Anyway, after a few days of evil cultivation, he can still be adopted in the camp.

However, there are more and more opposition voices within the family of the demon in the bone bank, which gives Lu Yang a headache. But he didn't let go.

At this time, Gu Lianda, who had been hidden by Lu Yang, was finally found by Lu Yang in the evening.

When he came to Lu Yang, Gu Lianda was also a little strange. He always felt that he had seen Lu Yang somewhere, but he couldn't remember where he had seen Lu Yang. This feeling made him feel a little painful.

"Ha ha, is there anything you want to say to me?" Seeing the tangled expression on Gu Lianda's face, Lu Yang asked curiously.

"Well, in fact, it's nothing. I just think that the temperament of Marshal magic is something I've seen somewhere. I just can't think of it for a moment." Hearing Lu Yang's words, Gu Lianda said quickly.

"It's no surprise. I once did some amazing things in the family of bone bank. Maybe you had some impression on me at that time. Besides the mystery of my whereabouts, your memory of me is naturally very vague. " Lu Yang was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Gu Lianda to have such a clear impression on him.

"So it is. It seems that I am worried too much." Even Dalian is not a fool. Knowing that Lu Yang doesn't want to talk about this issue, what Lu Yang said is not a possibility, so he didn't continue to struggle.

"Well, you can figure it out." Seeing Gu Lianda's relieved expression, Lu Yang was relieved.

"I have something to tell you when I bring you here this time." Lu Yang didn't say anything else, but continued, "I think you should know what I've done in the magic city recently. Do you think I'm a little incompetent as a magic Marshal?"

"This..." Hearing Lu Yang's words, Gu Lianda didn't know what to say.

"Yes But he said.

"Well, it's not just you. Recently, the army has been saying that about me. But it doesn't matter. I listen to all these words in my heart. Let's say that you want to perform meritorious service and kill the evil demon king. I also want to. But there is a big gap between our two armies. Moreover, the evil demon king clearly knows that he is waiting for me to die. Naturally, we can't go there easily. But I can assure you that we will attack the evil demon king this evening. " Lu Yang said with a smile.

"Oh? Now that marshal magic has said that, his subordinates are willing to listen to marshal magic's arrangement! " Hearing Lu Yang's words, Gu Lianda said quickly.

After all, he's a prince, and he'll be a partial general all his life. That's not his idea.

"Well, you can wait here." Lu Yang has already prepared a way for himself, that is to secretly create a stand in. And although the double is weak, it can't be seen at a glance. In this way, we can let the stand in to replace him and pretend to be the magic commander here, and then we can take people to attack the evil demon army.

In this way, we can have the best of both worlds.

The demon army led by Gu Lianda has been hidden very well, almost completely bypassing the deployment of the demon army led by Lu Yang. In this way, Gu Lianda becomes Lu Yang's secret weapon, which can pierce into the heart of the evil Lord army.

At the same time, in order to improve his morale, Lu Yang arranges drills every day, and even arranges some demon generals to be ready to lead soldiers at any time. Moreover, some demon princes who usually have better control over themselves are also secretly informed by him that there will be some military actions to keep them awake.

In this way, the time soon arrived at night.

Lu Yang let his stand in go to the banquet, and he is sneaking out of the city, with Gu Lianda's army secretly came to the border near the evil demon army.

Because of the confusion of a period of time ago, the malicious demons gradually relaxed their vigilance, and Lu Yang's overall discretion was just right. He did not let the other side think that it was the best time to attack, but also reduced their defense to the minimum, which was the best time for them to sneak attack.

"You wait here. I'll go first and see what's going on inside." Seeing that Gu Lianda and the army were arranged in a hidden place, Lu Yang approached the formation of the malicious army.

This time Xiaomei can play a role.

With the upgrade of the Royal beast system, Xiaomei can not only help him build his mind and improve his Rune power, but also enable Xiaomei to have extremely powerful computing power. Especially in the aspect of array, Xiaomei has some experience.

After reading some magic scriptures, Xiaomei can see at a glance that the name of the whole array in front of her is a composite array, in which there are four arrays: psychedelic array, trapped God array, kill array, and black fire magic flame array.

These four formations are interlaced with each other. They can not only trap the enemy completely, but also have the ability to inflict heavy damage on the enemy. If they rush in rashly at the beginning, they will suffer heavy casualties even if the malicious army does not chase them.But now, Lu Yang doesn't have so much to worry about.

Through extremely precise calculation, Lu Yang soon knew some loopholes in the deployment of this array, so that he could easily enter the array without being detected.

This is also the disadvantage of large-scale array. It can resist the army, but it can't block the assassination of an assassin.

Entering the array, Lu Yang quickly comes out from the exit of the array and sees the malicious demons patrolling in front of him. Lu Yang soon took this group of evil demons around. After seven turns and eight turns, he finally came to the big account of the evil demon king.

It's not because of how smart he is, but because the big account of the evil Lord is too conspicuous. As long as he can fish in troubled waters, escape the defensive array and enter the army, he can find the tent of the evil Lord.

Of course, Lu Yang's ability to blend in is also related to his possession of the demon heart stone, because after he gets the ten thousand magic flowers, the demon Heart Stone's ability of illusion and confusion is stronger than before. Now, if Lu Yang wants to become a high-level demon of the evil demons, let alone other evil demons, even the evil demon king may not be able to see it. What's more, in order to recover his power as soon as possible, the evil demon king is still practicing in the secret room these days.

However, it is not so easy for Lu Yang to enter the big account of the evil Lord.

As soon as he got close to it, he felt that there were more than a dozen arrays in it, and even a trace of the evil Lord's divine consciousness was entangled in them.

Although this divine sense may not be able to attack, once a powerful demon comes near, this divine sense will immediately wake up the malicious demon king who is practicing. Therefore, no matter who breaks into the array, it will immediately cause the malicious demon king to think.

Although Lu Yang is not afraid of the evil Lord who has been injured, he does not intend to wake up because of this.

"Xiaomei, have you found the core pivot to control the whole defensive array now?" After turning around the camp, Lu Yang found many demon guards hidden in the dark. If he hadn't been careful, he would have been discovered by these demon guards.

Even so, Luyang still hasn't found the core hub of the whole defensive array.

If they can't get rid of the defensive array, even if they have the ability to sneak attack again, I'm afraid they will be killed and injured more than half in the array. By the time they are killed in the evil demon barracks, the evil demon will have been able to organize effective resistance.

However, generally speaking, the pivot of the whole array is not far from the devil's tent most of the time, but it will never be in the devil's tent.

"Master, I think a barracks over there is a little strange!" Just when Lu Yang was confused, Xiaomei suddenly pointed him to a very humble tent near the devil's tent.

The reason why my little sister doubts this place is that this tent is too humble. There is not only no demons living in it, but also no demonic fluctuation. Such a place is strange among the demons.

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