
Seeing that the prince and his entourage are burned to ashes, the devil who has been protecting Lu Yang and Princess Jinhong will burn blood essence again and speed up to the entrance of the secret place.

Finally, at the moment when he was almost hit by the fire, he left the secret place and entered the palace.

With a "plop", maybe Lu Yang and Princess Jinhong have nothing to do with each other, but the demon general who has been escorting them almost fell to the ground because of his lack of strength. In the secret place of the palace, his physical strength can be imagined.

But even so, the whole palace secret place was shaken violently for a while, and then it was calmed down.

At this moment, thousands of kilometers away, the demon king's bone bank.

"Well? How is that possible? Did someone take the seal? " The demon king's ossuary felt the violent vibration of the token in his hand, and felt that something must be wrong with the palace.

But he didn't believe it. How could the seal be stolen? Did a generation of princes do it?

"No way. If a generation of princes have the ability to do such a thing, they will certainly report to me, but there is no news now. This is absolutely not normal. " The more you think about it, the more strange you feel.

But at this time, the front of the demon bandit army launched another attack, straight into the vein.

"Hum, even if someone steals the handsome seal, I'll see who can poke the sky of WANYING Grottoes for me while I'm alive!" The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. Then a magic knife appeared in his hand. With the attack of the evil bandits, he also appeared in the army of the evil bandits.

"You're going to die!" As soon as the demon king's bone storehouse appeared, he waved it down with a magic knife. The black awn of the sword was like running water, sweeping out all around.

The black light burst out, and the black water whirled violently, which entangled the army of demons and bandits inside and twisted them directly into minced meat. Some of these minced meat turned into pure magic Qi and entered the demon king's body, while some turned into dregs and fell to the ground.

"No, it's the demon king's bone storehouse who led the army to fight for it." Seeing that the demon king's bone storehouse appeared in front of him, these evil bandits suddenly had some silly eyes, and immediately fled to the original road in a hurry.

"Come on, kill me, kill none of these evil bandits!" The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. Under his leadership, tens of thousands of demon troops began to hunt down. The army chased them all the way to a forest, but the bandits didn't run away any more.

This is a bit strange for the demon king's bone bank.

At this time, suddenly the whole forest began to burn violently. With the burning of the forest, a huge demon and his head appeared around the demon king's bone bank, covering an area of hundreds of square kilometers, and four demon kings appeared beside the demon king's bone bank at the same time.

The first one is the evil Lord, and the other three are all the feudal kings in his territory.

Although the status is worse than the real devil, it is also the strength of the heaven devil.

See this kind of circumstance, how can demon king bone storehouse not know oneself already in the trap of the other side.

"Ha ha ha, I've been wise all my life. I didn't expect to fall into the trap of you. It's really ironic!" The ossuary looked at the malicious demon king and the other three kings. Although he was unwilling, he still took out the white bone magic knife he was carrying.

The white bone magic knife is his magic weapon. It's seldom used, but I'm afraid it will be used in this battle.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. I've coveted your WANYING grotto for a long time. I'm afraid this plot is expected. Just give up." The evil thought demon king looked at the demon king's ossuary, as if he wanted to see through his divine sense and guess what cards the other side had.

"Blame yourself? How can I blame myself? I think it's a pity at most, but that's all! What's more, you've set up an ambush here today, and I've left behind. Let's change our bodies, children! " As soon as the demon king's ossuary reached out, tens of thousands of demon troops behind him suddenly began to change one by one.

These originally looked like an ordinary demon army, turned into a bone demon.

"What, bone demon?" The malicious demon king was more and more frightened. He didn't expect that the current demon king's bone bank was so careful.

"Well, you're afraid. I had expected that I would die in this battle, so I kept my confidant army by my side. Now it seems pretty good! " The more he said, the more excited he felt.

"Ha ha ha, it's really resourceful. Even if you use all these methods, how can you be a prisoner for me. But today you don't see the coffin, you don't cry, and you kill him together. Who can take off the head of this old thing for me, who is the new master of this WANYING grotto With the roar of the evil thought demon king, the three canons and the evil thought demon king form a three thought array.

The so-called three thoughts array is divided into killing thoughts, killing thoughts and chopping thoughts. Each thought contains this great evil thought.

In short, three read a butcher dog dragon, omnipotent.What's more, the three thoughts array now completely extracts the evil Qi of the creatures within the range of more than ten thousand li, forming a huge blockade, and its power is increased by dozens of times. Coupled with the support of tens of thousands of evil bandits, it is absolutely a huge threat to the demon king's bone bank.

However, the demon king's bone bank is not unprepared. Just as the opponent's array gradually condenses and takes shape, his body becomes a huge white bone, and then tens of thousands of bone demons turn into bones one after another and merge into his body.

With the integration of these bone demons, the originally fragile body of the demon king's bone bank immediately became plump, but it was still a huge skeleton.

This is just a skeleton, at least hundreds of meters high and tens of meters wide. The whole body exudes endless magic Qi. The white bone runes surround him constantly. Finally, these magic Qi slowly rise and gather together.

The white bone magic knife that was originally held in the hand of the demon king's bone bank has now become more than 100 meters long.

With the formation of the Sannian array, the first idea in the Sannian array was finally cut out of the evil thought demon king's hands.

"Kill me, kill me!" With the roar of the evil thought demon king, the magic knife in his hand immediately enlarged and turned into a black awn which is 100 meters long and tens of meters wide.

Not only that, on the black awn, there are more than a dozen kinds of runic forces condensed into array graphics, which condensed dozens of different forces to bombard the body of the demon king's bone bank at the same time.

"Hahaha, evil demon king, they all say that your Sannian array is powerful. Let me see what's unusual about your Sannian array. Don't let me down!" The demon king's bone storehouse roared. At the moment of killing the demon king, the demon king's bone storehouse fiercely blocked the white bone magic knife in his hand.

At this moment, the white bone magic knife in his hand was even in one piece, and he went up to meet him.

With the flicker of the white awn, the white bone magic knife turned into a white devil and directly rushed to the awn.


The black awn is on the top of the white bone awn. It immediately smashes the white bone devil, but the white bone devil is gathering again. This time, the gathering swallows the awn.

Then no matter how many times the black sword was killed, the White Bone Demon seemed to be able to rally again.

Seeing this, the demon king's bone bank burst into laughter, "malicious demon king, don't make meaningless struggle. How many times have I looked for the chance to kill you, thinking that you would stay away from me? Who knows that you came here on your own initiative? How can I be unhappy? Besides, I've already known the flaws in the Sannian array of your idea family. Now I'll die

"Fart, there's absolutely no flaw in our family's Sannian array. Old man, you'd better not bewitch people there. Die for me, second butcher!" At this point, the evil sabre in the hand of the evil Lord changes again. With the gathering of evil Qi in the whole array, black evil Qi is constantly suppressed in the sharpening of the sabre.

At this moment, the power of the magic knife is infinitely enlarged.

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