"Jin Ying, where did you go just now? Why do you disappear when we get hurt? " Gu Hua had already been in a coma. Gu Chong pointed to Lu Yang and asked.

"Brother Guchong, don't worry. I think there must be something hard to say about Jinying." See bone Chong so angry, bone month quickly in the side persuasion way.

It's a look and a face, not a look.

"Jin Ying, what's the matter with the tiger king shark in your hand?" Although they don't like Lu Yang, it has nothing to do with strength, but blood relationship, but at present they haven't entered Qianmo Island, so we must try our best to ensure the unity of the whole small team, otherwise, their formation will stop here.

"Prince Bonzi, the tiger king shark in my hand is really the mysterious level fierce beast that we want to sneak attack from the back when we kill the sword King thorn. If I don't do it in time, I'm afraid that this tiger king shark will sneak attack from the back and cause irreparable consequences." Lu Yangyue said that the more bone Chong felt cool behind.

Although he is not very optimistic about Lu Yang, if what he says is true, then they really misunderstand him.


With the landing of the land ocean, he threw the tiger king shark on the ground. Then Gu Yue saw that one of his legs was torn off by the tiger king shark, and the blood was flowing down from it. It seemed that he was seriously injured.

"Jin Ying, are you ok?" Seeing that Lu Yang was injured, Gu Yue rushed to stop the bleeding.

Seeing this, Guchong stopped talking.

In a word, Lu Yang is in more danger than they are.

If Lu Yang really wants to target them, I'm afraid they are all dead in the lake now.

"Well, I'll admit that I've wronged you. I'm sorry." Hearing Lu Yang's words, Gu Chong reluctantly apologizes, but his focus is still on the injured Gu Hua.

Of course, the demons are all strong in physical training. Unless their bodies are seriously injured, their body injuries will be healed quickly. As long as they replenish the evil Qi in time afterwards, their injuries will be healed in a certain period of time.

As for the current bone flower, although the injury is relatively heavier than that of Lu Yang, who let others be a princess, with a powerful hemostatic pill, and soon the wound on bone flower's body has recovered.

With the explanation of Gu Yue and Gu Chong, Gu Hua has no opinion about Lu Yang, but he is not grateful.

"Well, we are all in a team. I hope we can let you know in advance when we leave next time." Gu Chong in front of Gu Hua, symbolically said Lu Yang a sentence, then no longer mentioned at this time.

Although they didn't succeed in killing the king of swords, with this king of tigers shark, their big meal was guaranteed. Moreover, the meat quality of tiger king shark is much better than sword King thorn. They are very satisfied with the meal. It can be said that all the credit for the meal is put on Lu Yang.

After the big meal, everyone built their temporary houses and slept until dawn.

Early the next morning, they swam across the Icelandic lake and came to Qianmo island.

You know, the area of Qianmo island is very large. Although the xuanjie fierce beasts are not as good as the Icelandic lake, they are definitely more than the mohuang grassland.

In this way, they need to be more careful when they enter Qianmo island to look for that thing.

Fortunately, they ate the flesh and blood of tiger king shark and made the wounds of Guhua and Guchong recover quickly. Even Luyang's injuries have been completely controlled, which means that although some people have confidence to enter the more dangerous territory of Qianmo Island, otherwise, they will only be able to walk around Qianmo island with courage.

"What do you see ahead?" According to the route on the map, they came to the first waterfall and marked on the map that there should be several magic flowers under this waterfall.

The magic flower is not an ordinary object, but a kind of magic treasure. Once the magic flower is made into powder, you only need to inhale a little to make people hallucinate. For a long time, you can't get rid of this hallucination.

It can be said that the magic flower is absolutely a very precious elixir.

But it's also marked on the map, and there is a powerful fierce beast in xuanjie near Wanmo flower. Although I don't know what it is, it's not a kind of flower from the perspective of its rarity.


While they were still observing in the woods, an angular one eyed dragon slowly flew out of the waterfall.

It's a one eyed dragon because it has only one eye on its forehead.

However, this eye is not used to see the road, but can release a hypnotic sound wave. Once hit by this sound wave, his spiritual world will soon be overturned, and he will enter into a very other hypnotic state.

At that time, no matter how the one eyed dragon wants to torture them, there will be no problem.

"There's a one eyed dragon here. It's said that this dragon can master the Rune of soft water and is as powerful as the demons in the later stage of xuanjie. I'm afraid we can draw with him together." After seeing this fierce beast of xuanjie, I felt a little weak."What is equivalent to the later stage of xuanjie? Isn't it necessary to be stronger to get that thing? " Hearing this, the other two princesses were disappointed, and they even took Lu Yang to heart.

Because if there is no Lu Yang, I'm afraid the chance to be promoted to xuanjie demon is theirs.

"Then what should we do? We can't let such a good opportunity go without taking it!" Hear bone son's words, have been extremely displeased bone flower some exasperate become angry to say.

"Guhua, please pay attention to your words. You can't talk to brother GuZi like this!" See bone flower some exasperate become angry appearance, bone Chong very severe warning way.

"Brother, if I didn't have Jin win, I would have been promoted to xuanjie. It's because of him that I didn't have the chance. Besides, brother GuZi is also biased towards him. I really don't know why he is so good! " In addition to the previous injury, and see their hopeless life, bone flower finally vent their anger in the heart.

"Hum, if your strength is not good, don't resent others. If you have any opinions, go back. A person without strength is not welcome here." Bone son hears the words of bone flower, a face sneers of say.

Others are afraid of her, but he is not, and his position in the family is even higher than that of her.

If Gu Hua didn't like to please her father, I'm afraid she wouldn't be so proud, and even his words would not be taken seriously.

"Brother GuZi, if you talk to me like this, aren't you afraid of my father? In a word, I don't agree, I don't agree! " Bone flower's voice is more and more big, have no scruple at all, but blindly want to vent their anger.

"Bone flower!" Seeing that the bone is more and more angry and the bone flower is more and more human, it is also very difficult for the bone punch to be sandwiched in the middle.

At this time, the one eyed Jiaolong, who had been paying attention to the movement around him, finally found out their existence and rushed to this side.

Because it catches prey by means of sound, it pours at the bone flower as soon as it appears.

"Brother, help me!" Gu Hua accidentally sees the one eyed Jiaolong's eyes and suddenly falls into a dreamland.

In a word, countless blood flowed down from her body, which seemed to be the result of her desperate use of evil Qi to hurt herself.

"No, she's already in the magic. Save her now!" See bone flower's body more and more weak, eventually her body completely exploded, into a blood mist died.

"No, sister!" Seeing that his sister was killed by the one eyed dragon, Gu Chong roared and rushed to the one eyed dragon.

However, the one eyed dragon didn't care at all. Its body swung fiercely to the side, and its huge tail beat the bone away. Then it jumped forward again, and then it jumped on Gu Yue's body.

"Damn it, I didn't expect it to be so powerful! Jin Ying, we can't be separated. We have to help each other. Otherwise, we will die here too! "

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