"Damn it, this is your ten color arrow rain array! This is the trap you set for me No matter how stupid the turtle king was, he knew it was a trap set by the flying swordfish.

But what he didn't expect was that the crystal mountain formed by the vanishing of heaven was real, even what the ten color flying swordfish didn't expect.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

A large area of flying swordfish shadow directly shoots into the turtle King's body, directly puncturing his body into a blood hole. However, the imperial power in the body of shise flying swordfish is gradually consumed, and both sides are defeated. However, compared with the turtle king, the situation of shise flying swordfish is much better.

The energy of his whole body was blasted, and even scattered virtual shadows appeared, enveloping his body and directly covering his body.

The next moment, he has appeared in the vicinity of Jingshan, which has lost the way of heaven. If there is no accident, I'm afraid it will take less than a breath time for the ten color flying swordfish to get close to Jingshan and swallow it up. His strength will be improved a step further. I'm afraid the turtle king will not be his opponent at that time.

The turtle king was scared when he saw this.

You know, he and shise flying swordfish are enemies of life and death. After fighting with each other for so many years, no one can kill each other, so he doesn't want to miss this chance.

This is not only a feud, but also a fatalistic battle.

"Universal blood melting technique!" The strongest place of turtle king is Shouyuan. Compared with shise flying swordfish, the Shouyuan of turtle king is almost ten times his.

Now the turtle king did not hesitate to use his Shouyuan to kill his mortal enemy, but at this moment, he also felt a deep loss.


A big mouthful of blood came out of his mouth, and the blood mass exploded directly. Then a white breath of Shouyuan came out of his mouth and entered the blood mass. Then a door appeared in front of him.

Although it took a long time to describe it, in fact it took only one tenth of the time to breathe. Then the turtle king came to Jingshan first.

His speed is almost several times faster than that of the flying swordfish.

"What, how can he be the door of the void?" Ten color flying swordfish is very clear that space transfer will certainly be affected by the way of vanishing heaven, but the gate of void is different. Once injected with energy, it will instantly transfer and tear up the void.

"Ha ha ha, you know what I'm good at. You've been defeated at last this time!" Turtle King fiercely forward, thought he could swallow crystal mountain into his stomach.

But just as he jumped on it, he saw a dark blue light stop him, and then a fire dragon got into his body.

"Hula" all of a sudden, turtle king was directly burned to ashes.

"What, there is a stronger existence lurking here, damn it!" Thinking of this, shise swordfish turns around and wants to leave.

But before he ran away, he felt a golden light appeared in his eyes. With the continuous expansion of the light, countless golden lights stabbed into his body.

Then the flying swordfish was torn to pieces.

On the other side, Lu Yang also began to absorb the crystal mountain, which is composed of devoid of heaven. Now he has absorbed one tenth of it.

"Boom boom..."

At this time, hundreds of fish tides, like a tsunami, rolled from afar.

If the turtle king and the flying swordfish were here, I'm afraid they would be scared to death by the tide.

You should know that this is not an ordinary fish tide, but the fish tide of the fierce beasts in the imperial order. The fighting power of each fish tide is comparable to that of the imperial order Beast Master.

Not only that, every one of these fish tides has a very sharp tooth. With these sharp blessings alone, they can easily tear the turtle King's defense.

"Fish king with sharp teeth!" Although Lu Yang had never seen such a fierce beast before, he also understood the power of this fierce beast, especially one of his teeth was enough to tear the void, which was also the power of the fish emperor with sharp teeth.

Even if it's the emperor's step, it's the one with a hundred teeth to avoid.

However, Lu Yang is still not avoiding, but constantly absorbing this crystal mountain.

He is not a fool. The reason why he tried so hard to refine Jingshan is that he had his own idea.


The first fish emperor finally came to Luyang and bit him with his mouth.

At this time, countless waves of space also appeared in the whole body of Luyang. No matter how these sharp toothed fish emperor fluctuated, they could not shake Luyang's body.

However, this is just the beginning. With the first fish emperor coming up, the second and the third fish emperor increasing, Lu Yang's whole body is surrounded by these fish emperors.

At this moment, his body was suddenly torn. Originally, his body turned into a huge golden ball, from which countless golden lights burst out. These lights were soft around, covering the surrounding circle.These sharp toothed fish emperor's body was directly penetrated. At the same time, ten emperor's battle pets also surged out of Lu Yang's body and swept around directly.

At the same time, the spiritual storms have swept away the crystal mountain of Tiandao. This is the most powerful means of Lu Yang, and it is also the first time that he completely broke out the power of the animal defense system.


As the spiritual storm completely included the crystal mountain, countless energies were poured again, and a black-and-white light burst out from the crystal mountain. The light swept through the crystal mountain, and all the fish kings were swept in, which instantly turned into a dead breath.

Then a new body condensed again and became the original appearance of Luyang.

"I didn't expect that this way of annihilating heaven is so powerful. It only absorbs one tenth of it. If I join in the way of life and death, I can sweep everything. It seems that if I can get more ways of annihilating heaven, it's not impossible for me to be promoted to a saint in the future." After reuniting himself, Lu Yang felt that his strength had improved again, even stronger than in the past. Although he did not break through the middle stage of the imperial order to reach the late stage of the imperial order, he was not far away from that step.

"Well?" At this time, Lu Yang felt that there were two saints not far away. One of them was the one who had been injured before. The other one was more powerful. Maybe it was his master Wanlin saints!

At the thought of this, Lu Yang did not hesitate to tear the void and left the water area.

As soon as he disappeared, he saw two huge figures tearing through the void. One of them was the one who had been attacked by him and was seriously injured. The other one was his master Wanlin saint.

"Hum, this curfew runs so fast, even his breath has disappeared completely. What should we do?" Seeing that there was no trace of Lu Yang here, the saint of poisonous hands suddenly turned pale and said with some worry.

You know, he caught the golden light saint. Who knows that they even planted many tianlongzong disciples in the crowd. Maybe Lu Yang is one of them, so he must catch him. Otherwise, if tianlongzong knew something in advance, not only they would die, but also their powerful existence would be involved.

"Go, I don't believe how fast an emperor can run!" Think of here, the two saints regardless of the identity series of void to catch up.

Although they are not sure where Lu Yang will flee, one thing is for sure that he will flee to tianlongzong. As long as they grasp this point, they will not be afraid to catch Lu Yang.

Lu Yang didn't know that the two saints had determined his destination, but he just tried his best to drive towards the direction of the vanishing capital, which is the direction of the location of tianlongzong.

But comparatively speaking, tianlongzong is much closer to Luyang.

"Well?" Lu Yang thought that he had been very careful, but what he didn't expect was that the two saints were in hot pursuit.

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