If the first sword Qi is just an introduction, then the second sword Qi can completely crush the existence of the holy one of Shenquan.

Of course, in the eyes of the holy man of Shenquan, his amazing and weeping fist may be even with the water sword saint, or even kill him.

But in such an instant, the power of the sword awn on the long sword in the hands of the flowing water sword Saint suddenly increased by dozens of times. Just one sword had penetrated the fist intention rudiment of the holy fist saint.

Then the flowing water swordsman stabs 99 swords again. These 99 swords are almost in a line and overlap into one. Although their power is not as powerful as that of the Holy One, only the improvement of the wine cup power is enough to tear up the moves of the Holy One.

"Poof", the sword pierced the body of the holy man, pierced his chest and seriously injured him.

If not, this sword alone, let alone the Holy One, would be enough to kill him even if ten holy ones were stacked together.

"What, the holy one of divine boxing!" The fourth Prince's eyes would fall out when he saw that his personal guard was about to be killed.

Some of the confidence that had been built up was completely disintegrated when the water sword saint was about to kill the holy fist saint.

Just when the holy men thought that they would die, Lu Yang's figure appeared in front of them.

Like a golden dragon, the Dragon chopping sword directly stabs the water sword in the hands of the water sword sage.


As the sword edges collide, you can see hundreds of swords seem to collide together at this moment. Finally, hundreds of swords become one and collide together, exploding a large golden light.

"Hahaha, water sword saint, your strength is just like that. I'll meet you! Six eyes dragon fire At the same time, the flame on his forehead shot out fiercely. Six flames formed a circle and swept the body of the water sword saint.

You should know that Liushui Jiansheng is good at fast sword, which shows that although his sword sense is very fast, his strength is a little poor. As soon as Lu Yang appeared just now, he was very brave and broke his sword sense with one sword.

Now that Lu Yang appears, six flames shoot directly at the water sword saint, and seize the opportunity again. Even if the water sword saint has many successors, he can only take Lu Yang's flame first and then talk about it.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

The swordsmanship of the water swordsman is really incredible. When six flames are shooting at the water swordsman at the same time, the sword in his hand suddenly changes. At the same time, it collides with the flame. The sword pierces the flame and directly smashes the flame, turning it into large sparks and floating in the air.

"How can this man have so many means of attack? No, I have to get back the initiative!" Liushui Jiansheng didn't expect that Lu Yang's attack speed was faster than him. He could only seize the opportunity as much as possible. Otherwise, once he was connected by Lu Yang, he would lose.

But as soon as he wanted to fight back, he found that the second wave of Lu Yang's attack followed.

"Spiritual storm!"

Lu Sheng turned around, and a pair of water whirled out of his mind.

In a flash, endless illusions appeared in the water sword saint's mind, which made him fall into a kind of illusory world and unable to extricate himself.

"No, it can't be!" The water swordsman didn't expect that there were endless moves. All the moves were performed at the same time, which almost caught him off guard. Even at this moment, he felt extremely flustered. It seemed that Lu Yang was about to kill him. In an instant, he stepped back fiercely, and at the same time, his sword stabbed Lu Yang's position like a raging tide.

It can be said that the flowing water sword in his hand has changed from two meters long to tens of meters, hundreds of meters, even hundreds of meters long. Like flowing water, it continuously shoots at the body of Lu Yang, surging and surging.

If you are in front of the sword, let alone a hill, even if it is a mountain several kilometers high, it will not be long before it can be penetrated by his sword. However, when they fight on the playground, they do not cause any damage to the site of the playground, or even no damage.

"Hahaha, I'm really sorry. I've already mastered instant movement. No matter how powerful your sword technique is, it's meaningless for me that a blind cat touches a mouse to death." Thinking of this, Lu Yangmeng tore the void and appeared directly behind the water sword saint.

The water swordsman feels that Lu Yang appears behind him and turns around to be a sword. This cloud water of CMB is used to the extreme by him. The sword is like a large light, directly twining his whole body, just like a large snowflake twining his body.

At this moment, Lu Yang was not in a hurry. A large area of the earth and heaven became a very hard armor, which was directly put on him. At the same time, countless lights and lightning power flashed out behind him, and took Lu Yang into the whole body of the water sword saint.

"GA GA GA, boy, you really surprised me a little before. I thought there was a tough battle between you and me. Now you take the initiative to die. Don't blame me for being rude!" Feeling that Lu Yang had rushed to kill him in front of him, the water sword saint's face suddenly showed a ferocious smile, very proud.At first glance, it seems that his move is nothing, but once the opponent is cheated, he will have endless backhand to kill Lu Yang, so he has absolute confidence to kill Lu Yang.

"Die Feeling Lu Yang's approach, the long sword in the hand of the water swordsman finally moves again. It's like a small whirlpool. It's more than twice as big as before. Not to mention that Lu Yang has not been twisted by the whirlpool. Even if he's a long distance away from him, he will be wrapped in the whirlpool of sword Qi.

At the same time, the whirlpool turned faster and faster, as if it had become an ancient beast's big mouth, which was about to tear up Lu Yang's body completely. Therefore, the sword cut Lu Yang's body back and forth, so that his body was torn open countless cracks. These cracks became bigger and bigger, and his flesh and blood also rolled up.

"Hahaha, boy, you think you are very strong, and now you are not killed by me!" The water Sabre Saint keeps spinning and finds that Lu Yang has more and more wounds. He is very happy and thinks that he can kill Lu Yang completely.

But he suddenly found that Lu Yang's flesh and blood seemed to have been cut off, but the flesh and blood soon turned into pieces of yellowish color, which was obviously not Lu Yang's wound.

But he was scared to death by the running water.

It's because his move "cloud water" is not the most powerful of all his moves, but if hundreds or even more sword techniques are added together, the power will be different.

If he added the 9999 sword together, the power of his sword could be killed at will even if he was a saint. However, Lu Yang has not been injured yet.

"Was he just trying to confuse me?" Thinking of this, the water swordsman is almost scared to death by his own thoughts.

But when he thought so, it was too late.

Because Lu Yang had already come to him, a sword light had burst out of his hands, and the golden rays condensed into a small round golden ball, which directly shot into the water sword saint's side.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

The golden ball bumps into the water swordsman's side, and countless swords burst out, wrapping the water swordsman's whole body.

If Lu Yanggang only suffered some minor injuries, now these metal heavenly way's damage to the water sword saint is fatal.


Thousands of sword Qi wrapped Lu Yang's body all at once. The sword Qi surrounded him. The water sword saint's defense was not very strong. At this moment, his body penetrated directly, and blood gushed out of his body. Even a lot of flesh and blood were torn by these metal heavenly ways.

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