"Hum, it's naive of you to try to kill me with the array." Hu Cheng gave a cold smile, and his mana began to work. Then a square heavenly book appeared in his hand.

With the continuous rotation of this book, Hu Cheng's strength is still increasing, and then the whole army of the city Lord's mansion has formed a whole, and even Lu Yang has found his own position in it.

This gives Lu Yang a clearer understanding of Hu Cheng's strength. If he is not wrong, that book should be the key to his understanding of the array.

"Master, according to my understanding of the history of the human race, the book of that day is also called the Tianshu of array. Although it is a remnant, as long as I get it, I can understand the array and do everything. What's more, with the help of the bandaoqi, the power of Tianshu will be greatly increased, which will become the root of Hu Cheng's invincibility! " Xiaomei said to Lu Yang after some analysis.

"It looks like I still have a chance to get it." As soon as he thought of the task he was going to accomplish, Lu Yang became a little excited.

After all, although the Tianshu array can play a certain power with Hu Cheng, compared with Lu Yang, he can definitely play several times more power than Hu Cheng.

If there is an array Tianshu, as long as there are sufficient resources, it is possible for him to kill the Beast Master in the middle of Tianjie stage, so he must get this array Tianshu.

"Boom boom..."

With the formation of the array, pieces of thunder sea are formed in the army of the city Lord's mansion. With the spread of thunder sea, the whole array seems to be shaken slowly.

"Hum, Hu Cheng, do you think you can escape from our Jiuyou God array with your strength? You're just dreaming, but it's nothing. Anyway, it's time for you to die. You'll die sooner or later. Today I'll show you what the real array is At this point, the monster master threw out dozens of flags in his hands. As these flags floated in the sky, Lu Yang felt that the whole world seemed to have changed greatly. Thunder clouds rolled in the sky and turned into thunder.

"Boom boom..."

With a large area of acid rain falling, the whole army of the city Lord's mansion also entered the state of trapped animals.

Although these thunder seas can help them resist for a while, they are in the array after all. The cult has countless resources. As long as they are in the array, the cult can consume them alive.

Of course, there is another possibility for them to be rescued by the reinforcements of the city Lord's mansion. However, with the strength of those fools in the city Lord's mansion, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to find them. When they come to support, the whole array will have consumed them for a long time. It's only one step away from death. It's almost a near death situation.

"Damn, we have to break through the array to get out of this dilemma!" Hu Cheng could not find a way to deal with it even though he was running the remnant of the book of heaven.

You know, the Jiuyou God array is the magic weapon of the evil god cult. Now they are all used against Hu Cheng, which is a kind of praise for him. Of course, from Hu Cheng's point of view, I'm afraid it doesn't matter if they don't want it.

"Hum, I don't believe I can't break the array!" Hu Cheng said that he began to constantly mobilize the army, and all the city master's Royal beast divisions began to rearrange their troops according to Hu Cheng's orders, and soon the whole array became a bull.

"Boom boom..."

With the vibration of the whole earth, the body of the bull began to materialize gradually. Finally, the nine bull began to integrate into one. As the nine bull not only launched a shock, a fiery red light directly rushed to the array in the valley.


Hu Cheng really tried his best this time. Unfortunately, although the whole array in the valley was shaken by the collision, it was still not broken by Hu Cheng, and even the slightest damage did not appear. All of a sudden, Hu Cheng was completely restrained.

"All the troops form a defensive array, take out the xuanjie crystal and start to recover with all their strength!" Feeling that he would not be able to break away from the array for a while and a half, Hu Cheng no longer broke the array with brute force. Instead, he began to order the army of the city Lord's mansion to recover their physical strength and plan to break the array for a long time.

At this time, Lu Yang suddenly came to Hu Cheng from the end of the array.

"Oh, you can still follow my team at this time, which is your loyalty to me, but what's the matter with you coming to me at this time?" Seeing Lu Yang, Hu Cheng's indifference was immediately clear.

"Shifu, when I went home to visit my relatives, I inadvertently went into an old cave and got some good things by chance. It is precisely because of these things that I have greatly increased my strength, so that I can liberate the long repressed emotion of excessive restraint in my heart, including this piece of ancient jade slips."

"I've just read it for a long time and found that the contents of the ancient jade slips are the key to breaking this array. Maybe we still hope to leave here!" With that, Lu Yang gives Hu Cheng a forged jade slip.

However, this method of forgery is extremely ingenious. Although it can be seen from a close look that it is a forgery, it can also work.After all, Jiuyou God array is the most precious treasure of the cult. No one can take it out. It's normal for him to make some jade slips to record things. So when he saw the jade slips, Hu Cheng was just a little surprised, but not surprised.

Because there are various ways to crack the array on the jade slips, and the way to crack the jiuyoushen array is just one of them.

Moreover, the Jiuyou divine array is only a reduced version of the Jiuyou divine array. Otherwise, they would not have the chance to leave the array if they had been trapped for such a long time.

"Well, that's great. But unfortunately, I don't know much about arrays. Even if I study them, it's too late. " It's true that Hu Cheng needs to keep the whole army array in operation in the main city government, and it's unrealistic to take time to study the jade slips, so he can only place his hope on Lu Yang.

"What do you understand about the array?" Hu Cheng looked at Lu Yang and said with encouragement.

"Report back to master, although I have a dull talent, I study hard, so I can probably figure out how to leave this array. The specific way is like this." Hu Cheng was surprised to hear Lu Yang's words.

On the one hand, he was trapped in this array because his teammates were too pit, so he was surrounded by the fierce beast army. On the other hand, he despised the enemy too much. He never dreamed that the cult would take out a heavy treasure to pay him. It was his blunder that led to the passivity of the army of the city Lord's mansion.

Therefore, if he fails in this battle, he will bear most of the responsibility.

"Well, in that case, do as you say! Now the whole army stops resting and begins to mobilize the army to attack the array at full speed! " Although Hu Cheng said so, he would not be as savage as before in reloading the array. He would constantly use his skills to attack the array. Moreover, with Lu Yang's ideas, it became more possible to break the array.

At this time, the city master's mansion and the three families have returned to the first level of the main city, but they hesitated when they returned to the main city.

You know, they sneak back to the city this time. If Hu Cheng finds out that they are doing this, he will be furious. Therefore, their move to save Hu Cheng is likely to let them save Hu Cheng and bear Hu Cheng's anger. Maybe their three families and the city leader's house will be punished.

Of course, if they don't rescue Hu Cheng, they have to bear more responsibility. Rather than this, it is more critical to send people to rescue Hu Cheng, so how to rescue Hu Cheng becomes extremely critical.

"Lord, we think that if we go too early, General Hu will be very angry. If we delay for a day or two and then go to rescue them, maybe it will have a timely effect. Even if he is angry, he won't be too hard for us!"

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