious level. This is the power of blood.

On the contrary, without the power of blood, even if a fierce beast is powerful, it can't advance at all. This is the sadness of fierce beast. The weak beast can't turn over and surpass the strong all his life.


The python didn't expect that the weak looking Terran had found his sneak attack, and immediately gave out a sharp roar.

However, it is also secretly glad that if it is not wrong, this Terran should be the kind of pseudo yellow level Beast Master who does not have yellow level fierce beast. It may even lose its own fierce beast for some reason, so it will come here with courage to find a yellow level fierce beast. Such a human body contains abundant aura, and the taste is the best.

As long as you eat this Terran, its strength will be greatly improved. Although it may not be able to complete Jiaohua, it can increase the speed of evolution. At that time, it doesn't have to be afraid of that hateful guy!

So this Terran has to die!


Although the boa constrictor can't speak, its intelligence quotient is not low. It soon analyzed a set of theories that it thought were right. With these ideas, its injustice of killing Lu Yang increased a lot.

After the scream, the python pounced on Luyang again, and its speed was much faster than before, and its strength was also much greater. In its view, the last time it drew with the Terran, it was a fluke of the Terran. Otherwise, how could it be defeated by such a weak Terran.

Hum, as soon as the Yellow level beast was advanced, it was beyond its capacity. Although it was already, even a real dragon in a complete state was just a black level beast. What's more, the real boa constrictor's blood was not pure, and its strength was greatly reduced. Moreover, this boa constrictor was still 18000 miles away from the real boa constrictor. If it has a chance to deal with the general yellow level Beast Master, but it's too difficult to deal with Lu Yang.

Lu Yang let out a chill in his heart. His legs suddenly touched the ground. His whole body had already jumped up like an ape. His body shape is extremely flexible. He immediately grasped a strong branch and followed the direction of the branch. In the blink of an eye, he came to the other side of the tree, which is the side of the Python's body.

"Hum, little fellow, no matter how smart you are, you are only a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old. Moreover, you are pure minded and full of desire. How can you be my opponent?" Lu Yang darted out of the boa constrictor's body. He didn't use a weapon at all, and just went up with one punch.

The power of more than 300000 Jin, like a hill, directly pressed on the Python's body. Just this is enough to crush the Python's body. Of course, the boa constrictor has no bones, but even so, the scales on its body are broken dozens of pieces by Lu Yang, and the blood also flows out from it."Wow," the boa constrictor's body jerked, and he flew out of Lu Yang.

Python's body shaking more and more severe, the wound on its body actually slowly healed, and in the place of its wound, there were some new scales.

The boa constrictor was hurt by Lu Yang, and his eyes were full of hatred. As his speed increased, he rushed towards Lu Yang again, and his speed increased again.

Lu Yang can feel that this time the python really wants to find Lu Yang.

"Well, why bother?" Lu Yang sighed, as if to himself or to the boa constrictor. In a word, he didn't want to see the boa constrictor die.

"Boa constrictor, I know it's not easy for you to cultivate the Yellow level fierce beast, and you are still in the Jiaohua stage, and your future is limitless. But do you know the possibility of your Jiaohua? One in a thousand! If you are willing to be my favorite, I have the ability to help you become a dragon, and even help you purify your body and make your blood more pure. " Because the boa constrictor was injured by Lu Yang. It has become extremely crazy, but Lu Yang's strength has indeed attracted its attention. This is a good opportunity for Lu Yang to negotiate.

Lu Yang also doesn't care if the python can understand what he says. In a word, some words still have to be said.


Hearing Lu Yang's words, the boa constrictor gave a confused cry. Lu Yang could hear that the boa constrictor was a little moved, but he still didn't trust and even despised Lu Yang. He didn't believe that Lu Yang could help him, and even thought he still had an advantage.

Because Lu Yang's life and death are still in his hands.

"Well, it's really stubborn!" After dodging several times, Lu Yang was not ready to dodge any more. This time he took out the purple blood blade.

"The gate of hell!" With the advent of a black light, the Python's body was shrouded in the black light. All of a sudden, four black gates completely blocked its sight.

Although the python already has its own consciousness, and even has a strong sense of God, but who is it compared with. If it is compared with Lu Yang, its divine consciousness is still too weak.

Of course, compared with Luyang, its defense is very strong.

As the saying goes, "one thing comes down one thing." Lu Yang found the weakness of the python. Although he didn't subdue it easily, he still had no problem trapping it for a while.

"How to raise it? Don't you accept it?" Lu Yang stood in the distance, looking at the wild Python and asked aloud.


Python's vision has been blocked, it can no longer see anything, at the moment can only use their thick body crazy towards the past.

At this moment, all the trees around it have suffered, the big trees have been smashed, and the earth has also appeared a depression similar to the shape of Python tail. In some places, a large stone with a weight of thousands of pounds has also been powdered. In short, the boa constrictor at this moment has become a roller, and the place it passes is in a mess.

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