"Now send my order, Luoyang City Festival begins!" Lu Yang stands in the middle of Zhu Zhitong and Feng Wuyi and throws the token directly. As the token lands, a big flag appears in Lu Yang's hand.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

With the waving of the flag, tens of thousands of tianyimen disciples gathered on the square, waving the flag, and began to gather the aura of heaven and earth within hundreds of millions of miles towards Luoyang City.

This is only the first step. In the second step, when the aura of heaven and earth gather together, it begins to attract the fortune of heaven and earth. Once the fortune gather together, it is the time to really unite the heart of the main city.

Because only with the heart of the main city, these auras and fortune are gathered here in Luoyang.

However, when Luoyang City condenses the heart of the main city, the heart of other main cities will inevitably be divided. Some unstable ones may be directly broken and become fragments, but most of them will be gradually exploited in the future. Even the spirit of the King City will inevitably lose some.

Because of this, in a city, not only the number of primary main cities should be strictly controlled, but also the number of secondary main cities should be controlled.

With the gathering of fortune and aura, the last step is to form the city protection array of the main city. Tianze Fulu began to give the top to the people of Luoyang City.

Once this step is over, even if the promotion of Luoyang city is completed, it is impossible to stop even if the king's beast master comes. At most, he can completely capture the city after the promotion, and let him lose all his previous achievements. However, in this way, he will be infected with cause and effect, which increases the difficulty of his promotion to the emperor's Beast Master, and even every small realm in the future is possible He was possessed by a heart demon and became possessed by a fire. Therefore, if it is not necessary, the king level Beast Master will not do so.

However, just as the ceremony of tianyimen's sacrifice had just officially begun and gradually gathered the aura of heaven and earth, the Beast Master of Tianjie came out to make trouble.

And all of a sudden, there are three Heaven level beast masters.

"Ha ha ha, a little Luoyang city also wants to break the rules of the Terran, and all of a sudden it is promoted to two levels, and you are not afraid of being punished by heaven!" One of them looked at Lu Yang and said with a wild smile.

"Oh? Who on earth are you? You dare to be so shameless. Say, if you come today, don't want to leave! " Lu Yang could feel that there were dozens of Tianjie beast masters nearby, but most of them came to see the excitement.

"Hahaha, I'm the Beast Master of Tianjie in the nearby King City. Today I'm going to teach you a lesson. Who's the first one to lead you to death?" The heaven level Beast Master said with a wild smile.

"I want to meet you!" Zhu Zhitong heard the words of the Beast Master and went out beside Lu Yang with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, it's Zhu Zhitong. Why, didn't you die hundreds of years ago? I remember that at that time, you were still a local level animal master. It's said that you were the strongest local level animal master. Now, hundreds of years later, you still have this strength. Even if you are the strongest, you are not a heaven level animal master. You are just rubbish! Ha ha ha... " As soon as he heard Zhu Zhitong's name, he immediately lost his teeth.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhu Zhitong was so fast that he didn't wait for his reaction. Zhu Zhitong had already appeared beside him. In the meantime, the virtual shadows behind Zhu Zhitong condensed and turned into thousands of black lights. At the same time, Zhu Zhitong stabbed the Beast Master.

"What, you've been promoted to heaven?" The Beast Master felt that his body had been pierced in an instant, and his eyes had turned white, and he suddenly exclaimed.

Then he felt that the numbers came into his body one by one, drained his upgrade, and turned into a mummy that fell to the ground and died completely.

"What? You dare to kill the people in the king's city and seek death! " Seeing Zhu Zhitong's hand, the other two beast masters of Tianjie took the hand at the same time.

The first one turned into a golden dragon. The dragon was covered with colorful colors, like a giant lizard, but it was also a dragon. As soon as it appeared, it rushed to Zhu Zhitong.

The second heaven level Beast Master turned into a lion. The lion had nine heads, each with a golden sword, and the nine swords stabbed Zhu Zhitong at the same time, without giving him any time to react.

However, when the two Heaven level beast masters appeared, Zhu Zhitong also took out hundreds of flags and treasures from his back and threw them out at the same time to form an array. As soon as the two Heaven level beast masters came up, they lost Zhu Zhitong's trace. Then he heard the screams from the array, and two of them came to assassinate Zhu Zhitong's heaven level beast I'm afraid the teacher's life is not long.

"What, Zhu Zhitong once killed two Heaven level beast masters when he was the earth level Beast Master. Now his strength is stronger. It seems that the rumor is true. His strength has reached the later stage of heaven level!" Seeing that Zhu Zhitong's strength is still so against the sky, some Tianjie beast masters are also whispering to each other, and they don't want to join in the fun.

However, at this time, they suddenly saw that there were more than a dozen heaven level beast masters in the sky. The first heaven level Beast Master had reached the full circle of heaven level, and these onlookers retreated further.In their opinion, if they can't make it right these days, they will be a law enforcement team sent by the King City. Once this kind of team is provoked, it will not be able to retreat completely.

"Lu Yang, you tianyimen can be promoted to the third level of the main city, but it's impossible for sexual medicine to be promoted to the second level of the main city. If you blindly want to be promoted, then wait for severe punishment! Kill With these words, the more than ten Heaven level beast masters would not even rush directly to the city protection array of Luoyang City.

In their opinion, there are only two Heaven level beast masters in Luoyang, which is not enough to be afraid of.

However, at this time, Lu Yang and Feng Wuyi got up to meet the beast masters of Tianjie at the same time, especially Lu Yang's momentum also increased to the strength of Tianjie.

All of a sudden, this group of people and horses of Tianjie Beast Master were moved.

However, even so, what can we do? At most, there is only one more Beast Master.

Unfortunately, they were wrong.

After Zhu Zhitong killed three Heaven level beast masters, he moved the array to the front and wrapped more than ten Heaven level beast masters in it.

However, the resources of this array are limited after all. It can trap two Heaven level beast masters, but if more than ten Heaven level beast masters are in it, they will catch their knees.

However, Lu Yang also entered the array. Behind him, a black light enveloped him. Without waiting for these days' beast masters to react, he punched out and hit the first day's Beast Master directly.

The power of his fist was so strong that it smashed him.

Then the second and the third Tianjie beast masters were all hit by Lu Yang.

The wind without shadow is not bad, even because of his rich experience, and also a god of killing, so he killed the Beast Master faster.

Now, on the other hand, Zhu Zhitong killed at least four beast masters.

All of a sudden, all the heaven level beast masters were killed. Even the strongest heaven level Da Yuanman Beast Master was already within reach.

At this time, a more powerful figure finally came to Luoyang City.

In addition to him, there are more than a dozen Tianjie beast masters behind him, of which five or six Tianjie dafuanman are more.

Seeing this formation, those Tianjie beast masters who had been watching the scene all around suddenly retreated further, and even some timid Tianjie beast Masters had already left.

But Lu Yang, standing in front of these beast masters, not only didn't run away, but also looked at them fiercely, like you were coming to provoke me.

"Hum, the king's Beast Master is also here. Are you the leader of Lingkong city?" Seeing Lingkong Xiaoao, Lu Yang couldn't help asking.

"Ha ha ha, you know me. Now I'll give you a chance to surrender immediately, or there will be no amnesty!"

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