"I didn't expect that these xuanjie beast masters were not as good as animals!" When Lu Yang heard the description of the tribal elders, he was also extremely angry. If he was there, I'm afraid he would kill all these xuanjie beast masters.

"Well, it's nothing. Even those people who bully our tribe by xuanjie beast masters can bear it. The problem is that xuanjie ore veins have been closed now, and all the income sources and income sources of our whole tribe have disappeared. In this way, our tribe will decline rapidly in a few decades. At that time, our tribe will be in a state of absolute doom "The state of being As soon as the tribal elder thought that the whole tribe was going to perish, his eyes filled with despair.

"Elders, you don't need to be so sad. After all, you are not at the end of your tether. As long as you listen to me, maybe this thing will turn for the better?" Listen to the words of the tribal elder, Lu Yang quickly comforts a way.

"I hope so." Hearing Lu Yang's words, the tribal elders shook their heads one by one, looking very tired.

However, no matter how tired they are, they always talk to Lu Yang in a benefactor's manner, which makes Lu Yang feel more favorable towards them.

As they move forward, a gorge of incomparable end appears in front of them. In the gorge, there are dozens of teams of xuanjie beast masters gathered there. It seems that the scene is very chaotic, and even some xuanjie beast masters lead their fierce beasts to attack the mountains, trying to dig a gap in the mountains and open the cave.

Unfortunately, their attack can only form some distance vibration above the mountains, but it can't open the mountains, so they can't really enter the mine.

"Hum, you idiots, don't you see that's the gate? What's the point of attacking the mountains like this?" See these people in the vicinity of a burst of chaos bang, next to suddenly stand out a fat man, some impatient said.

This fat man is not an ordinary person, but a leader of a caravan. He is followed by more than twenty xuanjie beast masters.

Originally, they should be able to go back to hand over the task, but once they leave, I'm afraid they will attract more xuanjie beast masters, so the chaotic scene is caused by these beast masters attacking the mountains constantly.

On the other hand, the reason is that a small number of xuanjie beast masters are not allowed to leave the canyon due to the mutual restriction of these xuanjie beast masters.

In a word, as these beast masters become more and more irritable, they don't seem to want to sit here waiting to die. There are even conflicts and fights between many xuanjie beast masters. More and more teams have started to play together, causing a lot of confusion.

Seeing this scene, the elders of the tribe turned pale one by one. They knew very well that no matter who won, as long as they didn't get the xuanjie vein, their tribe would be implicated.

After all, these caravans have losses. Who will pay for the losses? It must be the tribe closest to the xuanjie vein.

"Young man, our tribe must be destroyed this time. Alas, the century old foundation will be destroyed!" Seeing the chaotic scene outside, the tribal elders could only beat their chests and feet.

Not only for them, but also for most of the caravans, this is not a good omen, but in the face of huge interests, no one will want to give up everything they can get, so these caravans are fighting, in fact, they just want to vent their inner pain and anger.

"Stop it Seeing that these xuanjie beast masters were fighting one by one, Lu Yang finally couldn't help shouting.

However, it was useless for him to shout like this, so at the moment when these xuanjie beast masters were all stunned, Lu Yang continued, "you all have to fight again. I have a way to get into this xuanjie vein."

Hearing Lu Yang's words, these xuanjie beast masters stopped to watch him, as if they had seen the new world.

"Oh, young man, don't talk big, or I won't let you have a good time!" Seeing that Lu Yang is still very young, you look at me and I look at you. You want to know how Lu Yang opened this array.

After all, they are not stupid. They all know that even if they die here, they may not be able to enter the xuanjie vein.

"Of course, how can I make fun of my own life. You all wait. Now I'll open the vein! " Lu Yang didn't care what these xuanjie beast masters thought of himself, but went straight to the gate of the array.

He could feel that the gate was extremely hard, and brute force alone would not work. But when he came to the gate, he found that there was a brand of anti lock array on the gate.

"No wonder these people can't open it. It turns out that this is not an ordinary array, but a mental array, which can only be opened with mental strength. If this is in the world of demons, the spirits of those greedy demons will not be too bad, and they may be able to open the array. But in this holy land of thunder, there are few such beasts Lu Yang immediately called Xiaomei out.Xiaomei looked at the array, understood the composition of the array, and immediately said to Lu Yang, "master, there is no difficulty in this array. The difficulty lies in the fact that these beast masters don't have enough mental strength to do it. If you open this gate, but change it to the beast system, it will be a piece of cake." Xiaomei suddenly felt that she was not so useless in front of her master.

"Well, it's up to you to open the door." Lu Yang praised little sister a few more words and asked her to come to the array and open it.

With the slow rotation of the array, the gate of the array was opened with a crack. Soon a gate was opened by a powerful force.

Then a powerful aura gushed out from inside. It can be imagined that there are many xuanjie crystals in the mine cave.

"The mine is open. Let's rush in." Seeing that the mine was opened, the xuanjie beast masters who had been around all the time rushed into the depth of the mine.

All of a sudden, the whole cave was full of people inside.

"Damn it, how could it be! This is the mine of our tribe, you bandits When the cave was not opened, the elders of the tribe felt hopeless. Now that the door of the cave is opened, the elders feel even more distressed when they see that their xuanjie vein may soon be hollowed out.

This kind of worry about gain and loss really amuses Lu Yang.

However, he did not blame the tribal elders. The vein was originally from the tribe, and their heartache was normal.

However, Lu Yang felt that the cave was not as simple as it seemed, so he said to the tribal elders, "you don't have to be so nervous. I'm afraid all these xuanjie beast masters have gone in, and no one may come out of it. Don't worry!"

"Yes, there is a miner in it. It will eat all the invaders." Hearing Lu Yang's words, these tribal elders can't help but swear.


Just as Lu Yang was talking to the tribal elders, a strong heat burst out from the deep of the mine cave. The heat pushed seven or eight xuanjie beast masters out of the mine cave. After they came out, their whole bodies were wrapped up in flames. Even most of their skin had been burned, and there were several xuanjie beast masters The whole body has been engulfed by the fire.

In addition, there are more and more xuanjie beast masters being blasted out of the array in various forms.

In short, almost entered the hundreds of xuanjie beast division, the real access is only one tenth.

"Well, I'll go in and have a look. Maybe I can see something interesting." Lu Yang waved his hand and let jinziyan and jinjinyun follow him. They entered the mine at different times.

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