Lu Yang had never seen such an animal master who taught his disciples. He did not teach them how to practice Kung Fu, but how to be a man. This kind of teaching method is similar to that of Lu Yang's previous life.

However, Lu Yang won't talk to these people casually until he has no trust in them. Besides, he has a serious internal injury and needs to take care of himself. He can't miss anything.

"My friend, I can see from your expression that you don't know much about the Dragon Emperor cave." Xuankong Yiming said to Lu Yang as he walked.

"Master is really powerful. I can see it all of a sudden. I really don't know much about the Dragon Emperor cave. It's even the first time I've come here. I don't know what's particular about it or why?" Feeling as if to say something, Lu Yang quickly pretended to listen.

"Why? You asked the right person. You should know that the biggest origin of the Dragon Emperor's cave lies in the Dragon Emperor. My friend, you should know that above the heaven level is the king level, and above the king level is the saint level. There is almost no comparability between different levels, but this is not true only for the dragon people, and the Dragon Emperor is the only one among the dragon people who can compete with the sages of the human race. "

At that time, as the totem of the human race, the dragon was in a very sacred position. The Dragon Emperor came to our continent and ruled it together with the saints of the human race.

But soon the war broke out, and the fierce beasts and Demons launched a crazy attack on the Terran. A catastrophe was inevitable, so the Terran and the Terran united to drive the demons out of the Terran continent, and then sealed the fierce beasts in the fierce beast continent, which was regarded as the end of the war.

But because of this, the Terran also fell into chaos, so the Dragon Emperor used his cave to create a strange space, which can connect to another world, where there are many dragon treasures that can be collected by the Terran Orc masters. Even if the Terran Orc masters are lucky, they may sign a contract with the Dragon and become masters and servants Department.

However, with the passage of time, more and more people want to enter the longhuang cave, and fewer and fewer people can come out of it. Even in recent years, there is a door in the passage to the longhuang cave. You can choose the Terran zoologists who can enter it. In this way, the number of Terran zoologists who can enter the longhuang cave is also increasing The less you come, the less the number of ORC masters you can enter in a year.

But it's still an open place for all Terran orcs to explore. It's just that it's not certain whether you can get in or not.

"So it is!" Hearing Xuankong Yiming's words, Lu Yang nodded with a sigh. If so, he should have a chance.

"Since the elder is so familiar with the Dragon Emperor's cave, do you know what benefits and dangers you can get from entering the Dragon Emperor's cave?" Hearing Xuankong Yiming's words, Lu Yang asked strangely.

"Well, there must be many advantages. One of them is innumerable treasures. In addition, it is possible to reach a contract with the dragon clan. The other is that you can fight freely with other animal masters. Third, I don't know if there are more." Xuankong Yiming said with a smile.

"Free fight, what does that mean?" Hearing the sound of Xuankong Yiming, Lu Yang asked again.

"In fact, it's a kind of erasure of memory. As long as you kill that person, no one knows you killed him except you. You know what? " Xuankong Yiming made an action of extermination, which made Luyang feel very fresh.

"As for the offspring of the dragon, it is said that only those who want to leave each other's world to kill each other are the ones who want to kill each other." Xuankong Yiming seems to have entered that time and space, with a yearning face.

"Oh? What kind of place have you been in? " Hearing Xuankong Yiming's words, Lu Yang couldn't help asking.

"Of course I went in, but there are advantages you can't imagine!" Xuankong Yiming said mysteriously.

Lu Yang could hear it. Xuankong Yiming didn't want to go on.

Indeed, since there are so many advantages and the competition is so fierce, it is tantamount to breaking one's own way to tell others about the situation.

"Ha ha ha, I understand, I understand!" Hearing Xuankong Yiming's words, Lu Yang laughed, then turned the topic, and said absently.

Along with their advance, a large area of flat land gradually appeared in front of them. At the end of the flat land is a mountain with a height of more than 1000 meters. On the top of the mountain, there are grotesque rocks and countless tall trees growing on it. Here is the longhuang peak of the longhuang mountains.

"This is longhuangfeng. As long as you go to the top of the mountain, you can see one of the entrances to longhuang cave. As long as the cave is opened, we can enter it." As several people sat on the battle favorite and slowly flew up, as Xuankong Yiming said, an extremely deep cave gradually appeared in front of them. There were hundreds of large and small arrays in the cave. These arrays were combined to form various shapes.Usually these arrays are hidden, but now they all emit circles of pure white light, and with the spread of these white light, a space channel hidden in the inexplicable space is gradually looming, as if it can appear in front of him at any time.

"My friend, when time comes, a space-time channel will be formed in the center of these figures. If you can enter the other side of the space-time channel, you can enter through this channel. Otherwise, you will be rejected by this channel and lose the qualification to enter. But I think people are always very accurate, so you have the potential to enter it. " Xuankong Yiming said to Lu Yang with a smile.

"Oh? Thank you for your kind words. " Although he didn't believe Xuankong Yiming's words, he said gratefully.

After all, it's a place, and Lu Yang only knows a little about it through Xuankong Yiming. He doesn't know much about it, so he's not sure what will happen in the future.

Just when they arrived, from other places of longhuangfeng, there were five or six groups of earth level beast masters led by heaven level beast masters.

According to what Xuankong Yiming said before, as long as you have entered the longhuang cave within ten years, you will lose the qualification to enter the longhuang cave within ten years. This is also the reason why there are fewer and fewer people in the longhuang cave.

"Ha ha ha, Xuankong Yiming, I didn't expect that we met again. It's been ten years. I didn't expect that you should bring such a lot of waste this time!" Just as Lu Yang was talking to Xuankong Yiming, a group of people came to them. The head of Tianjie beast master looked at Xuankong Yiming and said unkindly.

The whole Beast Master of Tianjie looks strange, especially he looks like a fierce beast in human shape.

"Hahaha, get out of here. You are a dog. You can't spit Ivory out of your mouth. Why haven't you died yet?" Heard many rolling words, Xuankong Yiming is also a cold hum, some impatient said.

"How can I die behind you? Even if you die, I won't die. Don't worry. The gate of the cave has been opened. Let's see who can lead us out of it this time. " More than one roll looked at the door that had been opened slowly in the air. Just as the whole door had been opened, more than one roll had already flown in with several local animal masters around him.

With the opening of the gate of the Dragon Emperor's cave, several groups of animal masters also flew in towards the gate of the cave. In less than ten breaths, all the animal masters who could enter the Dragon Emperor's cave had entered it.

At this time, the gate of the Dragon Emperor's cave was slowly closed, and the darkness completely blocked the passage of time and space. When Lu Yang and others were in front of their eyes, they had already appeared in another piece of time and space.

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