"Now it's time to collect other resources." Hearing Xiaomei's voice, Lu Yang is ready to start collecting other resources.

Because if he wants to fight with the saints, it's not enough just to have the fighting power of becoming a saint. He must have the resources comparable with the saints. Otherwise, his physical strength can't keep up with the saints just at the beginning of the battle, which is absolutely a taboo.

So this time, the resources in his body must be fully prepared, and even have enough backup resources as a supplement.

Otherwise, once fighting, if the lack of energy, it is likely to be killed by the saints in a flash, which is absolutely not a joke.

"Start storing energy." Lu Yang directly opened the Royal beast system, and a black hole appeared in the treasure house. All the king's and Saint's crystal stones were swept in, and a large number of pieces of heaven, like scrap iron without money, entered the Royal beast system one after another.

With the injection of a large number of resources, the entire Royal beast system began to be constantly filled up, and the system became more and more powerful with the injection of resources, and even had a sense of promotion.

Of course, they are now on the Terran continent, or they lack the resources to upgrade the system again. Otherwise, this upgrade will bring greater benefits to Lu Yang.

Even so, with the support of enough resources, the whole system can be realized in a flash no matter what functions Luyang wants to use.


With a large number of pouring, the Dragon chopping sword has been put into the melting pot of beasts, and countless resources have also entered the Dragon chopping sword.

Due to the lack of many fragments, the Dragon chopping sword can't recover to its former glory, but now in the saint's resource pool, there are countless half path weapons.

As a large number of resources are refined, all the resources that can help the Dragon chopping sword to ascend are condensed.

"Bang Bang..."

As these resources are injected into the Dragon chopping sword, the originally dim dragon chopping sword suddenly bursts into a golden light. At this moment, the power of metal Rune has reached a great success, and it can tear everything apart.

"Hahaha, OK, dragon chopping sword can be promoted to Taoist weapon, and its power seems to be several times stronger than in the past. It's so refreshing!" Lu Yang felt that after so much tempering, the metal Rune on the Dragon chopping sword became more and more fierce. With one sword, he seemed to be able to tear open the void and cut everything.

However, it's an hour since he came in. I don't know how the Hongpeng saint is now.

"I have to leave here, otherwise, once the Hongpeng saint is killed, I will not come to a good end. What's more, he has given me so many benefits, and I have to give him something back." After thinking about it, Lu Yang stopped absorbing resources and left the treasure house to appear in the secret.

"Ha ha ha, master, you are so wise and confused. Now we all have four brothers to kill you. Do you think it is possible for you to escape?" At the time when Hengkong saint and Hongpeng Saint were fighting hard, another Saint appeared in front of Hengkong saint.

"The void saint?" Seeing the appearance of the void saint, Hongpeng said with great surprise.

In his opinion, the most powerful of all his land should be the big apprentice and the third apprentice, while the second apprentice and the fourth apprentice should be just average.

But now the second apprentice was able to find his position ahead of time. I'm afraid his original idea is about to change.

"Ha ha, master, didn't you think that I could find you even if you were so powerful? Don't you think you've always looked down on me? " The void Saint came out of the void and said with a proud face. His tone was full of satire and resentment towards his master.

"But I don't know why they didn't come. Is he still in love with you? No, it seemed that he had the loudest voice when he swore in front of the evil god. I don't know what happened today! " Hengkong saints see Hongpeng saints face worse and worse, also can't help but fight.

"Come on, younger martial brother, you see the master is angry now. Let's not be angry with him any more. Let's just kill him!" Hearing the words of the Holy One, the Holy One sighed and said.

"You, you! You two evildoers Originally, Hongpeng saint was not such a heartless person.

After all, it is easy to be defeated to be a saint. However, a saint can't help but have flaws in his heart after suffering such blows. Even a void Saint doesn't matter.

In a word, ha ha, you can be killed by both of our disciples from the beginning, but it doesn't matter that you were killed by one of them! Join hands The void Saint roared, and a gray King beast appeared around him like a black gray, as if it had become a thug of death.

As soon as the big hand appeared, it grabbed the Saint Hongpeng.

"Your strength is really strong, but you are all my apprentices. If you want to kill me today, you have to pay enough price. What's more, I've left a backhand for myself!" Hongpeng Saint suddenly said with a smile."What, this old thing left behind?" Hearing the words of Hongpeng saint, Hengkong saint was somewhat afraid.

You know, every time he was punished by his master, he tried to escape, but he failed every time. It was because the Hongpeng Saint had prepared a magic weapon for him that he could not escape.

It is for this reason that Hengkong saint is the one who hates Hongpeng Saint most, but is also the one who fears his existence most.

As for the void saint, although he had many doubts in his heart, it was just doubts. After all, he felt that even if he could kill the Hongpeng Saint himself, his strength should be the strongest among them.

"Elder martial brother, should we do it?" Just outside the void, the two saints kept looking at the situation inside the void.

These two people are the two saints who have the best relationship with Hongpeng saints, Qianjun saints and duckweed saints.

"Not for the time being. Our task is to kill the Hongpeng saint, not to torture him. What's more, we just need to make sure that the Hongpeng Saint dies. There's no need to increase his pressure." The Qianjun Saint saw that Hongpeng saint was besieged, and his brow was wrinkled, so he loosened it again.

It's not that he doesn't want to help his master. It's just that he can't do it in this situation. It's the decision of the Heavenly Master.

"You can't disobey the decision of Lord evil eye!" In the heart of the incomparable pain, the great sage still stood still, hoping that his master would be killed after he had exhausted his strength, instead of being beaten to death by his brothers. In this way, at least he would die with dignity.

This scene is clearly seen by Lu Yang.

"No, if I rush out so rashly now, it will definitely cause the two saints to fight back, so I have to be patient and wait until the critical moment to kill one of them first!" Thinking of this, Lu Yang is lurking again, waiting for the opportunity.

"Chop me!" Seeing the grey thugs appear, the Hongpeng Saint cuts a knife directly.

This knife can be said to have uncanny power. With a flash of red light, it completely split the big hand, revealing the true face of the void saint.

At the moment, the void saint is holding a long gun in his hand. On the long gun, it looks like a gray python.

This weapon, which is not something else, is a long gun changed by the virtual King beast, which has the same effect as the long knife in the hand of Hongpeng sage.

"Whoa, whoa!"

With two shrill voices, this long gun immediately turned into a virtual shadow, like a boa constrictor preying on the body of Hongpeng saint.

"Look at the gun!"

This gun is very powerful, and the shadow is heavy on the long gun. It doesn't give the Hongpeng Saint any chance to react.

On the other side, the weapon of Hengkong saint is more mysterious. There is a purple chain with countless blood red hooks hanging on it. These hooks are thrown down at the same time, which is like a big net to catch Hongpeng saint.

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