After joining the Violet Cloud Pavilion, every Rubbing Master would be given a mission. According to her own strength, the Rubbing Master could also increase the quantity by a little. Then, the Violet Cloud Pavilion would also pay as the payment for the Rubbing Master's hard work.

There were also some elderly Rubbing Master who would recruit some talented youngsters as their disciples or make a move to help them complete the mission. The rewards for completing the mission would belong to their masters, just like the current Old Man Feng. Only, people like him, who gave all their rewards for missions to their Rubbing Master s, were still not many. They would usually try to exploit the Rubbing Master and take the fruits of their hard work for themselves.

So from this point, Lu Yang's view of the Old Man Feng also changed a little. Gradually, he felt that although this old-fashioned old man's words sounded very unfriendly, he wasn't a bad guy. He was just a bit old-fashioned.

Lu Yang muttered: "Eight star Beast-controlling Technique? I can challenge it. It's just that I need more Purple Shirt Book. "

"More Purple Shirt Book? Kid, are you joking with this old man? Even the high star level Beast-controlling Technique can only be used ten times, even if you were to fail all ten times, you would only need ten sets of Purple Shirt Book. "

The Old Man Feng said in a low voice. Obviously, the number of Purple Shirt Book he had was limited and he did not plan to give Lu Yang more.

The corner of Lu Yang's mouth lifted slightly, and then, he threw the crystal bag in his hand towards Old Man Feng, without even taking a look at the exact amount inside.

He said: "I do not need any compensation, I only need the Purple Shirt Book. Master Feng, as long as you give me the Purple Shirt Book, I will complete the mission of an eight star Beast-controlling Technique! "

It was only after a long time did he come back to his senses. He put the crystal in his pocket and said: "I didn't think that you would have such a unique hobby, but I will definitely give you the reward I promised you, as long as you can imprint an 8-star Beast-controlling Technique. Furthermore, if you need Purple Shirt Book s, I can give them to you. These are actually all items from the Violet Cloud Pavilion, and as long as you have the strength, I will naturally give them to you.

Lu Yang silently kept all of the Beast-controlling Technique s that the Old Man Feng had given him along with the ten Purple Shirt Book s.

The Old Man Feng could only create an 8-star Beast-controlling Technique at his current strength, and he had given this mission to Lu Yang because he did not know Lu Yang's current strength.

With a body like the Beast-controlling Technique originally, and a Purple Shirt Book as a medium, Lu Yang's Rubbing Technique had already been cultivated to ten stars, so he could completely complete this mission. After taking everything back to his own cultivation room, Lu Yang immediately began doing his work.

One star Beast-controlling Technique, one book at a time. Through the system, Lu Yang only needed three minutes to complete one star Beast-controlling Technique. Moreover, an eight star Beast-controlling Technique would also require an even greater consumption of energy and energy, so it would take even longer for him to use it. Even using an eight star Rubbing Technique would take Lu Yang ten minutes.

Other than consuming eight Primary Level Crystal Stone s each time, he would also need to consume one more Purple Shirt Book. With the beast tamer system's 100% success rate, after about two hours, Lu Yang had ten Beast-controlling Technique s on him.

Seeing the results of a busy night's work, Lu Yang happily took out a book from the pile and placed it in his bosom, and said softly: "Brother, this is the highest level of Beast-controlling Technique that I can find for you. I just need to wait for you to come, then I will just have to use it."

After Lu Yang came to the Violet Cloud Pavilion, he found out about the situation of the Violet Cloud Pavilion from Faang Tong's mouth as well. Since Lu Yang had been brought here, and he did not make any clear about the situation of his own forces, Lu Yang naturally went to Master Feng to allow Master Feng to carry out the task of Skill Storing with him. Lu Yang's Skill Storing missions were all given to him by Master Feng. Right now, Lu Yang himself did not have the qualifications to receive the Skill Storing missions directly from the Violet Cloud Pavilion.

Originally, being like this was not bad, and there wasn't much of a difference to Lu Yang. After Lu Yang was able to prove his strength, he could be promoted to a higher level, and then, he would be able to recruit disciples or make his own move.

Only, right now, Old Man Feng was only an 8-star Rubbing Master. The mission that Lu Yang could receive from Old Man Feng was at most a mission of a 8-star rank.

After keeping all of the books, Lu Yang gave the rest of the nine books to the Old Man Feng.

Old Man Feng took the Beast-controlling Technique from Lu Yang's hands while trembling.

To complete a complete seal with an eight star Beast-controlling Technique, the Old Man Feng would need at least three days. Only two hours had passed, but Lu Yang had already completed all of the missions that he had given them. Furthermore, the Old Man Feng had carefully counted the number of Beast-controlling Technique s Lu Yang had handed over, and there were actually nine of them.

