"Ah? No, let's go back to the capital first. If I guess correctly, my elder brother may have blocked the whole country. Now the whole country is talking about the death of my father. " At this point, seven princess's face again appeared a trace of regret expression, seems to be his father's death, is still full of sadness.

"All right, let's go." Seeing the sad look of the seventh princess, it's not good for Lu Yang to say more. After all, her father has just been killed, and it's not good to stimulate her now.

The obliteration abyss is different from the outside world. Everything is dark, and the whole obliteration abyss is full of a dead atmosphere. Although there is no feeling at the beginning, there is a faint feeling in it after a long time, just like falling into an atmosphere of sadness and despair.

Because of this, the seven princesses seldom see a smile on their faces. It seems that they are on the verge of suffering all the time.

As they continued to move forward, a boundless mountain range gradually appeared in front of them. On the mountain range, there were many trees, full of blade like green leaf thorn forest.

The leaves on the green leaf thorn forest look as if there are some sharp knives on it. The river is gurgling. As soon as people go in, they feel a sense of infinite peace.

"Hero, this jungle is called acupuncture forest. There is a kind of semi holy beast called acupuncture dragon growing in it all the year round. If we want to drive all night, I'm afraid we have to face these acupuncture dragons. Don't we know that the hero has made plans? Why don't we spend a night at the edge of the deep woods now. " Seven princesses looked at Lu Yang, some worry of say.

After all, she might as well find herself a hero to rely on. If she dies here in a hurry or gets hurt, it's really too late to regret.

"It's OK. Since your father has just passed away, even if we get the news in the Imperial City, we just get the news, so we still have time to go now, but if we pass this evening, it won't be tomorrow." Lu Yang thinks that things like this must be done as soon as possible.

Even if the seven princesses are in the capital of the country, all kinds of changes may still occur. What's more, the seven princesses are still outside the capital.

"By the way, seven princesses, where is the army that Shuai Yin can lead? If there is such an army, then 90% of our returned countries hope to help establish the position of Queen. " Lu Yang thought about it and said.

"They are still some distance away from the capital of China. Even if someone is sent to deliver the letter now, they will arrive at noon tomorrow. Unfortunately, who can deliver the letter now?" Hearing Lu Yang's words, the seventh princess said sadly, after all, the present country was built by his father. If it was occupied by his elder brother, it would not be his father's intention.

And if, according to his father's will, he will inherit it in the future, it's a pity that all this has come to nothing.

"It's no problem. You give me an accurate position, and I can let my Zhan Chong deliver the letter." Lu Yang said with a smile.

"That's good." With that, the seventh Princess drew a map on the ground. On the map, there were scenes of mountains and rivers, which looked very detailed. Lu Yang could see the specific location of the army as soon as he saw it.

Then, a black air slowly came out of Lu Yang's body. What came out was Lu Yang's war pet, Tianmo.

"Here's the leader. Now, you immediately take the leader to this position and tell the commander there what the seven princesses told you. As the confidant of the seven princesses, you immediately lead the army to the capital." After Lu Yang explained the matter to the demon, he took the seven princesses to the color of the forest. It was very difficult for them to leave.


As they continue to move forward, suddenly there are bursts of sounds similar to the roar of dinosaurs in front, it seems that the acupuncture dragon is nearby.

Although the acupuncture dragon's attack power is very strong, but fortunately they are living alone, so even if they encounter acupuncture dragon, it will not be too dangerous.

This is also the main reason why Lu Yang dares to pass here.

"Hero, I'm afraid!" Hearing the voice of the acupuncture dragon, the seventh Princess trembled a little and said in fear.

It can be seen that the seven princesses have already felt the sound of the needle dragon approaching.

"Hoo Hoo..."

As the Dragon approached, Lu Yang could hear the sound of gasping.

"Wait a minute, you are behind me. When you see the acupuncture dragon, you will immediately hide beside me. When I kill the acupuncture dragon, you can also refine the road of annihilation from it, or you can improve your strength by the way."

"Of course, you can also choose to help me kill the acupuncture dragon, but I'm afraid the danger is much greater. You need to make your own decisions." Lu Yang knows that the next seven princesses are the people who want to control the power of a country. If they can't do this, they may not be able to do anything in the future, especially in this troubled world. If there is no force, they are doomed to be eliminated by this cruel world.

"I know!" The seventh princess was loved by the past, so although she has reached a high level and has reached the middle stage of the imperial rank, she is not much better than Lu Yang, but her combat effectiveness is at most equal to that of the half step emperor. It's really bad.Now Lu Yang wants him to improve his combat effectiveness temporarily, but he also thinks that he is likely to face a lot of dangers in the future, and she must be strengthened as soon as possible.


Just as they kept moving forward, suddenly a fiery red needling dragon came out of the nearby woods.

This acupuncture dragon looks like a noodle, but it has long slender needles on its body. Each needle is extremely sharp. It seems that if you touch any of them, you can make your body into a bloody gourd.

Now the needle dragon darts out of the nearby forest like a fire red sword, stabbing Lu Yang's body. The sword burns and almost ignites the forest.

"Hum, this is the acupuncture dragon, and that's all!" As soon as Lu Yang turned his wrist, the Dragon chopping sword flew out of his hand. On the Dragon chopping sword, countless golden lights surrounded him. He went straight to stab the dragon and stabbed him.


The Dragon chopping sword smashes into the acupuncture dragon's body and directly splits the acupuncture on the acupuncture Dragon into two parts.

Acupuncture dragon eat pain, fiercely spewed out a fire, is barely cut dragon sword to fly out.

"Towards the sea After seeing Lu Yang beat the acupuncture dragon to fly, the seventh Princess fiercely operated the skill, and a whirlpool like flowing water suddenly appeared under the acupuncture dragon's body.

As soon as this whirlpool appears, it will wrap the body of the acupuncture dragon in it. Countless pieces of the soft water heaven will turn into power and rotate in it. Finally, this force will wrap the body of the acupuncture dragon completely in it. You can hear the scream of the acupuncture dragon constantly reverberating in the whirlpool.

When she saw that her royal skill seemed to be playing its best role, the seventh princess was also slightly pleased. But then she saw that the body of the acupuncture Dragon flew up fiercely, and countless needles stretched out like a fast-growing tree. The whirlpool that could have trapped the acupuncture dragon was suddenly broken.

After the pain, the acupuncture dragon rushed to the seventh princess, and the long needle stabbed the seventh princess's body. If Lu Yang doesn't appear again, the acupuncture dragon is likely to penetrate the seventh princess's body and tear her body to pieces.

"Did I die like this?" Feeling death coming, the seventh Princess closed her eyes helplessly.

But at this moment, Lu Yang's figure appeared in front of her, and the sword Qi came out of his body and directly blocked the seven princesses.

Later, the pieces of white and yellow earth and heaven also condensed into a huge armor and put it on Lu Yang's body. The needling dragon stabbed Lu Yang's body directly. After carrying the armor to block it, Lu Yang also gave the needling dragon a sword with his backhand. The sword flew, and only one sword penetrated the needling dragon's body.

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