"General, the Chai family is one of the most famous families in the main city. How can they have cult followers?" Seeing that the 10000 troops in the general's mansion began to enter the Chai mansion, Murong Duoqian felt as if his flesh and blood were going to be cut off with a knife. That kind of pain can't be described in words.

After all, the relationship between the city Lord's mansion and the other three families is already one and the same. Once the three families are moved, it is equivalent to the interests of the city Lord's mansion.

"Lord Murong, I'm afraid you don't know that the Zhou family and the Lord's house have been attacked one after another, all of which have something to do with our three families. Otherwise, why are the three families safe when the city Lord's house is under siege? " Looking at Murong more shallow face panic appearance, Hu Cheng immediately said with a sneer.

Hearing what Hu Cheng said, Murong Duoqian understood his intention. It was Hu Cheng's intention to retaliate against the three families, and the city Lord's mansion was probably the last one to be retaliated.

"Lord, what's going on?" As the high-rise of the Chai family was brought to the Chai family mansion, in the largest square, many of the Chai family's high-rise people looked at Murong Duoqian for help.

But unfortunately, their vision is not enough to change their status quo, only to make them receive more unfair treatment.

"Now it's the city Lord's office that is checking out the traitors of the cult. You should actively cooperate, otherwise, you will be treated as traitors." Hu Cheng kept ordering a group of elite soldiers of the city master's mansion to take the high-rise of the Chai family to the square.

In less than an hour, almost all the senior members of the Chai family had been brought to the square. In addition, all the members of the Chai family, including the upper and lower members of the family, who had a little power, were also brought to the square. In addition to the servants of the Chai family, there are also some powerful female dependents.

Hu Cheng did not stand in the square, but sat on the roof around the square, interrogating these people.

In addition, on the roofs and walls around the square, there are all archers of the general's residence. There are thousands of archers who aim thousands of bows at the old and young of the Chai family. As long as one of them dares to make trouble, these archers will shoot the man to death.

"Who is the owner of the Chai family?" Hu Cheng looked at the Chai family and asked in a cold voice.

"The master of the Chai family in the bedroom, I don't know what the general has to say?" Chai Ji quickly stood out from the crowd and said.

"Tell me, why do you Chai family collude with the cult and betray the human race?" Hu Cheng asked in a cold voice.

"Please make it clear to the general that our Chai family has no contact with the cult. If there is any, please give evidence." Chai Ji quickly knelt down and said.

If in peacetime, the head of a big family, how can he kneel down to an outsider, even if the other side is the Beast Master of the earth level. But now the situation is different. If he doesn't keep a low profile now, the people waiting for the Chai family will be all over the house.

"Father, this man clearly wants to target our Chai family. You don't have to kneel down to him. This is the shame of our Chai family!" Seeing Chai Ji kneeling down, a young disciple of the Chai family suddenly stood out from the crowd and pointed to Hu Cheng, laughing wildly.

You know, before the city protection army entered the first level main city, no one could shake the status of the Chai family in the first level main city. Every disciple of the Chai family had a strong self-confidence, but the Chai family's master knelt down to an outsider so easily, which they could not understand in their dreams.

Originally, this should represent the integrity of the Chai family. However, seeing this situation, Chai Jigang wanted to denounce his son's disobedience, but before he said anything, he saw hundreds of arrows shot into the Chai family's disciple's body at the same time, instantly shooting the Chai family's disciple into a hornet's nest.

"Hum, ignorant child, do I need you to teach me what I do?" Hu Cheng stares at the corpse of the Chai disciple and says, "well, anyone who is not convinced can stand up, otherwise, let the Chai master continue to talk." Hu Cheng looked around, as if no one dared to fight him any more, so he continued.

"Our Chai family is right. I don't know what to say..." Chai Ji said helplessly.

"Chai Ji, are you really confused or fake? Do you want me to point out your mistakes?" Seeing Chai Ji's performance, Hu Cheng continued.

"Villain, I really don't know." Chai Ji heard Hu Cheng's words and continued to kneel on the ground.

"Well, I'll tell you now. There is a traitor in your Chai's family, and this traitor is a remnant of the cult. If I'm not wrong, there are some obvious signs on these evil spirits. Now let me have a look. " Hu Cheng looked at the management of the Chai family. Suddenly he saw a disciple of the Chai family. He pointed to the disciple and said, "it's just you. You can stand up."

"General, I'm not a remnant evil of the cult. I still hope the general will be aware of it." Hu Cheng called it out alone, and the Chai disciple trembled."You don't have to be so excited. I know you are not the remnant evil of the cult, but you have committed unforgivable crimes. Take off your clothes." Hu Cheng looked at the Chai family disciple and said without expression.

"I..." The disciple of the Chai family still wanted to resist. As a result, two soldiers grabbed him by the arm and took off his clothes.

"How, how could it be like this?" Seeing that a large number of Rune patterns of the cult appeared on the Chai family's disciples, not to mention the Chai family's master, even the people in the city master's mansion were shocked, because they didn't expect that the Chai family had such tattoos on their bodies.

"Master Chai, what else do you have to say?" Hu Cheng looked at Chai Ji and asked coldly.

"Report back to the general, this man is really a member of our Chai family, but he is a disciple of the cult, which doesn't mean all of our Chai family are." Looking at his trusted followers turned into cult people, Chai Ji also felt very incredible, even a sense of despair.

He was very angry and disappointed, and he had no chance to sophistry. At the moment, he could only choose silence.

"Tell me, who else is a member of the cult in your Chai family?" Hu Cheng looked at the Chai disciple and asked.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that you found me hiding so deeply, but you'd better give up. Even if you killed all the people in our Chai family, I won't tell you!" Seeing that his identity had been torn down, the Chai disciple burst into laughter.

"Tell me if there are any evil spirits left in our Chai family. Tell me quickly!" Seeing that the Chai family disciple wanted to bury the whole Chai family, Chai Kan felt dizzy. Then he kicked the Chai family disciple and asked fiercely.

"Chai Ji, you don't have to be in such a hurry to kill people. It's useless!" Hu Cheng looked at Chai Ji and said with a sneer.

"General, our Chai family is really wronged. They don't know about these things and have never participated in them!" Although Chai Ji could feel that Hu Cheng was doing this for revenge. They had left the general's house and left without permission during the hunting, but he could not explain the other side's excuse. In a hurry, he could only press the Chai family disciple as much as possible.

Unfortunately, Hu Cheng has calculated him to the extreme, which makes him unable to turn over.

"Ha ha ha, you've never been involved. It's a joke. OK. I can't believe what you said. I'll believe you only if this Chai disciple says it! " Hu Cheng looked at the Chai disciple and asked with a smile.

"Chai Ji, I'm afraid you don't know. Besides me, there are still a few Heretics in our Chai family, but they won't be exposed so soon. We'd rather take the people of Chai family and die together than let you catch our heretics one by one."

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