Old Man Feng's face became even more surprised. Not only did his eyes widen, two eggs could be put down from his mouth. He said dumbfoundedly, "Moreover, it is only one book, you actually managed to complete nine books! This success rate is too high! "

The Old Man Feng's Rubbing Technique was not considered a high level Violet Cloud Pavilion, but it had a good success rate. Each eight star Beast-controlling Technique could originally have at least seven copies, or even more, in the hands of the Old Man Feng. This kind of success rate was one of the reasons why he was able to establish himself within the Violet Cloud Pavilion.

But Lu Yang, the little fellow that Faang Tong brought along, in just a day's time, had already completed two of the missions that he had assigned, and the success rate was even higher than his.

It would only take a short period of time, and it would have an unparalleled success rate. Old Man Feng realized that he had still underestimated this fellow. To possess such strength, there was only one possibility, and that was that Lu Yang's cultivation had already surpassed the Old Man Feng's by a lot.

He said in a daze, "Boy..." Actually, with this kind of Skill Storing strength, Faang Tong could have directly brought you to a higher level Rubbing Master, and the status is even higher than mine. But you... Why are you still here to accept missions from my subordinates? "

Lu Yang suddenly raised his head, looked Old Man Feng straight in the eye, and calmly said: "Master Feng, there's no need for this, it's the same for me to accept missions under your hands."

"Why are you doing this? "If you were to obtain a higher status, your treatment here will definitely be even better." Old Man Feng said, puzzled.

Lu Yang smirked and said: "Actually, I just don't want more people to be as shocked as you are. Just think of the missions I took from you as completed by Master Feng. As for the reward, Master Feng only needs to get me some Purple Cloud books. "

"This way... Is that really possible? " Old Man Feng asked in a low voice.

"Not only can I help you Skill Storing an 8-star Beast-controlling Technique, I can also help you Skill Storing an even higher Beast-controlling Technique!"

With these words, the Old Man Feng was shocked to the point that he almost fell to the ground.

"Kid!" What did you say!? Can you say it again! "

Lu Yang pulled Old Man Feng's face in front of him, there was a distance of three centimeters between the two of them.

Lu Yang said: "Master Feng, you can put all of this in your name. However, in the future, I don't want to take on missions like the Eight Stars anymore. Next time, I want a higher star mission! "

After saying that, Lu Yang suddenly let go of Old Man Feng and walked out the door alone.

Not long ago, he was still Lu Yang's superior, but at this moment, in front of Lu Yang, he was like a child who had not even taken a master yet. Lu Yang gave him too many surprises, this old man still hadn't completely reacted.

Immediately, he grabbed onto Lu Yang's legs and asked: "Little brother … No, no, no. It was Master Lu Chen! If you want to get a higher star Beast-controlling Technique, you need to apply to the Violet Cloud Pavilion Pavilion Elder! "

Lu Yang said indifferently: "Master Feng, you have to think of a way yourself. You can also try applying for a nine star Beast-controlling Technique from the Violet Cloud Pavilion Pavilion Elder first, when that time comes and proves your strength to them, they will naturally hand over the better Beast-controlling Technique to you."

The old man immediately sulked and said helplessly: "To tell you the truth, Master Lu, my Rubbing Technique had already reached the eight star Beast-controlling Technique ten years ago. However, after ten years, I still haven't been able to break through! Even if I had a nine star Rubbing Technique, I still wouldn't be able to cultivate it! What if I bring the Nine Star Beast-controlling Technique and can't come out by then? "

Lu Yang remained calm and said: "I will handle everything."

With that, Lu Yang immediately pushed open the door to the Old Man Feng and walked out of the cultivation room.

Standing in front of the cultivation room of the Old Man Feng, Lu Yang turned around to take a look and leisurely said: "The cultivation room of the Old Man Feng is indeed the cultivation room of the High Level Rubbing Master, it is much more imposing than my little room. It won't be long before I can have this kind of training room as well. "

Lu Yang stretched out his hand to feel in his embrace, seeing that the eight star Beast-controlling Technique was still in his embrace. As he touched this Beast-controlling Technique, Lu Yang thought of his foolish brother. He had grown up with Lu Yang, and was one of Lu Yang's only few brothers.

Ever since Lu Yang became a Beast-controlling Master, his biggest dream was to be able to become a Beast-controlling Master. believed that Lu Yang would definitely help him accomplish his dream, and Lu Yang had always kept this matter at heart.

"Er Gouzi is only missing one Spirit Guiding Pill, wait for you to come, I will also let you become a real Beast-controlling Master." Lu Yang said silently in his heart.

After completing his own mission in the Rubbing Master Association, Lu Yang could freely move about. Right now, he was going to find Faang Tong and discuss about the Spirit Guiding Pill with him. With such a high cost, Lu Yang believed that an intermediate Spirit Guiding Pill and an eight star Beast-controlling Technique would definitely be able to produce a genius from the Beast-controlling Master.

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