It is no longer a matter of resources to know whether one can be promoted to sainthood. It depends on one's understanding of the way of heaven and opportunities. Even one's own potential occupies a much smaller share than in the past.

Take a gifted disciple for example. He is extremely smart and gifted, but in a seemingly extraordinary task, he encountered great changes, which eventually led to his early death.

This does not mean that he is too stupid, or his potential is too poor. If you want to blame him, you can only blame his bad luck.

So to a certain extent, luck has surpassed other factors and become the main factor for a quasi saint to become a saint. This is what people often call luck.

"Don't worry, saint of fate. We will obey your orders." Hearing these words, the emperor's expression of awe came down immediately.

"Well, we're going to move on in the same formation as before." Seeing the actions of these emperors and semi saints, Lu Yang nodded, feeling that they were still very satisfied with their actions.

Then they kept on moving forward, and met with some dead lives, but they were easily solved by Lu Yang.

About a day later, they finally found a good place to rest. Among them, there are metal heaven's Orc masters, or cosmic monsters who set up arrays nearby. There are also earth Rune Orc masters or cosmic monsters who start to build buildings to provide them with rest. There are also some flame heaven's Orc Masters, wood Rune Orc masters or cosmic monsters Animals come to make food for them. As for the main task of Ruoshui Tiandao Beast Master, it is to restore the injured Beast Master or universe monster and help them heal their wounds.

In this way, a small team will soon be in order to operate.

"Saint of fate, we killed all of them today..." Looking at the simple houses built, Liaotian Bansheng quickly organized people to build Lu Yang's resting place. Although this house is not very tall and gorgeous, it is indeed the most practical one among these houses. Moreover, among these houses, Lu Yang's house has the strongest defense, which is the work of all the earth sinking beast masters or cosmic monsters The crystallization of force.

Especially after the end of the day's adventure, Liaotian Bansheng made a report to Lu Yang in a hurry, so that he could know how many achievements they had today and how many people had improved their strength, so that Lu Yang could make some simple adjustments the next day.

"Very good. Today, under my guidance, you have made so many achievements, which is worthy of your reputation. Well, everyone is tired today. Divide the food equally, let one group and three groups on duty, and let the rest rest rest rest." Hearing the words of Liaotian Bansheng, Lu Yang just said a few words, and then entered the cultivation state.

This is not Lu Yang tuoda, but in the process of constantly using the meat of death and life, he absorbed a lot of fragments of heaven, and now he has the feeling of reaching the bottleneck of cultivation.

Once there is a bottleneck, it means that Lu Yang has reached a breakthrough. Once there is a breakthrough, his strength will be improved, and he will be promoted to the semi saint. Otherwise, he will still stay between the semi saint and the emperor's stage.

Among the four groups, although most of them highly praised Lu Yang, there were also a few half saints who were skeptical of him.

You know, they are all the most powerful in this team, so their vision is also very unique. Naturally, they can see that Lu Yang's cultivation level can only reach the imperial level, so they are extremely uncomfortable to listen to Lu Yang's instructions.

If it wasn't for Lu Yang's killing of the cosmic monsters at the holy level before that, they would have been driven down by Lu Yang.

In this way, no matter how powerful Lu Yang is, if he wants to walk in the forest of despair, there will be no end in ten or twenty days.

Of course, after a forest, there is the real death of despair. That's the most dangerous place. There are caves everywhere. Maybe something can come out of it.

It is said that there are not other things gathered in the desperate death place, but some souls who have not ascended to heaven on the whole extinct planet.

Some of these souls died unjustly, some of them served as food and were eaten by other spirits. As these spirits slaughtered each other, the most powerful one came out at last, which was the death spirit. It was also the main purpose for them to come here.

Moreover, because there are all ghosts here, the real desperate death place is full of cold, full of the breath of death. The more you go to the desperate death place, the more cold it is. Even some places are covered with ice and snow, which looks like what Lu Yang once saw behind the dead bone master.

Of course, this is also described in some ancient books. Lu Yang needs to go there in person to see what it really looks like.

After a day's rest, they speeded up their way the next day. Almost half a day later, they came to a huge underground cave.The cave is more than ten meters wide and extends to the bottom of the earth. Is there a dead air surging out of it. The dead air contained in it is almost ten times, or even dozens of times, that of other places.

Seeing this, Lu Yang probably felt something. If he guessed correctly, there would be at least thousands or even thousands of dead crystals in this cave.

The greatest use of these death crystals can promote these Orc masters or cosmic monsters to upgrade their realm, and the more the number is, the more likely they are to upgrade.

Of course, if you want to get something like this, there must be some risks. You must make Lu Yang more careful.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang has regrouped the four groups. According to one defense group in the front, one defense group in the back, and two attack groups in the middle, he started to lead the team slowly into the underground cave as a basic formation.

You should know that death crystals are the main food source of these dead lives. Even if they eat these dead lives, they are mainly to absorb the death crystals. Now if they have enough death crystals, it will be easier to absorb them and avoid a lot of waste.

This is absolutely the consensus of all the people in the team.

But also, the more places full of death crystals, the more dangerous they are, and even their lives may be in danger.

Therefore, in the process of their continuous progress, all the members were fully obedient to Lu Yang's orders, gradually and step by step.

Just as they entered the middle of the cave, a large amount of dead life excrement appeared in front of them, and even some mucus, which they didn't know, made a big net and appeared near them.

However, by this time, the space around them has changed from less than 10 meters in the past to several hundred meters in the present. Even if there are some sticky nets nearby, there will be no delay in their journey.

But at this time, one of them, a cosmic monster, who had a strong hearing, gestured to the crowd to show what he had heard.

After listening to a breath of time, the universe monster turned to look at Lu Yang, showing an unknown look, and said somewhat depressed, "saint of destiny, I feel that from the depth of this cave, there is something moving, and there are still a lot of things. I think we should arrange the array to prevent accidents."

His voice was very frightened. It seemed that he really felt some terrible existence.

Other semi saints who have been following Lu Yang to win the battle recently are indifferent.

After all, they have been here for a long time. Although they have encountered some difficult deaths, they are only a few, and they will soon die under their attack.

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