There is only one ancestral City, four imperial cities and twelve first-class Royal cities in the whole Terran. We can imagine how important the imperial city is in the human race.

Zhu Zhitong recommended to Lu Yang that the second-class King City is called the emperor city, while Luoyang is not under the jurisdiction of the second-class King City, but a third-class King City, Fengying city.

In fact, when you come to the scale of the Royal City, there is no substantive connection between them. If there is any connection, it is that they belong to the jurisdiction of the same imperial city.

Of course, in front of the Imperial City, the status of the first level royal city is indeed higher than that of the second level and the third level royal city. This is the class level of the human race, and also the status division of the human race.

But I'm afraid it's not a day or two to get to the emperor's city from Luoyang. The whole journey takes about half a month, and even some war-torn cities may pass in the middle. So it's not so safe for him to go to the emperor's city.

However, Lu Yang doesn't really care. After all, he has just reached the rank level. Although he is much better than before, he still has a long way to go before he really wants to be promoted to the rank level.

Moreover, it's a time of war, and the local level zoologist has no ability to protect himself. If Lu Yang wants to protect the lives of his relatives, he must be promoted to the heaven level zoologist to protect himself. Only when he is promoted to the king level zoologist can he have the capital to compete in the war. Only when he is promoted to the emperor level zoologist can he be regarded as the core of this war.

And to the holy level, the beast Division has been regarded as the real leader of the whole war.

It is said that among the ancestral cities of the human race, there are holy rank beast masters. As for how many, no one knows. At least at the level of Luyang, it is not worthy to know how many holy rank beast masters there are among the human race.

Riding on the ancient dragon, Lu Yang's speed became faster and faster. After walking out for tens of thousands of kilometers, he saw a city in front of him.

Among the Terrans, the level of city can be seen by looking at Qi. Generally speaking, it is divided into five colors. The first color is blue, like the color of the sky, which is the appearance of an ordinary city. The second is green, like green leaves, which is the color of the main city.

It's time for the city to turn yellow. And the imperial city is gold. When we arrived at Zucheng, it was colorful, just like a rainbow. It looked very beautiful.

Now the city in front of Lu Yang is light green, which should belong to the third level main city.

However, this should be the place where the fierce beast army passed by. Although the third level main city can still see the weather of the city by looking at the air, from the weather of this city, the whole city is almost lifeless. Even if there are living people in it, I'm afraid there won't be too many.

Lu Yang rode the ancient dragon down from the sky and slowly fell to the gate.

It can be seen from the wall of the city that it was prosperous in the past, but now the intact wall has been hollowed out, even beyond recognition. Especially near the gate, the whole wall was directly collapsed by something. Only a small part of the wall is still standing in front of Lu Yang.

Lu Yang flew to the sky to look down at the whole city, but found that more than 90% of the houses in the city had collapsed. Even if the rest of the houses had not collapsed, they had been damaged to varying degrees. The city was almost covered with dead bones and even some incomplete weapons. It can be seen that the battle killed and injured the city How many Terran beast masters have been killed.

However, in this city, there are still many vagrants living in it, but the number is not much. After a circle, he only found about 15 or 6 vagrants.

"I didn't expect that such a big city would be like this now. The war really did harm to people." Lu Yang sighed and rode on the ancient dragon. On the way, he passed seven or eight empty cities above the third level main city. As for the ordinary cities, there are at least dozens of them. If we calculate that the number of Terrans affected is at least 10 million, the number is still increasing.

Finally, on the third day, Lu Yang saw a small group of thousands of fierce beasts besieging a second level city. If he didn't come, he was afraid that these fierce beasts would capture the second level city in one day at most.

Even so, these fierce beasts are still attacking the city gate crazily. I'm afraid that before long, the whole city will be captured.

"Hum, even if there are so many fierce beasts, all war favourites will attack. It's time for you to have a good meal!" Lu Yang didn't want to think about it, so he released all his war favourites. All of a sudden, all the war favourites rushed to these fierce beasts. As a result, they were slaughtered one side at a time.

After solving this small group of fierce beasts, Lu Yang took back these war favourites and became an ordinary man into the city.

Although the timely arrival of Lu Yang saved the city from being destroyed by fierce beasts, there were almost only some old, weak, sick and disabled people left in the whole city, and the adults in the city almost disappeared.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang felt that he should help these people. Although this would slow him down, he still felt that his trip was very meaningful to save the lives of some people.On the contrary, if he is desperate, then even if he can save a lot of trouble, it will bring him a knot in the future.

"Who is in charge here?" Entering the city, Lu Yang asked one of the veterans when he saw that many veterans were still trying to consolidate the city wall.

"Where is our Lord?" Lu Yang did this to see if he could do something for the city.

"Lord, a young man wants to see you!" The whole Beast Master immediately yelled to the Beast Master nearby.

Soon a middle-aged man in incomplete armor came over. He looked at Lu Yang's strange forehead and asked, "young man, what can I do for you?"

"Lord, I'm a doctor. I want to help the wounded in your city." Lu Yang said definitely.

"Doctor? Are you really a doctor? Hurry to prepare the hospital for the doctor. Someone will carry all the people who need to be treated! " Hearing that Lu Yang was a doctor, the city leader immediately cried out excitedly.

After all, there are too many injured people in the city. If there are not enough doctors, more people will die. At that time, the city will certainly become more and more declining, and finally become a dead city.

But now there is one more doctor, and the situation is different.

"Wait, you say you are a doctor. How can you prove it? Besides, don't you know? The nearby cities have been attacked by the fierce beast army. Who are you? Who let you in? " At this time, from the side came a yellow step Beast Master, he pointed to Lu Yang and asked fiercely.

"Oh? No wonder he is so arrogant, since he is a Huang Jie Da Yuanman In the past, he would have been a little scared, but now, Huang Jie's Beast Master is in front of him, just like a slightly bigger bug. He is willing to talk to a Huang Jie's Beast Master, which is to give each other great face.

"What? Do you want to fight me? " This fierce person, looking at Lu Yang, was just in the middle of the Yellow stage, and his tone became more unfriendly.

"Duo Zi Xun, what are you doing? Now is the time for us to be in danger. Can't you abandon your prejudice? What's more, they are doctors. How can they help you? This is already a great kindness. Don't lose your temper. " The city master pointed to the Yellow rank Beast Master and said.

"Well, I just don't trust him. Don't forget, not long ago, a doctor came to a second level city. Finally, the doctor went to the city and killed all the zoologists in the whole city. Don't you think it's strange that this man can come and go freely in this chaotic army. Now someone put him in, just in case! "

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