However, when Lu Yanggang joined the army of the Terran beast division, he felt as if he was being targeted, and the person who targeted him was the king level killer.

I'm afraid that the purpose of this king level killer to kill him is to wash away his shame and even his crime.

After all, it was possible for the fierce beast army to capture the third level royal city this time, but now the fierce beast army has been defeated by Lu Yang. As the protection commander, the king level killers naturally have to bear very severe punishment, which is so cruel that they would rather die than bear.

Of course, if they can kill the murderer of zijinniu demon king, they may have a chance to forgive. Otherwise, they will die in battle or suffer endless torture. They choose to die in battle, and their enemy is Lu Yang.

"What, chasing me to kill? It seems that my previous punch didn't scare you! " Seeing Wang Jie's killer coming up from behind, Lu Yang smiles coldly.

However, the other side is a king level killer after all. Even if he wants to kill the other side, it's hard to succeed. But if he wants to avoid the pursuit of the other side, it's not difficult. In particular, he also has the power of space rune, which can move quickly. Unless in very special circumstances, he can't be killed.


Just when the Wang level killer rushed to Lu Yang, Lu Yang had dodged for the first time, and calculated the time difference for the Royal beast system. In a word, Lu Yang was able to avoid the pursuit of the Wang level killer, and his position was exposed, which immediately attracted the attention of the Wang level Royal beast division and surrounded the Wang level killer directly.

In this way, Lu Yang had another chance to breathe, so he took the opportunity to flow into the camp of the fierce beast army.

As soon as he entered the fierce beast army, Lu Yang was naturally like a fish in water. He kept fighting in it. Soon he came to the warehouse of the fierce beast army.

Because this is a military area, there must be some fierce beasts nearby.

Lu Yang was not flustered, but became the king of Zijin ox, and he was also the king of Zijin ox among the serious injuries. He stumbled here, saw the garrison here and said, "open the door of the warehouse, the army will retreat immediately!"

It's said that Lu Yang took out the token from the demon king.

After seeing the token, the guard reluctantly opened the door of the warehouse. Who knows that Lu Yang killed the guard as soon as the door was opened. Then a strong attraction sucked all the items in the warehouse into Lu Yang's storage space. The whole process took only ten breaths.

When the fierce beast in the nearby sky steps finds that the situation is not good, Lu Yang has left the warehouse with resources.

As soon as he came out, he was attacked by ten fierce beasts at the same time.

Although it's a simple array, if they form a joint attack, even the king level Beast Master will be hurt. What's more, these days level fierce beasts still use their own life as energy to trigger this attack.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

These days, the fierce beasts just want to fight with Lu Yang, sacrifice their bodies and turn them into blood colored spears. At the same time, they shoot Lu Yang's body and want to kill him completely.

However, Lu Yang naturally can not let them succeed.

When these blood colored spears were shot at him, the three eyed giant turtle slowly gathered from his body, and finally turned into a huge mound to protect Luyang's body. At the same time, a circle of water ripples also spun out of his body.

"Bang Bang..."

After four or five fierce beasts of Tianjie were hit by the water wave defense, the rest of them hit the giant turtle.

With the explosion of energy, the giant turtle's body was smashed, but Lu Yang also took this opportunity to move away from his original position, escape from the opponent's attack range, and enter the safety zone.


Of course, Lu Yang couldn't have been unscathed by the ten fierce beasts who sacrificed their lives. However, he only suffered some minor internal injuries. After a mouthful of blood stasis came out, his body began to recover gradually.

After getting great benefits, Lu Yang went back to the battlefield again and began to help the Terran Orc division to clean up the battlefield. At this time, one of the king level killers had been killed, and the other was under siege. Soon another king level killer was killed by a heaven level Orc division.

It can be said that although this battle was very cruel, it was also a precious breathing opportunity for the Terran beast division.

Seeing that his task had been successfully completed, Lu Yang arrived at the handover of the Imperial City task at a very fast speed, delivered the task, and got 15000 pieces of Tianjie crystal.

Although these resources can't help him to be promoted to the king level Beast Master, with these resources, it can help tianyimen increase the number of beast masters. Therefore, Lu Yang can't easily give up these resources.

Moreover, according to his contribution, Lu Yang received a five level merit token.Every time the merit token is upgraded, the reward of the task will be increased by one tenth or even more.

However, there are a large number of veterinary masters with first-class merit token, and those with fourth-class merit token are basically Royal Veterinary masters, while those with third-class merit token are basically Royal Veterinary masters. When it comes to the second level of merit token, it's basically yellow level. As for the first level merit token, I'm afraid only some Saint level beast masters can have it.

There are many different opinions about how many animal masters there are among the Terrans, but most of them are no more than five.

Of course, the merit token can not only increase the task reward, but also has many advantages. Moreover, having it is equivalent to being a hero of the Terran Beast Master, and has many privileges.

"Lu Yang, I didn't expect that your strength was so strong and you killed the target so quickly. It really impressed me!" Just when Lu Yang was about to choose a task, a Wang Jie Beast Master suddenly came out of Lu Yang's side.

Seeing the Beast Master of the king's rank, Lu Yang suddenly thought of a mysterious organization. This organization is dedicated to hunting and killing evil gods. At the beginning, this organization was founded by a woman. Now they also absorb men, but only those fake women are needed to join.

Now that the whole puppet mother has found herself, Lu Yang is a little strange. Is this mysterious organization interested in men now?

"Ha ha, you should be from that organization. What can I do for you?" Seeing the fake mother, Lu Yang asked curiously.

"What's the matter? Hehe, my friend, we want to cooperate with you to help us find an existence called jueshen Dharma protector in the cult of evil gods. As for the advantage, it is to help you to be promoted to the king level Beast Master! " The false mother said very impolitely.

"The king's Beast Master? Why do you have such courage? It's not that I don't believe you, but that I have no reason to believe you! " Lu Yang didn't want to use other people's power to be promoted to the Royal beast division, so he refused directly.

"Oh? Then help your tianyimen to be promoted to Wangcheng! " She continued.

"King City? The whole idea is good, but how can I believe you? " Hearing the words of the false mother, Lu Yang asked strangely.

"Ha ha ha, there are many reasons to believe me. The only thing we can say in the past is that we have a lot of resources and supreme power. I can tell you without any pressure that one of the four Royal cities of the Terran is our backer, and even our Zazu city has a strong backing. As for the strength of this backing, I can't tell you for the time being, but I can reveal that he is the law enforcer of Zucheng! " She continued.

"The law enforcer of Zucheng? That should be very strong. But I'd like to meet with the manager who can talk to you, and discuss the benefits Lu Yang believed what he said after hearing what she said, but he would not be convinced by it.

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