Just as Lu Yang entered the bone temple, when they first entered the bone temple, they also appeared in a very narrow corridor. Two rows of white bone oil lamps were placed on the walls on both sides of the corridor. In the white bone oil lamps, the blood of powerful veterans was ignited. Even a drop of blood was enough to supply the oil lamps for decades or even longer It's time.

I don't know how many people's blood has been poured into this hundred ghost oil lamp before it can burn until now.

In addition, there is a lot of death here, filling every corner of the whole passage. If Lu Yang hadn't come in once, I'm afraid it would be really difficult to adapt to the situation here for a while.

It's Gu Lianda and his subordinates who have adapted to the atmosphere of death earlier than Lu Yang expected. If Lu Yang had not guessed wrong, they would have been to more than one place where there was the air of death. Otherwise, they could not easily resonate with the air of death, and even the air of death could be absorbed by them.

Seeing Lu Yang's doubts, Gu Lianda said with a smile, "Jin Ying, there are some things I shouldn't have told you, but since you gave up your life to save my sister and are my future brother-in-law, then there are some things I should have told you."

"Do you know why our family has this name? That's because all the people in our family can absorb the breath of death, and this tomb was built by our ancestors, and now it's just like this after the repair of the demon king of the family in the past dynasties. "

"In addition, this is also the place where the ossuary family used to cultivate talents. Almost every prince can get the seal of general and handsome here, and the more power he wants to get, the more sweat he will give others. So our family of bone banks can stand here Gu Lianda said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that the ossuary family should have such a glorious history. I was really taught." After hearing Gu Lianda's words, Lu Yang learned more about the family.

To put it bluntly, there is not much difference between demons and Terrans in essence. The difference is the survival law of the two races. On the surface, the human race is harmonious, but in fact, they are secretly fighting.

On the surface, the demons are intriguing, but on the back, they flatter me.

But the difference is that the Terrans have a bottom line no matter what they do, but the demons are different. They are demons, so there is no bottom line for anything they do. To have interests, everything can be sold.

No matter what happens to the demons or the demons, there is one thing they want to do in exchange for the rise of the demons.

"Well, our family has a lot of glorious history, and what you see is just a little bit of it." Hearing Lu Yang's words, Gu Lianda gave a sneer and took the people to the depth of the bone temple.

"Remember, this bone Temple used to be a tomb. Now it's the most important place of our family. It's not totally groundless, and we'll encounter greater danger later. So you should be on guard anyway. You win gold. You're the weakest and no one is protecting you. You should be careful yourself!" Gu Lianda said as he combined the two tokens and began to sense the orientation.

Because there is still a long way to go from the origin, I'm afraid they need to continue to explore in the bone temple.

"Creak, creak..."

Just as they walked out of the corridor and entered a hall, I don't know who accidentally touched the mechanism. Suddenly, the sound of metal friction appeared in the hall.

The hall seems to be very open, but there are dozens of stone carvings of demons around. Each one has a different evil spirit. There, eight or nine metal puppets come out of the bodies of these stone carvings, and turn into a dark, vivid ordinary demon of the ground level in front of Lu Yang and others.

"What, this is the magic power of transforming form?" After seeing these demons, Zhu Zhitong was dumbfounded, and Gu Lianda on one side didn't expect such a powerful demon.

You know, they are just ordinary demons. They don't care about them at all, but these demons are totally different. They are all made of metal, which is equivalent to that their master made them with metal runes, which is the powerful magic power of Huaxing Dafa.

Once formed, these demons are not much different from ordinary demons, but their bodies are far stronger than ordinary demons. I don't know how many times, or even far more than ordinary demons.

Seeing this, Gu Lianda complained in his heart. He thought that the bone temple would be very dangerous, and he had made full mental preparations. But now it seems that he underestimated the mechanism setting in the bone temple.

There was more danger in the bone Temple than he thought.

At this time, from the token in Gu Lianda's hand came the words of the demon king, "Gu Lianda, my son, is extremely cruel on the battlefield. If you can't face such a cruel life and death fight, you'd better die on our territory. At least you won't let the army of the demons suffer losses, and you won't let the family of the ossuary shame.""But now you still have the right to choose, either to seize the seal, or to withdraw from the bone temple and become an ordinary prince." The voice of the demon king's words is more and more dignified. It seems that as long as Gu Lianda flinches a little, this token will take them away from the bone temple.

"No, I must stay!" Gu Lianda soon made a decision to put the token in his pocket and prepare to fight.

"Hahaha, big prince, we are metal nine war demons. Our actions are all one. If you can defeat us, you can make us your followers. On the contrary, if you fail, you will be killed by us to pay homage to the dead here. Do it At the same time, the nine battle demons are in formation, ready to meet the challenge of Jiegu Lianda.

"Sister, just watch the battle with Jin Ying. There's no need to stand behind us. You six will list the attack formation of our bone bank family and follow me immediately!" Gu Lianda looked at the nine demons, but he was also secretly pleased. Once he could subdue the nine demons, his fighting power would be greatly increased after he became a demon general.

"Jin Ying, what kind of formation do you think these nine demons put out?" Seeing that the nine demons formed a triangle, the Golden Red Princess Gu Yue asked.

"It's supposed to be the nine days flying demon!" Lu Yang thought about it before he said.

"Nine days flying demon?" Hearing Jin Ying's words, Gu Yue didn't seem to have heard of it. Instead, she blinked and thought.

But all the time, there was war on the battlefield.

Nine battle demons act at the same time. Three demons greet the great prince Gu Lianda, and six of them meet the six demon generals of Gu Lianda.

Although this is not as fast as the nine demons, their actions are especially consistent. No matter what one of them does, the other demons will help.

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