"Go in. Once you can come out of it, you can accept the inheritance and become the golden mask envoy of the cult tomorrow." The monster master looked at Lu Yang and said without expression.

"Yes, sir." Lu Yang can feel the status of a demon master in the cult of evil gods, and his cultivation level is above the earth level.

From this point of view, if you become a monster master, you should be regarded as the bottom backbone of the cult.

Although it seems that the evil temple is only a little big, Lu Yang feels as if he has entered an endless space when he really enters the evil temple.

At the moment, in front of his eyes is an endless gray mountain range, on which there is no life, some are strange stones.

However, Lu Yang could feel that these stones were similar to life on the Terran continent. Although he didn't know where they were, he always felt that there was an inseparable relationship between them and the cult.

Boom, boom

Just when Luyang entered this area, he suddenly saw four meteor like light clusters falling from the sky. With the fall of these four light clusters, the whole ground vibrated violently.

Then Lu Yang saw that in front of his eyes, there were clusters of gray light, and those stones, which were originally strange shapes, were constantly changing in the light, and finally became giant shapes, standing up from the ground.

Similarly, after a giant with a height of several tens of meters stands up, there are hundreds of short statures beside him. The giant with a height of only a dozen meters also follows the giant, which seems to be his follower.

After their resurrection, they did not do anything else. They just went back and forth on their own territory. It seemed that their mission was to guard their own territory and prevent the invasion of outsiders.

"I didn't expect that the last hurdle was actual combat!" Seeing these stone men, Lu Yang probably understood the meaning of the last pass, but it was one thing to understand, and another to really want to rush through.

You know, among these stone giants, even the most common stone giant is the strength of the xuanjie Beast Master, and the biggest stone giant has reached the level of the earth Beast Master. It takes a lot of effort to defeat them.

However, it is because of the difficulties that the cult attaches great importance to the golden masked man. At the same time, Lu Yang can probably calculate the strength of the former Golden masked man.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

As Lu Yang stepped into the territory of the first stone man, he saw dozens of stone men attacking him at the same time.

There are five kinds of stone men. The first is Archer, who can attack from a long distance.

The second is cavalry, which is very fast.

The third and fourth are swordsmen and gunners, who can fight at close range.

The fifth is a giant, also the most powerful stone giant. Although he has no weapons, his whole body is full of weapons, and he is the leader of this stone army, but his speed is also the slowest.

"Roar, roar..."

With the continuous progress of these stone giants, rows of stone arrows fell on Lu Yang's side like rain. Although these stone arrows are also very sharp, they are much worse than the Dragon chopping sword. Therefore, the stone arrows in Western Zhejiang have not yet touched Lu Yang, but they have been directly cut into pieces and turned into powder by his dragon chopping sword.

In addition to the stone arrow, a cavalry team composed of almost eight cavalry rushed up from behind, and speared Lu Yang's body at the same time.

All of a sudden, Lu Yang was surrounded by these knights. If he was stabbed by these stone spears, his body would be tied into a honeycomb in an instant.

After all, Lu Yang is not a xuanjie Beast Master, but a Dijie Beast Master. What's more, his strength is much stronger than that of ordinary Dijie Beast Master. Therefore, even if he suppresses his own strength, he can deal with these stone knights.

With the sound of "Hua", a red light sweeps out from the Dragon chopping sword as Lu Yang sweeps the Dragon chopping sword. The shadow of the ancient dragon can be seen in the fire light.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

When a rain of arrows came down again, behind the land ocean, the dark gobbler opened his mouth and swallowed the stone arrows.

Facing the stone army, Lu Yang speeded up and came to the stone soldiers in a few steps.

Because of his great strength, he can easily kill four or five stone soldiers with one sword, and his speed is still very fast.

This is still under the condition that he restrains and limits his strength.

If he tries his best to break out, I'm afraid the whole stone army will be killed by him in an instant.

After all, it was the test of the cult. It was necessary for him to overcome the difficulties, but there was no need to show himself too conspicuously. In that case, he was not showing himself, but exposing his identity.


Just when Lu Yang appeared in front of the giant, a big stone hand smashed down from the sky. This big hand was the size of a carriage. If it could not dodge, it would be smashed into meat mud.But how could Lu Yang give him an opportunity.

Just as the big hand came down, Lu Yang suddenly dodged to the side. The big hand plummeted down, making a big hole in the whole ground. A large amount of gravel scattered, throwing Lu Yang out.

After a rough calculation, the power of the stone giant is at least 1.34 million. Although it is not as powerful as that of the land and ocean, it is definitely stronger than that of the ordinary earth level Beast Master.

If it's not because of its slow speed, I'm afraid the ordinary ground level Beast Master will only be in a mess when he meets him.

"Master, although the stone giant is very strong, it has a fatal key on its forehead. As long as it can break this key, the stone giant will die instantly." Just after Lu Yang evaded the stone giant's attack, Xiaomei suddenly realized that there was a key point in the stone giant, which could help Lu Yang kill it easily, and immediately told her master the location of the key point.

"Xiaomei, you've done a good job. You've helped me a lot!" Lu Yang said thanks and rushed to the key point of the stone giant.

Unfortunately, how could the stone giant give Lu Yang the chance to get close to him easily? Just when Lu Yang wanted to rush towards him, the stone giant suddenly spread out and became a stone soldier. Its key also disappeared among the stone soldiers. Even the Department of zoology could not find the key of the stone giant at the same time.

"Kill The stone soldiers separated from the body of the stone giant and roared, forming an array to surround Lu Yang.

"Another array?" Seeing this array composed of stone soldiers, Lu Yang probably had an understanding.

Although we haven't found a way to crack it, there is no danger in being besieged.


Just as the array formed a huge whirlpool to include Lu Yang in it, suddenly dozens of huge fists composed of stone soldiers hit Lu Yang's body one by one from the air.

Roughly calculated, each attack of these fists is equivalent to the fighting power of the ordinary Terran land level beast division.

"Damn, I didn't expect that these stone men looked stupid, but in fact they formed a much better array than they looked on the surface. It seems that the key hidden in the stone giant is not only the key of the stone giant, but also the brain of these stone armies." After thinking about this, Lu Yang did not hesitate to fight directly into the rest of the stone army. Although these fists threatened him all the time, Lu Yang was sure that he could find and kill the leader of the stone army before these fists hit him.

"Hua Hua..."

With the sweeping of the Dragon chopping sword in Lu Yang's hand, the stone soldiers were crushed to pieces. But because they were in the array, although they were killed, they soon gathered together again. It seemed that they could not be killed alone.

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