Generally speaking, the local level beast masters are the hope that the first level main city can be guarded, and they are also the hope that they can deal with the cult. Otherwise, even if there is no need for the fierce beast army to attack, the cult will sooner or later make the whole first level main city a mess.

"General Hu, although the Zhou family has been killed for their own reasons, it has something to do with the rampancy of the cult. Even if the cult is so rampant, I don't know what countermeasures General Hu will take next?" Finally, the head of a large family could not help standing up and toasting.

"Ha ha ha, you have to be answered by the Lord of Murong, isn't it?" Hu Cheng did not say anything when he heard the words of the senior members of the family. Instead, he looked at Murong Duoqian.

"General Hu is very polite. Well, in fact, the cult is deeply rooted in our first level main city, and they can plan so many terrorist attacks, but they must have a very clear understanding of our first level main city, and even a large number of cult disciples are lurking in it, constantly bewitching people, so my method is very simple, that is to announce a reward, let them know All the people in the city are aware of the harm of the cult and actively provide them with various rewards and protection. In this way, as long as the cult is active, we will know everything about it. " Murongduo said with a smile.

"Now that the Lord of the city has a plan, we can rest assured." With that, the top of the family drank the wine.

After that, the families offered each other a few drinks and watched some impromptu programs, which ended the dinner.

However, when Lu Yang returned to his barracks, he was still thinking about the plan for the next day's assassination.

Through these days of contact, he can see that Hu Cheng is just a fox. Everything is perfectly arranged in front of him, even if it's just a small matter. Moreover, he seldom seems to show his true thoughts, especially about taking himself as an apprentice. Lu Yang also thinks that Hu Cheng is deliberately testing himself It's as if he had fully understood many of his secrets.

This makes Lu Yang feel uncomfortable, but he can't do anything, otherwise, he will expose more and more places. This is the most painful part.

"Forget it, if Hu Cheng is just an ordinary general, the cult will certainly not waste such a big trouble and let me assassinate him, so it's better to do something step by step, otherwise it will only backfire." Lu Yang felt that he was still thinking too much, so instead of thinking about it, he put more experience on cultivation.

Although there are family, friendship and love in this world, and even loyalty between superiors and subordinates, no matter what kind of feeling is, it needs strength to maintain, otherwise, even if it is more empty talk.

"Now I should begin to learn to refine these ten runic powers." With this idea, Lu Yang decided to start with his many Rune forces. He should know that each Rune force is for his own purpose. Of course, when these Rune forces break through the foundation, there is more possibility of fusion. After the fusion, these Rune forces continue to stack up, and finally form a force, that is, the ten color Rune force gradually enters the world In Lu Yang's body, his ultimate strength is finally formed and absorbed by his body.

By that time, the balance between the ten kinds of runes has been formed, which can be better used by him and give full play to his power.

To say something unrealistic, at that time, even if he is still a local level Beast Master, he can abuse those ordinary heaven level beast masters. Cross level fighting has become commonplace for him, and it will be easier for him to understand the laws of heaven than others.

Of course, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that it consumes too much resources. That is to say, if he wants to have Tianjie's fighting power, he must have Tianjie's resources. In this way, his current wealth is a little stretched.

That is to say, the resources he carries are a huge fortune for a local level Beast Master, but for a heaven level Beast Master, it seems to be a little thin.

Of course, even so, his wealth is still a huge wealth for some ordinary, no background Beast Master.

It's just that compared with cultivation, if you count killing, you still lack too much.

As far as Lu Yang's current strength is concerned, his resources can only support him to kill ten early beast masters.

So for Lu Yang, he wants to improve his strength, either to improve his cultivation level, or to accumulate more resources, or to improve his understanding of the power of Rune. In short, there is no fourth way.

Of course, if he is lucky enough to find a magic weapon that can surpass the best aura, he can quickly improve his strength, but this kind of opportunity is just available. He can't count on such a magic weapon to improve his strength. On the contrary, if he can gather the Dragon chopping sword, it may be a task that can be completed for him.

After a night of cultivation, Lu Yang obviously felt that his understanding of runes was more refined, just like the power of metal runes and earth runes. He also had more vague understanding than the previous feeling of just touching the edge."Wu Wu Wu..."

With the bugle of marching on, all the disciples of the family began to sort out their own salutes. Naturally, Lu Yang's salutes were managed by the general's office, just to prevent some unexpected situations.

In less than a week's time, all the disciples of the family were ready to go. Because of the lessons of the Zhou family, all the children of the family seemed to be very energetic. There was no phenomenon of whispering. The discipline was much better than that of hunting on the first day.

With the departure of the general's mansion and the city master's mansion, the other three families' disciples also slowly followed and gradually entered the deep mountain. I'm afraid there will be xuanjie dayuanman and even the fierce beasts on the earth.

It is precisely because of this that special places are needed here. Moreover, during this period of time, the cult is too rampant. If these families are separated, it will only increase their danger. Therefore, we must be strong in defense.

"Ouch, ouch..."

With the advance of their team, suddenly from afar came the howling sound of fierce beasts. Each of these fierce beasts had the strength of xuanjie Beast Master. Hundreds of them gathered together to form a fierce beast army that could compete with the Terran Beast Master.

"Are the people of the cult here?" Seeing such a large number of fierce beasts, Lu Yang was slowly calculating in his heart.

You know, according to the information given to him by the cult, today there will be a large number of fierce beasts attacking their team and separating them. Then, these fierce beasts will drive their team into a nearby small valley, where the array is arranged. As long as the array is activated, Hu Cheng will be surrounded and unable to escape. That's the time There's a chance for him to show off.

With this information, Lu Yang is ready to keep an eye on Hu Cheng so that he can make all kinds of emergency preparations.

"Ouch, ouch..."

With the roar of fierce beasts, a large number of xuanjie war wolves rushed down from the hillside and began to break up the Terran beast division.


At this time, a fierce beast also jumped up on the mountain.

"The wolf king?" Seeing this fierce beast, Lu Yang blinked, feeling that the situation was somewhat unexpected.

Now these fierce beasts have the strength to kill them instead of dispersing them.

Seeing the appearance of so many fierce beasts in the xuanjie and even in the Dijie, not only the three families were in turmoil, but also the army of the city Lord's mansion had some small fluctuations.

Seeing this, Hu Cheng suddenly roared, "hum, it's just a small herd of animals. There's no fear at all. Let me break it!"

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