"Ha ha ha, this meal is really refreshing!" After eating and drinking, Jin Tianbing and others are arranged to play in the beast city by Zhu Dingyun.

Although Tianshou city is mainly based on Tianshou sect, its business district is not only for business, but also for many entertainment projects. Among them, the most fascinating one is the challenge arena competition, and the challenge arena competition can also bet. The big maker of the bet is Tianshou sect, the whole sect.

Sure enough, Zhu Dingyun took them around the whole beast city for more than an hour, and then they stayed in the arena. Here, even at night, people think it's a disaster. Especially at midnight, people are the most, occupying almost 90% of the seats in the audience with hundreds of thousands of people. Sometimes they don't even have a seat. They can only find a spacious position to stand and watch.

However, Zhu Dingyun brought them here. He didn't need to squeeze the ordinary seats at all. Instead, he left the largest private room in the most advanced private room. This private room can sit up to 100 people at most. It's a special room for the Jin family.

"Lord, distinguished guests, please come inside." When they came to the competition field, they left the competition field and sent the elders to take them to the private room. Soon more than a dozen maids came in with all kinds of vegetables.

"Master Jin, do you see that? It's a competition arena. On top of the competition arena, there are many small ones and big ones. Big challenge arena can be bet, small challenge arena is specially prepared for private. I wonder if there are any young people in the Jin family who dare to go up to the challenge arena and compete with the younger generation of our Zhu family disciples? " Although Zhu Dingyun had a little difficulty before, he gave them a little bit of sweetness for the sake of the Jin family, it does not mean that Zhu Dingyun will change his original intention for this.

After all, the Jin and Zhu families are not only the marriage of the two families, but also the marriage between the two sects. Therefore, the martial arts contest is still necessary.

"Ha ha ha, some of our young people in the Jin family have seen it. Jinziyan, go out and have a fight with Zhu's disciples! " Jin Tianbing looked at his disciples behind him and said with a smile.

"Yes, master!" Hearing Jin Tianbing's words, Jin Ziyan directly jumped out of the window and jumped to the challenge arena, which attracted the screams of many young women in the audience.

After all, there are a lot of people who make money in this arena every day. However, it's not every day that people compete in those small arenas. Now they see a xuanjie Beast Master go to the arena, which immediately attracts the attention of many people.

After all, as long as the strength of the big challenge arena is in huangjie, the Royal Beast Master can participate in it, but the private challenge arena really needs to pay a large fee. All those who can get on the challenge arena are the disciples of the big family. To some extent, as long as the small challenge arena is used, it is absolutely personal gratitude and resentment, and it is absolutely attractive.

"Zhu Xiaotian, you go!" Zhu Dingyun looked at a young man beside him and said with a smile.

"Yes, sir Zhu Xiaotian listened to a Dou Zhu Dingyun and jumped out of the window.

Jinziyan was in the early stage of xuanjie, and Zhu Xiaotian was also in the early stage of xuanjie. Now it depends on which one of these two can win and win for his family.

"In the next heaven, the beast belongs to Zhu family, Zhu Xiaotian!" With Zhu Xiaotian's fist clasping, his voice, like Hongzhong's, spread throughout the contest.

"In the next ten thousand beast sect jinziyan!" See Zhu Xiaotian momentum is prosperous, gold inflammation also have kind of learn to say.

This is the rule of martial arts competition between big families. You have to give your life before you fight.

They didn't feel much when they said this, but not everyone in the audience could see the martial arts competition among the disciples of the big family. Moreover, it is said that the Jin family is the most powerful among the ten thousand beast families, just like the Zhu family in the heaven beast family.

In this way, some people soon began to guess whether there was going to be a war between the beast clan and the beast clan.

"Well, do you see that? The young man is said to be the son of the Zhu family leader. Now the Zhu family leader is the city leader of our heaven beast city. How can he fight with the Jin family and compete in the challenge arena. Did the people of the ten thousand beast sect hit our city of beasts? "

"I think so. There has always been friction between the heaven beast sect and the ten thousand beast sect. I think they must want to challenge the Zhu family."

Hearing the two people's shouting, a considerable part of the audience's eyes were attracted by them. There are even some rich aristocratic disciples who do not hesitate to use the Yellow level crystal to open the array and project the contempt from the small challenge arena onto the array board in front of them, which makes it more clear.

"Three eyed Elvis!" Said the gold burning fierce call, then appeared a whole body purplish red big cat.

If it's an ordinary domestic cat, the biggest one is only tens of centimeters long. However, this Elvis Presley is obviously different from the ordinary domestic cat. The whole body is at least seven or eight meters long, and the whole body is four or five meters high. Its eyes are dark blue. Seeing it, the audience there seems to fall into an ice blue fantasy. This is still its instinctive defensive reaction. If it takes the initiative to attack, I'm afraid it will have more than a hundred times the benefits.

Especially in its head, it also has a compound eye, which is full of dark blue light. Anyone who sees that eye will fall into the ice abyss."Ha ha, I didn't expect you to have such a strange war pet. But it doesn't matter. Let me show you my favorite. Black backed armored cattle Said, Zhu Xiaotian will also call out his war favorite.

The whole body of the black backed armored cattle is black armor. The armor is dark and shiny. Under the illumination of countless lighting stones, it is like a reflective mirror.

What's more, there is a sharp scream on the forehead of he Heibei armored cattle. There are gold runes on top of the scream, the strange black light of the offender under the illumination.

If you're not wrong, it's metal Rune power.

"Your pet is not bad! Black backed armored cattle? But unfortunately, the prey is the prey. Take me first Jinziyan grabbed it, and a dark blue hook appeared. When the hook reached his hand, it was divided into two. Then the three words Elvis turned into a blue light and twined around jinziyan's body.

The blue light around his whole body, like a ghost, can release ice at any time and completely freeze the opponent's body.

The gold inflammation a hand, these two gold hooks then turn into two deep blue ray, mercilessly smash to Zhu Xiaotian's chest.

"Ha ha ha, is that your strength? That's it! " As soon as Zhu Xiaotian changed his hand, he took out a long golden gun.

The long gun is surrounded by violent metal runes.


Two blue lights to Zhu Xiaotian in the hands of a long gun file, instantly turned into a large piece of ice spread around Zhu Xiaotian.

All of a sudden, Zhu Xiaotian was trapped in the middle of the ice, and even there was a lot of cold around him.

"Oh? It's not bad that I can make use of my own advantages to make me suffer losses. But you're just trying to show your legs. Come down to me With that, Zhu Xiaotian took a step towards the void and directly came to the opposite of jinziyan.

You should know that if the power of metal rune is used well, you can also use the edge of metal Rune to tear up space and shuttle through the void.

But metal rune is violence, while space rune is construction. They are not the same concept at all.

But even so, if the metal rune is used well, it is an extremely powerful skill.


With Zhu Xiaotian's hand, a golden light fell across the sky, mercilessly towards the head of Jinyan.

Metal Rune power is the most destructive Rune among all the basic runes. If Jin Ziyan is hit by this shot, he will definitely be half killed even if he is not hit in the head.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Ding laughed and said, "well, our Zhu family disciples have good strength. This move has proved that his strength is better than your Jin family disciples!"

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