Moreover, the larger the site is, the more resources there are, so he is the king of the abyss cave.

Of course, in the abyss cave, resources are not so easy to get, and even there may be more powerful opponents. For example, some Tianji Zerg are very cruel, and each Tianji Zerg has a large number of children, and even can form a large army. It is not so easy to deal with them.

However, there are also some Zerg like to come alone and do not like to spend so much resources on their offspring. This is the case with the insect that Lu Yang just killed. After killing it, Lu Yang can occupy its territory.

After a survey, Lu Yang found that its site is not very large, but it covers tens of thousands of square meters, almost equivalent to a small passage.

The resources on this passage are all his food. He can even build his own array and cave on it to avoid his natural enemies. Shunzhi can also refine some plants with his own magic or heavenly arts to help him protect his territory. So once he becomes the Lord of a piece of land, he will be the base This is equivalent to having a certain degree of sovereignty.

These Zerg usually divide their territory with their own dung. Once an enemy enters their territory, it means a battle is about to break out.

On his first day here, Lu Yang was only responsible for collecting some pure fire energy from his territory to meet his daily minimum consumption.

However, during this day, he probably found out that there were seven or eight terraces in his passage. If he wanted to expand his territory, he needed to keep invading both sides.

In addition, he owns a piece of land, which is the Lord of this land. In addition to some plants, there are many parasitic insects on his land.

These Zerg are either weak, the strongest is only xuanjie strength, or the attack power is low, there is no combat power.

The reason why they can be attached to the territory of the land and ocean is that they have no ability to produce enough energy, and they need to be attached to another powerful existence, which is the Lord of this land.

As their lords, Lu Yang has the right to eat them at will, but most lords let these insects collect fire energy and pay tribute every day to meet their cultivation needs. Of course, some powerful Lords will continue to breed their own offspring, and even breed a large number of female Zerg to enjoy themselves.

Of course, Lu Yang doesn't have such an interest. He can let Murong Qingcheng live here with him. Although he doesn't have to do anything, he at least has people to accompany him.

Strange to say, seeing that there are a large number of Zerg outside, Murong Qingcheng is not afraid. On the contrary, she feels very happy. She even lets Lu Yang turn her into a Zerg and let her live in the world, thus fulfilling her wish to become a butterfly.

Of course, even if she becomes a butterfly, she won't run around. Although she is a Terran Zerg, the attack and defense of butterflies are very low after all. It is likely that she will become food for other Zerg when she goes out at will.

Compared with the secret land of evil spirits, it's much more dangerous here. Moreover, these Zerg have an indefatigable impulse for food, especially those who dare to step on other Zerg territory. These Zerg basically choose to fight to death.

"Brother, I didn't expect that my injustice was really realized. I really appreciate you!" Back to Lu Yang's side, these Murong Qingcheng's face showed a very happy smile.

Her childhood injustice is to fly out of the main city and become a butterfly flying freely. Now it seems that this wish is not so difficult to achieve. If Lu Yang asks her to do anything, she is willing to do it, even with her body. What's more, she is already Lu Yang's servant, so she naturally has to do it for her master Do what you can.

Luyang's territory is not very big, but even so, there is a big tree hundreds of meters high and tens of meters thick. Among the big trees, there is a well dug tree hole, which is ten meters high and twenty meters wide. In the cave, there is a small palace. Although the layout of the palace is very simple, if it is only Luyang and Murong Qingcheng is also quite spacious.

Although Murong Qingcheng has the temperament of some young ladies, if she really serves people, it's also very considerate. Even when Lu Yang is sleeping, she will warm up beside her. She almost wants a little Lu Yang.

But it's just his idea.

After living in the abyss cave for three or four days, Lu Yang feels that his territory is a little small. Otherwise, if he continues to develop like this, it will be very difficult for him to find the fragments of the way of heaven, and the time he has given himself to stay here is only half a year, so if he wants to expand his territory step by step, he should do it as soon as possible.

If you put Murong Qingcheng in your pet space, Lu Yang will turn into a giant spider and move towards the neighborhood.Now on its territory, all the parasitic Zerg know that it has changed its owner, and the new owner doesn't seem to be interested in their flesh and blood. Not only that, but also the collection of fire energy is much less than before, which makes these parasitic Zerg have more trust in Luyang.

But for Lu Yang, although he needs to trust the Zerg, he doesn't value it that much.

After all, he didn't really want to expand his territory and become the king of insects, but wanted to find more fragments of heaven here.

However, according to the information given to him by the clearance protection law, there will be a public area in the middle of almost every Zerg residence, where no Zerg can occupy it, only share it, and such a place is the water source.

Finding water is like finding a path to promotion.

When Lu Yang climbed to the edge of his territory, he saw a black beetle with the size of tens of meters lying on the ground sleeping.

This black beetle is covered with black lines. Behind it is a layer of dark and shiny armor. Inside its armor is a pair of light black wings.

Luyang has seen it prey, and its speed is extremely fast, especially the wings behind it. It can double its speed when it stretches out, and it can directly crush the prey that intrudes into its territory, but it doesn't seem to have much hostility to Luyang.

You know, there is an unwritten rule in every passage, that is, there will be a common passage between them. As long as they pass through this passage, even if they enter the territory of other Zerg, other Zerg will not rush to attack. In this way, it is convenient for these Zerg to go to the waters to get water.

Moreover, in this ancient tradition, the relationship between the Zerg living in one passage is closer than that in other passages. Even if they conquer each other, they rarely fight for life and death.

However, as Luyang approached the black beetle's territory, the black beetle finally moved and flew to Luyang. "New friend, this is the end of your territory. Please go to the public passage over there!"

With that, the black beetle clawed at Lu Yang and said.

"The passage over there? No, I'm not going to get water. I want to challenge you! " Lu Yang said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, you challenge me? Am I dreaming? It's just a spider Black beetle didn't believe that Lu Yang had such courage, but since Lu Yang said it, there must be a saying for success or failure, that is, gambling.

"Win, I give you half of my territory, and I hand in a third of my income! If you lose, how about you surrender to me? " Lu Yang said, waving his hairy, huge claws.

"Ha ha ha, yes!" The black beetle said confidently.

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