If you want to say that Zhu Xiaoyun is able to reach the Yellow level, she will be promoted to the Xuan level one step away. Besides her founder, she is the first beast master to be promoted to the Xuan level before she is 20 years old. Besides her strong talent, her efforts and persistence are absolutely not to be selected.

In addition, she was born very intelligent and naturally got Zhu Dingyun's love. In addition, the disappearance of Zhu Dingyun, the former owner of the Zhu family, gradually established Zhu Dingyun's status in the Zhu family, and even gained Zhu Kangjie's recognition. This is the beginning of his true prosperity.

However, he is different from Zhu Kangjie in his arrogance and domineering. After all, he is only the owner of the acting family, so no matter what he does, he can't be too arrogant to be self defeating. Of course, his daughter is the biggest chip in his hand. If he can marry his daughter with such a talented disciple as Wan Huo Zong Jin family, maybe their husband and wife will never be able to be successful in the future It's a match made in heaven.

"What? Can he really beat Xiaochong so easily? It seems that I really underestimate him. " Hearing Zhu Dingyun's words, Zhu Xiaoyun immediately bit his lips, thinking about some possible things in the future.

"Well, the daughter will listen to her father once." Zhu Xiaoyun seems to have figured out something and immediately agrees.

Other people don't know, but Zhu Xiaotian knows that this is her daughter's deduction of Tiansuan magic power from her ancestor Zhu Zhitong.

Although Zhu Xiaoyun is only able to master a little, but also enough to let him calculate some things.

"Ha ha ha, since that's the case, I'm relieved. Daughter, don't worry. Tomorrow I'll arrange a party for the Zhu family and the Jin family. Then I'll arrange for you two to meet. I don't have to say what you should do in the future. " Zhu Dingyun looked at his daughter's expression without omission, and also said with a smile.

"I know, father..." When Zhu Xiaoyun thought of getting married, he was even more ashamed.

Naturally, Lu Yang didn't know what Zhu Xiaoyun was thinking at the moment. Even if he knew, he would not take it seriously, because the disciples of tianzhuzong came to the courtyard where Zhu's master left soon to allocate rooms for them. Almost every Jin's disciple here had a single family building, just like this courtyard was specially built for them I'm here.

At the same time, the disciples of the heavenly beast sect also handed out exquisite invitation cards to the disciples of the Jin family. This is a welcome party specially set up by the Jin family to welcome them. All the disciples of the heavenly beast sect under the age of 30 can participate. Of course, the premise is that the strength of male animal masters is above the Yellow level, while the strength of female animal masters must be in the Yellow level Above the middle stage, it can be said that many people's thoughts were broken.

"Master, where do you say that strange stone is? Can't I just look for it? " Although Lu Yang will also attend the banquet, he will not have too much interest and mood. At most, he just wants to do a job. Now, the most important thing for him is the strange stone.

You know, it may be easier for Huang Jie to sell the advanced level to the xuanjie level, but it may not be so easy for Huang Jie to advance the xuanjie level to the Dijie level. There are even many powerful and powerful beast masters who died in their own calamities. This makes many beast masters need to go through some preparation before they go to the Dijie level, especially some powerful magic weapons It's necessary to prepare for it.

"Master, don't ask me about such things. When the time comes, I will tell you naturally. After all, it may involve the way of heaven, so I can't say too much. " Hearing Lu Yang's words, Zhu Zhitong said with some embarrassment.

Just at this time, in the battle pet space of the Royal beast system, a powerful force suddenly burst out. It turned out that the hell three headed dog was promoted to the Xuan level fierce beast, and then even the strength of the sky water bird king was also promoted to the Xuan level. What surprised Lu Yang most was that the blood strength of the ancient fierce dragon was promoted to less than one third of the saint level blood, and the strength was also promoted to the Xuan level In the later stage of xuanjie, there might be a chance to be promoted to Dijie with Luyang at any time.

After all, for the xuanjie Beast Master, if he wants to be promoted to the earth level Beast Master, he can't rely on his own strength alone. He also needs to share the heaven level with the help of Zhan Chong's strength. Even the more the number of his xuanjie Yuanman fierce beasts, the more likely he will be promoted to the heaven level in the future. Moreover, after passing the heaven level, the way of heaven will reward him a lot.

"Well, since you say so, I won't ask any more questions." Although Lu Yang couldn't understand Zhu Zhitong's way of doing this, he couldn't decide this matter after all. What's more, he did feel Zhu Zhitong's dilemma. Maybe this is the mystery of the way of heaven.

"Brother Wan Shan?" While Lu Yang was still thinking, jinziyan and jinjinyun came to the attic where Lu Yang was.

"It's brother jinziyan and brother jinziyun!" After hearing the sound outside, Lu Yang quickly came out of his attic.

"Ha ha, brother Wan Shan's performance in the martial arts competition last time was amazing to both of us. It can be regarded as a curse to the Jin family. This time, we also want to invite brother Wan Shan to the banquet. I wonder if brother Wan Shan can show his appreciation? " Jin Ziyun looked at Lu Yang thoughtfully and said with a smile.It has to be said that the two Jin disciples have lowered their posture as much as possible. If other Jin disciples see them, they think they are trying to please Lu Yang in disguise.

But Lu Yang can feel that they are not flattering themselves, but really want to make friends with themselves.

After all, in some big families, some gifted disciples are really dandy, but many of them are worthy of communication. For example, jinziyan and jinjinyun are two animal masters whose main purpose is to cultivate themselves. They have nothing to fight with each other in their hearts. They only rely on their own strength to talk with others, and they are better than themselves Weak will not bully, compared with their own strength, will not be jealous.

"Hahaha, of course. It's late now. Let's go on the road." Lu Yang hesitated to see both of them. After all, although he is famous in the Jin family, there are also some vicious names in some people's rumors, and many of the Jin family's disciples even regard him as a poor communicator.

Lu Yangdao doesn't care much about this. After all, he knows what kind of person he is. Besides, with his strength, there is no need to worry about these gold price people, but he is very fond of jinziyan and jinjinyun brothers.

"Brother Wan Shan, this time you are really angry with the Jin family. If not, the Zhu family would really think that we are bullies!" Jinziyan was seriously injured, but now he was also full of spirit and no fear.

"Ha ha, it's nothing. After all, we are all disciples of the Jin family. It's normal for us to contribute to the family. I also admire the performance of the two brothers. As long as they practice more in the future, they will have a bright future." Hear the words of gold inflammation, Li Yang is also quite modest to say.

"Yes, thanks to brother Wan Shan." Hearing Lu Yang's words, Jin Ziyun said happily.

They thought that Lu Yang should be a very arrogant person, but now it seems to be inconsistent with the rumor. However, they are relieved when they think about it carefully. It is certain that Jin Wanshan must have been hacked by many people in the Jin family. Some bad rumors are also normal.

But now, after some conversation, they naturally know what kind of person Lu Yang is, and their later contacts are not so troublesome, and they even have a tacit understanding of deja vu.

In this way, they talked all the way and entered the banquet hall of the Jin family in a very friendly atmosphere.

Originally, they could control Zhan Chong's flying, but they didn't want to give up such a chance to chat with each other, so they walked away naturally.

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