"The problem has been solved?" Hear Lu Yang's words, small three immediately surprised called out.

He never dreamed that Lu Yang could solve their worries day and night so quickly. It seems that the strength of this water god messenger is strong.

"Hurry up and tell this little news to the mayor. I think he will be very surprised when he knows it." Xiao San quickly sent a man to tell the mayor in advance.

Lu Yang is not worried. He thinks it's time for the mayor to think about some things.

So he followed Xiao San and walked slowly back to the mayor's residence. It took them about a long time to return to the mayor's residence.

However, as soon as they arrived at the mayor's residence, they saw a large number of friars coming out. Although there were not many of them, there were almost a dozen of them. They were all royal veterans. There were four Royal veterans, including the mayor.

"Oh? So soon? " Seeing these animal masters, Lu Yang smiles and feels that they can't wait.

"Mayor, do you want to meet me with so many people?" Lu Yang asked strangely.

"Ha ha, I heard that you killed the killer, so I took my men to celebrate for you, but you seem to have forgotten something, because if the killer is gone, you will have no value. Array, take this real murderer down to me The mayor seemed to have expected that, he said with a sneer.

"Ha ha ha, mayor, you are really trying to cover up this way. If you want to occupy a small town, you can get out a murderer. Now I've killed the murderer. You feel that your plot has been exposed. You just want to kill me and kill people. Anyway, I'm going to leave here today. Let's help you. " Lu Yang watched more than a dozen Royal beast masters surround him, and even arranged the array. His face was gradually cold.

Originally, he wanted to let these people off, but now it seems that there is no need at all.

"Really, you are just a king level Beast Master. Now more than a dozen of us want to kill you, not to mention setting up the mythical array. Do you think you can escape? I'm only surprised that you can kill the killer devil I trained in the sea of fire. It's a pity. If he can grow up, maybe he will become my right hand, and now he will die under your hands! " The mayor sighed. Unexpectedly, what he thought was impossible was accomplished by Lu Yang.

"Set up an array and kill the murderer!" The mayor roared wildly, as if speaking to the people in this small town.

At the same time, the heavy fog made Luyang enter a mysterious space.

Then killers with ghost masks appeared in front of him.

These killers are so fast that they appear around Luyang like phantoms.

They are very fast. When they appear, they want to kill Luyang, but when Luyang dodges, they also disappear.

"Oh? This array is really interesting. " Lu Yangyuan thought that this array was just a common joint attack, or added some magic. Now it seems that this array really has unpredictable combat power.

"Will a piece of Tianshu burst out here?" Originally, Lu Yang had a little disdain for this array, but now when he was really in the array, he found that there were more interesting places in this array.

"Kill Just when the masked men reappeared, Lu Yang's speed suddenly increased. The ancient fierce dragon, who had been resting in the battle favorite space, turned into a huge red shadow and appeared behind Lu Yang.

Because the flame of heaven represents energy and power, Lu Yang's power is nearly 17 million now, even if he is competing with a royal Beast Master.


After the appearance of each masked man, Lu Yang didn't use any royal skills at all. He smashed each masked man into pieces with one punch. Later, there were two masked men who wanted to rally again and were directly caught by Lu Yang and beaten violently.

In a word, with his speed getting faster and faster, these masked people didn't have time to gather, so they were directly blasted by Lu Yang, which consumed countless energy, but it was just a drop in the bucket for Lu Yang.

"What, how can his strength be so strong? Damn it." Outside of the array, the mayor and more than a dozen Wang level beast masters couldn't help but wonder, because they never dreamed that the strength of a Wang level Beast Master would be abnormal to such a degree, not to mention that they couldn't touch Lu Yang at all. Even if they did, they would be smashed in an instant.

After hundreds of rebirth, they found that the land ocean has gone against the sky.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

I don't know how many times they have been resurrected. The energy in their bodies has been nearly exhausted. This time, they finally fell to the ground and fainted."Hum, since you have all received the punishment you deserve, I will not kill you. Instead, I will publish your crimes and take away the fragments of the way of heaven from your body. I will give you a punishment." Lu Yang took the fragments of heaven out of their minds, wrote down their crimes on a piece of paper, tied them up, tied them to the vegetable market in the small town, and pasted the crimes on them.

If there is no accident, the residents of the small town will be able to see the paper on which their crimes are written and know what crimes they have committed.

In addition, Lu Yang opened the treasure house of the mayor of the town and distributed the resources to the residents of the town. He also left most of them as subsidies for his future cultivation, which is also a good way to steal.

"It's like Lu Xiaoyang left the world alone, and suddenly he felt relaxed.

If Lu Yang is right, this small world should be a small town on some high-level planets, or even a place in the divine realm.

However, all these have nothing to do with him. He has successfully passed the first level of Tianjie. I'm afraid he will have to meet the other four Tianjie next.


Just as Lu Yang came out of the fire, he suddenly saw that on his head, there was a huge wood like a parallel world smashing at his body.

Although his strength is at least tens of millions, the weight of the wood is at least several billion jin. Comparatively speaking, his strength is not worth mentioning at all. Now that he is pressed under the wood, he feels that his whole body is crushed.

Of course, he's not dead yet, and he doesn't want to.

"Master, this is not the real wood, but a wooden Rune power that looks like a stake. Now the master is under the pressure of the power of the wood rune. I'm afraid you have to refine it from the inside. Otherwise, you may not be able to leave here in your life. " Looking at Lu Yang, Xiaomei has no choice but to say.

"Why refine these wood runes? Don't you want to kill me?" Seeing so many wooden runes, it almost turned into a big mountain, and Lu Yang felt that his bones were about to burst, which was very painful.

"Master, it's not only you, but also the king of snake and tiger." Xiaomei points to the snake and tiger king behind Lu Yang. She sees that the snake and tiger king's body suddenly becomes 1000 meters high and hundreds of meters long. Although it is much smaller in front of Lu Yang in this wood rune, it is at least a little more powerful for Lu Yang to make his speed stronger.

However, Lu Yang turned to think that although the power seems very difficult on the surface this time, there is no danger to his life. Without danger, there will be other difficulties. It seems that this is the price of this so-called simple task.

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