Seeing the appearance of Lingkong Xiaoao's excitement, Lu Yang sighed in his heart and said, "my subordinates are lucky to live up to their fate and have gained twenty black magic Qi."

It's said that landing Lu Yang gave the black devil Qi to Lingkong Xiaoao.

"Twenty black demons?" See so many black evil spirit, soar to the sky to smile arrogantly, simply want beautiful dead.

If he can, he really wants to take Lu Yang for a kiss.

"By the way, in the past few days when you were away, you came to me by flying across the Yangtze River and asked me to go to a mysterious cave with them. They said that it was once the place where the Royal Veterinary master practiced, and it seemed that the Royal Veterinary master died in it when he was promoted. There should be a lot of resources in it. I specially took you with me. You have no problem Lingkong Xiaoao thought of what Lingkong Changjiang said to him, he thought it was an opportunity.

Although there may be some conspiracy hidden in it, there are both benefits and risks. If you are afraid of everything, I'm afraid there will not be so many royal or even Royal Veterinary masters in the world.

"My subordinates are willing to follow the Lord!" When Lu Xingli hears his words in the air.

"Well, I'll arrange it for you. Don't go out during this time. Stay in the mansion and practice hard. " I feel that Lu Yang's strength is about to break through. It's also a good way to be proud.

"Yes, sir Lu Yang immediately made a very grateful appearance and left the secret place.

Not long after returning to the place where he lived, the servant of purple spirit took him to her boudoir.

"Gao Yan, how did I hear that you seem to have sent resources to my brother?" Looking at Lu Yang, the purple spirit in the air said condescending.

"Resources? I don't have any resources. I'm just going to drink with my eldest son. " Seeing the cool eyes of purple spirit in the air, Lu Yang said without panic.

"Hehe, Gao Yan, I'm going to be promoted to the rank of Wang now, and my brother is just a waste. Now you have resources not to give me, but also a waste. If you let me know, you should know the consequences." Looking at Lu Yang, the purple spirit in the air sneers again.

"Master, don't kill me. I don't dare to do that. But I heard the eldest son say that he came to find him in the sky. It seems that he is going to a cave. It's said that it's the place where the Royal Beast Master once practiced. I'm afraid you've been very happy about this recently? " Lu Yang seems to have some doubts.

"Oh? Is there such a place? Lingkong Changjiang, you son of a bitch, are so good that you don't come to me, but to my brother. Don't let me catch hold of you, or you will die miserably. By the way, here's a token. If my brother will take you, then this token will be put on you. At that time, I will find you according to the token! " After giving the token to Lu Yang, Lingkong Zimei sends Lu Yang away.

Lu Yang went back to where he lived and looked at the token. He thought it was ridiculous.

If this token is really something good, volley purple charm will give it to itself, and it is also a person who wants to take advantage of it.

However, who asked himself to need them, so he naturally put this token on him.

About four or five days later, a servant called Lu Yang to the courtyard where Lingkong Changjiang was. As soon as he got there, he saw Lingkong Changjiang, a man in black and Lingkong Xiaoao standing there.

Now Lingkong Changjiang has become the patriarch. Although it's only a temporary generation, he also has the right to take away Lingkong Xiaoao. It's the man in black who looks familiar to Lu Yang. I'm afraid he is the black tiger Jiao.

What about the wizard?

Thinking of this, Lu Yang thought about it and stood beside him.

"Well, let's go." Lingkong Xiaoao sees Lu Yang coming and seems to be impatient.

"All right, let's go! But I can't guarantee that there will be any trouble this time. You'd better take care of yourself then. " Lingkong Changjiang looks at Lingkong Xiaoao with some boredom, and seems to hate everything about him.

As they left the mansion, they entered a forest. In the forest, after flying for about an hour, they saw another man in black appear in front of them.

The man in Black said quickly, "master, this is my master, the dark king."

"I have seen the dark king!" See Wu Shi, volley the Yangtze River to quickly put to say.

"Lingkong master, you're welcome. Let's go to that cave." With these words, the sorcerer turned his wand and tore the void. A space force appeared and brought them to a huge cave.

It's just that this cave is not in an ordinary place, but built in the center of the earth. There are flames all around the cave, as if the whole cave can be completely burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

However, the cave was not affected at all, but as soon as they got under the ground, they couldn't stand it any more.

If we didn't ignore the speed and bring them directly into the cave, I'm afraid they would all be burned to ashes.

However, as soon as they enter the cave, they feel the whirl of heaven, as if the whole world is collapsing, and then a passage appears in front of them."This is the only way to the depths of the cave, master, please!" The man in black made a gesture of invitation with his hand. He followed the Wushi and walked into the passage.

Just after they walked out of the passage, a large cliff appeared in front of them.

On the cliff, there are hundreds of suspended compasses. There are a lot of twinkling stars on these black compasses.

Hundreds of compasses are suspended in the air, just like hundreds of stars are suspended in the air.

"This should be the starry sky." Seeing this, the sorcerer said slowly, "if you want to cross the starry sky chessboard, it's actually very simple. That is to walk according to its power. You must jump when you should jump. If you miss, you will fall into the abyss and die directly."

"You are the first!" Then the wizard pointed to Lu Yang and said.

"I..." Lu Yang pretended to be afraid when he was ordered by the wizard, but when he jumped on the compass, his speed did not decrease, and he soon came to the middle of the compass.

"You're next!" With the wizard's instruction, several people came to the compass one after another.

Originally, he wanted to let Lu Yang die. Who knows that Lu Yang did not die, but still survived. This really didn't occur to him.

However, thanks to Lu Yang, several other people also successfully passed the star compass.

However, this is only the first level. After passing the star compass, there is a huge array in front of us. Around the array are four giants in armor. These four giants are the sword giant, the gun giant, the palace giant and the ascendant giant.

The four giants guard four positions respectively. As long as they enter the array, the four giants will attack them. Once they are killed by the four giants, the clearance will be a failure.

If they want to pass, they have to find a way to organize the attack of these giants.

"Here it is." Lingkong Changjiang River looks at the man in black. The man in black rushes directly at Lingkong Xiaoao.

"Lingkong Xiaoao, you need your blood to open it. You should contribute your blood today." Said the man in black with a strange smile.

"My blood, why? Don't you say that you cheated me here just for my blood? " Even if you are so stupid, you know you are going to die.

"Hahaha, you are so stupid to say you are stupid. What do you think I brought you here for? Naturally, I want you to die. It's valuable. I think you'd better not resist and die." With that, the man in black will push Xiaoao into the array.

Because it's the strength of two people, and there's no defense, so Xiaoao in the air is pushed into the array.

The four giants started at the same time, directly smashed the body into pieces.

At this time, only Lu Yang was their obstacle. Just when they wanted to kill Lu Yang, a shadow appeared in front of him and saved him.

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