
With flying snow bear big mouth so a suction, a large number of snowflakes from the ground constantly boiling, fast into its body.

With the melting of these snowflakes, the big mouth of the snow bear at least eats tens of thousands of Jin of snowflakes.

However, it was only the part of nine snow foxes. Naturally, it was impossible to grasp its body, which made the flying snow bear shake its huge body again, slapping its palms on the ground, and then the whole ground shake again.

"Master, it's our turn now." You know, the killing plan made by nine tail snow fox for Lu Yang is actually a cruel idea that nine tail snow fox has come up with recently.

You know, recently, when flying snow bears attack nine snow foxes, they will absorb the nearby snowflakes with their spirit power. They want to absorb nine snow foxes in one bite.

If nine snow foxes can find the poison that can poison the snow bear, or enter the belly of the snow bear, they will have a chance to kill it.

Now nine snow foxes tell Lu Yang this method, which makes Lu Yang think of all kinds of ways to kill Feitian snow bear. However, he thinks that if he relies on his own strength to kill Feitian Snow Bear, he can only help nine snow foxes get revenge.

If he can help nine snow foxes to avenge herself, he will make the other party appreciate Dade and really regard himself as his own person. So he decided to choose a more difficult way to help nine snow foxes kill flying snow bears.

"OK, let's go into the body of the snow bear and find a chance to kill it." Think of here, Lu Yang no longer hide, directly toward the big mouth full of suction of flying snow bear, then rushed past.

"GA GA GA, there is a poor Terran Beast Master. It's really good!" Flying snow bear swallows Lu Yang and nine snow foxes into his body at the same time. He burps a little and suddenly feels a kind of unspeakable comfort.

At this time, Lu Yang and nine snow foxes had already entered the body of Feitian snow bear.

It has to be said that the body of flying snow bear is like a huge ball, in which any esophagus is tens of meters thick and thin, and Luyang has enough space to move, just like an underground passage, constantly rolling under the ground.

Later, Luyang entered a huge cave, but it was not an ordinary cave. It was most likely the stomach of the snow bear, because there was a huge stomach acid Lake in its stomach. There was everything in the lake, and even the bones of the Terran orcs, almost hundreds of which were floating in front of it. In addition, there were trees and stones The head is more numerous.

In a word, this flying snow bear always refuses to eat anything. He can eat whatever he sees. It can be said that he has a good appetite. Even if he is given a mountain, he can eat it, and it is not ambiguous at all.

Lu Yang thinks that he should find the heart of the snow bear, and then enter the brain of the snow bear through the heart. As long as he enters the brain of the snow bear, he can take advantage of nine snow foxes to completely defeat the brain of the snow bear, and it will be easy to kill it at that time.

"Master, I used to think that we foxes were the strongest fierce beasts. Now it seems that we foxes are much worse than the Terrans." Hearing Lu Yang's words, nine tail snow fox sighs slightly, and thinks that this method is very feasible.

Of course, there is a problem, that is, how to get from the body of the bear to the brain of the bear.

Of course, it may be very difficult for others, but for the Royal beast system, it's just a simple thing. As a result, after Xiaomei's operation, Lu Yang soon got a circuit map to the brain of Feitian snow bear.

It turns out that there are three major organs in the body of the snow bear. The first organ is the stomach, where the snow bear digests food.

The second place, the heart, is where the snow bear transports food.

The third place is its brain, which is used to condense the aura of heaven and earth, store the divine consciousness and form the mind.

These three places are all connected by blood vessels, and the faster the blood flow, the faster the Feitian Snow Bear's cultivation.

But if she wants to enter the bear's brain from its stomach, she needs to go through three levels. The first level is the stomach acid lake.

Generally speaking, the food digested here will enter into the blood vessels of flying snow bear through many pores of the stomach.

The second level is the gate to the heart. There are countless parasitic fierce beasts in this gate. Although the fierce beasts here are all fierce beasts on the earth, they are very difficult to deal with.

The third level is a nerve line from the heart of the snow bear to its brain. There are tens of thousands of nerves that can affect the snow bear. Although these nerves can not provide enough intelligence for the snow bear, their tenacity can also provide strong defense for the snow bear, so as to prevent Luyang from entering its brain smoothly."Gulu, Gulu..."

As Lu Yang entered the stomach acid lake, he felt a lot of corrosive liquid and gradually soaked his body.

However, for him, these can not affect his safety. If we go deep into them, they can only be regarded as an obstacle to his defense.

Just as Luyang was about to swim deep into the lake, suddenly, Luyang felt a series of black step insects coming from nearby. Although they were not long, they were very fast. As soon as they rushed to Luyang, they opened their sharp teeth and wanted to tear Luyang's body to pieces.

In addition, there are at least hundreds of such black insects in the body of the snow bear. As soon as they appear, they surround Lu Yang. Obviously, this is not the thing that should appear in the stomach of the snow bear, but the parasite in its body.

"Master, let me do it!" After seeing these parasites, in Lu Yang's mind, Tianshui bird king came to be interested.

It suddenly flew out of Luyang's body. Every time it dived into the water, it was able to pick up a black insect. Although it can only eat one insect at a time, its speed is so fast that it can eat all the black insects in less than a quarter of an hour, which makes his body change vaguely.

"Boom", the Tianshui bird king has been promoted to xuanjie dayuanman, only a line away from Dijie zhanchong.

"I didn't expect that the parasites here are so powerful. It seems that the next few levels will be more difficult." Although these black insects surprise Luyang, they still can't stop the tower from entering the bottom of the sour lake.

If those black bugs were just the most common barrier before, now Lu Yang's pores in the face of acid lakes are the difficulties he really wants to get into the blood vessels of flying snow bear.

You should know that the food of flying snow bear is big and small, soft and hard, almost anything. As long as it can be swallowed, it can eat these things into its stomach, and finally it is absorbed through these pores.

However, these pores are not kind-hearted people. They are all one by one. The thighs of adults are thick and thin, with rows of sharp toothed tentacles.

Such thick pores, let alone Luyang, are impossible for a snake to pass.

However, in the face of this situation, Lu Yang did not panic. Instead, he began to quickly gather the strength of Chen Tu's rune, slowly condensing his body into a stone, and fiercely drilling into the strip tentacle.

What he gambled on was that these tentacles could stretch and contract freely, and could swallow the stone composed of their own condensed runes into their blood vessels.

Of course, the stone formed by Lu Yang is just for protecting his body. It will not cause any damage to the digestive organs of the snow bear. Therefore, even if he passes through these pores, it will not arouse the alarm of the snow bear.

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