"King, there's a human Beast Master outside asking to see you!" In the dream of celestial burial, a maid trotted all the way to his bedroom and said respectfully.

"What, Terran Beast Master? In my dream, when will there be such a bold Terran Beast Master? It's really bold. Let me see him. " Although Tianmu national master was greedy, he was not a fool. He immediately understood something and knew that this man might be the Terran Beast Master who broke into his dream.

"Meet the heavenly burial master!" After seeing the celestial burial of the national master, Lu Yang quickly said with hypocrisy.

"Well? What's the matter with you coming to see me? " To be able to enter the dream of Tianmu national master does not mean to enter the city master's mansion, but there is something else in it.

Because if you break into the city Lord's mansion, the national master of Tianmu can feel the intruder all at once, which is similar to breaking into the array.

But it would be different if an outsider entered his dream.

We should know that the heavenly burial master can dream, and so can the outsiders. Their dreams are woven together with the heavenly dream and the heavenly way, so it's normal to meet in a dream.

Of course, it's also possible to break in because of dreams. Maybe this Terran Beast Master is the one who broke into his dream.

And Tianmu national division can just use this to test the beast division of Fengxue city and some ideas about the control of Fengxue city by the Shui army.

"You are the beast king of Fengxue City, the new leader of our Fengxue city?" Lu Yang not only didn't feel afraid, but also said excitedly.

"Well? I'm the king of wind and snow in your windstorm city. Do you have anything to tell me? " Tianmu Guoshi said happily.

After all, it's not the same as dreaming. Dreaming is just a means of self deception. No matter how stupid the master of celestial burial is, he knows it.

But now suddenly hearing another person flatter him, he will feel better.

"Of course, you don't know that although the ice and snow Phoenix apparently controls the city, there are forces in the city that you don't know want to assassinate you. I used to be an unknown villain. Now I've got the news of this force, and I want to inform you that I hope you can take this opportunity to expose the secret The gang that killed you. " Seeing the celestial burial master, Lu Yang Lu said with surprise.

"What, is there such a thing? Good. I'm sure I'll give you a big responsibility this time. " The national master of Tianmu gave a cold smile. I didn't expect that there were such stupid people now.

It's said that Terrans are smart, but now they just look like that!

But what he didn't know was that Lu Yang didn't approach him just for chatting, but in the process of contact, he unconsciously blessed him with the nightmare of heaven.

We should know that the master of celestial burial is only the way of heaven. He can control other people's violence and dream, but it is difficult to control the good and bad times of this dream.

Now Lu Yang is to use this dream to kill him quietly.

"Thank you, heavenly burial master!" Obviously, Lu Yang didn't seem to know it was a dream.

The national master of Tianmu also appreciated his dream making ability very much. He didn't realize that his dream would have any mistakes.

"Then you can take me to have a look now." Although it is in the dream, the world in the dream is almost the same as the outside world, so as long as the celestial burial master can follow Lu Yang to find the location of those people in the dream, it is the same in the real world outside.

Such dreams are all based on the memory in Lu Yang's brain. Although there are fictional elements, the memory is completely real, and the heavenly burial master is fully sure to let Lu Yang tell the truth.

After all, some people in their dreams, is unable to distinguish between the dream and reality, even if wake up to know is dreaming, but it also needs to wake up.

So now the national master of Tianmu naturally thinks that Lu Yang can no longer distinguish between dream and reality.

"Yes, sir Lu Yang nodded when he heard Tianmu's words, and took Tianmu to the outside of the city Lord's mansion.

When the national master of celestial burial came out of the city Lord's mansion, he was followed by four fierce beasts of the king's rank. The strength of each fierce beast of the king's rank was full in the king's rank, and it was only a little bit close to being promoted to the emperor's rank. The strength was extraordinary.

These are all created by the national master of Tianmu, so that they can be taken to destroy those chaotic parties.

Of course, the greater role is to deceive Lu Yang's consciousness.

Leaving the city master's mansion, Lu Yang takes the Tianmu national master and walks into a very spacious road. On the other side of the road, there is a very majestic and tall building complex, where a big family once lived in Fengxue city.

Seeing this, the national master of Tianmu was a little stunned, as if he thought of something.

Originally, he just wanted to see the excitement, but unexpectedly, he really believed in it.

Because this is no other place. It's the residence where the boa constrictor once lived.

You know, he brought a lot of confidants this time. Although he replaced some of the grass-roots forces of the Shui nationality army, the real backbone was not replaced so quickly. Otherwise, the army would mutiny.And this mansion is the place where he is most worried about.

Seeing this, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he felt. Did everything he worried about finally happen?

"Hahaha, commander-in-chief, I didn't expect to follow you to Fengxue city. It's really good. This time, the old man took your place. Everyone of us is very reluctant. If you can lead us to attack back, isn't it a good thing to kill the old beast directly?" A manager said happily.

"Hum, the old man of Tianmu national master thought that I really gave him the power. He had a dream. Today, when I killed him, you all pay attention to me. The army besieged the city Lord's house at night. There must be no mistake!" Said the boa constrictor.

"Ah, how can it be like this? I think you really don't want to live!" The heavenly burial master gnashed his teeth.

At this time, Lu Yang directly turned around and rushed to a king level Beast Master beside Tianmu national master.

"Celestial burial master, your real body has been exposed. Die!" Lu Yang's sword pierced into the body of the heavenly burial master, and countless nightmares directly melted his heavenly dream and heavenly way, which made his real body exposed.

Then all the dreams around were completely broken, and the national master of Tianmu was directly killed by Lu Yang.

"What, hiding under the bed!" Lu Yang looks around with his eyes and thinks that the celestial burial master must be with many beauties. Now he is wrong. It turns out that the celestial burial master died under the bed, and there is no woman around.

Lu Yang then found out that this national master of celestial burial was actually a Buju, Liu Xiahui. It's really boring.

Now it's up to the boa constrictor to see if he can turn his units against him.

So after killing the Tianmu national master and taking out the tianmeng Tiandao in his body, he took the Tianmu national master's head and came to the meeting place agreed with the Shui python.

"Master, I've successfully rebelled against more than half of the Shui troops in the army, but the rest are all planted by the national division of celestial burial. I can't do anything to them yet." Aqua Python some depressed said.

He didn't expect that the work efficiency of the heavenly burial master was really high. In just a few days, he would get rid of so many of his confidants. If he was given more time, I'm afraid his confidants would be wiped out. That's why it's so easy for him to persuade those old ministers to act against him.

"I can only do this, but it's the master..." What the aqua Python didn't say is that if Lu Yang succeeds, I'm afraid that this time it's almost 80% certain.

But is it really that easy to kill the heavenly burial master?

"Ha ha, what do you think this is?" It's said that Lu Yang threw the head of the celestial burial master to the boa constrictor.

Seeing the head of the celestial burial master, the boa constrictor was stunned, and then he was pleasantly surprised.

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