Just as the city Lord's mansion was preparing to find Lu Yang, tens of thousands of fierce beasts had swarmed out of the mountains near the buried forest. This time, the one who led these fierce beasts was a very powerful Yellow scale fierce beast, a member of the tribe of the steel armored tortoise bear, and also a descendant of the ancient tortoise bear.

However, in its generation, its appearance has changed a lot, and the holy blood in its body has been sparse and in a mess, even thinner than the holy blood in the body of the fire dragon king.

But it doesn't mean that it can't advance to the Yellow stage. It's only one step away from the dark stage. Moreover, it has been promised by the patriarch. If it can win five second tier cities and one first tier city in a short time, heizhuang will personally help it to be promoted.

The second tier city was its first attack site.

However, it is impossible for a large number of fierce beasts to arrive at Donglai city in a short time. There is at least one day's interval between them. In this process, the first to get information is the king of buried forest, python.

However, Lu Yang has explained in advance that if the animal tide breaks out, the fierce animals in this vein will not be able to participate and must hide. Therefore, a large number of fierce animals enter the river before the animal tide comes, and even some fierce animals who can't swim hide in the Python's cave.

In short, a large number of ferocious animals in the buried forest, as long as they are related to the python, are also placed by it, and in order to protect their lives, most of the ferocious animals are secretly disposed of by it.

It can be said that in order to surrender to Lu Yang, python has almost done the utmost. At the same time, it also personally sent a dozen ordinary birds into Donglai city to report to Lu Yang through various channels.

At the moment, in Donglai City, Lu Yang has just received an invitation from Murong Fuye to enter the city master's mansion to talk with him.

In Donglai City, all the big families in history were invited to the city master's residence. On the one hand, the city Lord's office will test these big families; on the other hand, the city Lord's office will show enough sincerity, and even act as a bridge for these big families. Once these big families develop to a certain extent, the city Lord's office will recommend them to settle down in big cities. In this way, it can not only consolidate the position of the city master, but also contribute to the higher cities.

This kind of thing has become a common practice in almost all local city masters' offices. Lu Yang had also talked with elder Chen before, so he was not surprised.

Just as he left tianyimen, four or five sparrows suddenly appeared in the sky.

If there is no one and a half sparrows in Donglai City, it's too much to say, but these sparrows are flying to Luyang like puppies now, which makes him puzzled.

Just as Lu Yang was about to drive the sparrows away, a familiar voice appeared in his mind.

"Well? How could it be so fast? It seems that I underestimated the cult! " When Lu Yang got the news, he immediately returned to tianyimen. At the same time, he immediately sent people to send the news to some schools related to tianyimen, especially the Du family. Then he rushed to the city Lord's residence as soon as possible.

Inside the city Lord's mansion, Murong Qiankun looked anxiously at the information he had collected. Some of the information has been available before, and some of it has just been obtained. However, no matter which information is available, it shows that the leader of tianyimen is definitely not an easy role to deal with. In particular, the rising trend of tianyimen has become inevitable.

He sighed and looked at his daughter, who was sitting opposite him. He asked curiously, "ye'er, what is Lu Yang's ability to make you and Du Xian improve their cultivation level in a short time? He even bribed you to turn your elbow out and speak for this outsider?"

"Father, I used to work with the leader of lumen to escort the caravan. His character is still guaranteed. So when he comes here this time, my father must not put pressure on him. After all, his character is soft rather than hard. What's more, now the whole capital of light is covered by the tide of beasts. I think the rumor about the fierce beasts among the Terrans is close. I hope my father will focus on the future of the Terrans! " Murong Fuye desperately wants to say good things to Lu Yang, but Murong Qiankun doesn't seem to appreciate it.

"Hum, you little guys, you know what the future of the Terran is. Without a rule, does the Terran have a future? Well, I'll pay attention to everything you say! " Murong Qiankun is a hot temper. If he can't get along with him, he will put out the water. It is calculated that his favorite daughter intercedes with Lu Yang, but he doesn't appreciate it.

Of course, where can a fool sit?

In Murong Qiankun's mind, he has already thought about how to suppress Lu Yang, and then give him a sugar coated bullet to soften him and suppress him. In a word, his attitude towards Lu Yang will never be blindly soft. Otherwise, blindly giving Lu Yang benefits will only make him feel that the city Lord's house is easy to bully, and it will be more and more difficult to discipline in the future.

"Bao, tianyimen leader Lu Yang is visiting!" Just when Murong Qiankun was still suspicious, the servants of the Lord's mansion immediately came to report."Let him see me!" Murong Qiankun looks like an old man. He doesn't plan to go out to meet Lu Yang, which makes Murong Fuye feel depressed.

However, she walked a few steps quickly and came with the servant to a small square outside the gate of the city master's mansion, where she saw Lu Yang.

"Don't worry, Master Lu." It's time for them to make friends again.

But when she thought that her father's old problems would be made again, she was somewhat unhappy.

"It's Miss Murong. First of all, congratulations on your marriage with dugo. By the way, I don't know what the Lord of the city has come to see me about this time? " Seeing Murong Fuye, Lu Yang first congratulated him, and then asked.

"Well, it's not the same. Now that tianyimen is powerful, he even lives in the Kun family. As the administrator of the city Lord's mansion, my father naturally wants to see you! " Murong Fuye expression some embarrassed said.

"Ha ha, Miss Murong, you don't need to worry about these. Mr. Murong is also my elder. We must follow what he says. It's just hard work for Miss Murong. By the way, I'll call her sister-in-law in the future! " Lu Yang knew the difficulty of Murong Fuye, so he opened a way nearby.

"That's right. I'll be a family in the future, so there's no need to be so polite. But when you see my father later, don't contradict him. After all, he has been sitting in this position for a long time. There must be Guanwei. " Murong Fuye also can't just say good things to Lu Yang, but he has to explain it for his father.

Soon Lu Yang came to Murong Qiankun's study.

"I've met Lord Murong When Lu Yang came into his study, he saw Murong Qiankun sitting on his chair drinking tea. Seeing Lu Yang coming in, Murong Qiankun stood up and asked Lu Yang to sit down. He also asked someone to pour tea for him.

This is a downfall for Lu Yang and a sweet jujube.

"Ha ha, the lumen master is really extraordinary. But I want to ask you something this time! " Murong Qiankun said that, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, but became very serious.

Lu Yang knew that he was going to beat himself.

"Don't you know what the lumen master knows? Some time ago, the Kun family lost more than 20 fake huangjie beast masters, even four or five huangjie beast masters. Don't you know why the lumen master knows this?" Murong Qian Kun said with a smile.

"Oh? There are also such things. But I think it's better for Miss Murong to talk about some things! " Lu Yang gives Murong Fuye a wink. He knows that Murong Fuye doesn't even tell his father about some things, but now it involves the Kun family, so she has to say it.

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