The third princess never dreamed that Xiahou's family would send someone to help her at this time. Even if she knew, it was impossible to change what she was going to do now.

Three princesses with Princess token into the palace, then the first time came to the palace courtyard.

But here, she has no chance to go any further.

And I don't know when, the palace guards who used to protect the emperor have become the people of wanyanshang.

"You all get out of my way. I want to see my father!" The third princess took out her token, but no matter what she said, no one answered her.

Because she could clearly feel that in the palace, there was already a curl of smoke rising, and a strong energy was seeping out of it, as if she could not control it.

If you're not wrong, you should know what array you've arranged and what you're doing.

Thinking of this, the three princesses were even more worried about their father's safety.

She knew very well in her heart that her father was so powerful that it was almost impossible for ordinary people to kill him. But if she used the array, it might increase the chance of success. But how did she get in now?

"The third princess, now the Regent is healing the emperor. He wants to control his illness. I hope you can control your emotions well!" A general standing on the side of the cold said.

The general is powerful and powerful. He has reached the full circle of the holy devil. He is not far away from the half step Heavenly Master. Therefore, in his opinion, the three princesses dare not act wild in front of him even if they are anxious, so they are always indifferent, even if they don't look at the three princesses.

"Master, what should we do?" The third princess is not a fool. Naturally, she can see the strength of the general and says helplessly.

"Well, let me meet him!" Lu Yang's eyes were cold, and he was ready to fight.

"Three princesses, I'm late. I hope three princesses forgive me!" Just when Lu Yang was ready to fight, Xia Houfu came from behind, with three holy demons around him.

"It's uncle Xiahou. Why are you here?" Seeing Xia Houfu catching up from behind, the third princess was slightly stunned and surprised.

If we want to know who is the last person to betray his father, then there is no doubt that Xiahou has recovered.

"You don't have to say anything. I'll take care of it. You go in!" Xiahou waved his hand to let the three princesses go inside.

But at this time, the general of the guard just wanted to stop the third princess. The general who was standing beside Xia Houfu started to fight with him.

No matter what danger happened in the front, it was blocked by xiahoufu.

However, there was a limit to his strength. After they met the chieftain Wanyan and Gongsun, even Xia Houfu was stopped outside the palace. Now they can only rely on the third princess.

"My father's palace is here!" When the third princess saw that her father's resting place finally appeared in front of her, she quickly went in and pushed the door. Then she saw an old man standing in front of her father to perform martial arts. It seemed that she was conveying energy to her father's body.

"It's the third princess. I have to tell you something. Your father is dying." The old man looked at the third princess and said with regret.

"To die? No way. My father is always in good health. How can he die? You must be joking with me The third princess saw that her father had been haunted by death, and her heart was full of resentment. When she left, her father was still fine, and she was able to talk to her, and even deal with the government affairs. It took a few days, but less than a month, for such a big thing to happen.

Then she turned to look at the evil and said, "Uncle Wang, have you done anything to my father?"

"Ha ha, third princess, it's wrong for you to say that. Although you are the emperor's favorite daughter, you should pay attention to the difference between the old and the young no matter what you say or do. I won't say that you didn't salute me when you saw me. It seems that it's not in line with the etiquette for you to just ask me now. "

"By the way, your eldest brother seems to have been deprived of the crown prince's identity by me because of his rude remarks. Now he is still locked in death row, and your second elder sister. Although she has married out, I believe she will lose her power in the near future. It's all because I'm going to be emperor See three princesses matchless angry appearance, Wanyan Shang some proud of say.

However, when he said these words to a child, he felt a little boring, so he was ready to continue to exert power on the emperor.

At this time, the third princess suddenly took out a medicine cauldron from her pocket and smashed it directly into her father's body.

This cauldron looks very strange. One side is life, one side is death, one side is Yin, and the other side is Yang. Just a cauldron can combine Yin and yang to form a strong momentum, which can suppress the death heaven in the emperor's body at once, and finally make the emperor's appearance turn back. Seeing this, Lu Yang realized that Wanyan Shang had used the way of death to cast spells on the emperor day and night, so that he would be on the verge of death. If the way of death on the emperor was removed, the emperor's injury would naturally heal.And the third princess took back this medicine cauldron just to suppress the way of death in it.

"Ha ha ha, third princess, do you think you can control me with these means? Dream about it. " As soon as Wang Yanshang reaches out his hand, he will catch the three princesses and strangle them. After all, the three princesses have threatened him. Although they are very small, even if they are just a tiny variable, he is not allowed to exist.

"Break it for me!" At this moment, the three princesses threw a purple crystal on the ground, and suddenly a huge light shield appeared, covering her, Lu Yang and the emperor inside, forming a huge protective shield.

See here, Wanyan Shang slightly a Leng, just recognize this is what thing.

"It's the protective array in the palace. No wonder I can't find the pivot to open the array. Unexpectedly, it's on you. It seems that the emperor really trusts you. Unfortunately, this array can only block me for one hour at most. After one hour, I will kill you and keep the Emperor awake. Ha ha ha, at that time, a month later, this heaven devil city and the whole heaven devil holy land will be mine! " When Wang Yanshang said this, his face showed all kinds of greedy expressions, and then he began to attack madly, which was the array of the palace.

And every time he punches on the array, the third princess's face will become worse. If he guesses correctly, once the array is broken, the third princess will not survive.

"Three princesses, since I come to help you, let me recover from the emperor's injury!" With that, Lu Yang grasped the medicine cauldron in his hand and began to input the way of life and death in his body into the medicine cauldron.

Then the way of life and death turned into pure energy and began to enter the emperor's body.

"Well? This is not an ordinary way of death, but a powerful poison formed by the combination of the way of death and the way of highly poisonous heaven. " Lu Yang didn't expect that the way of death would be so fierce, even if it was tempered by the way of life and death.

Of course, the reason is very likely that it has been used for hundreds of years or even thousands of years to poison the emperor.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Just when Lu Yang was trying to control the poison in the emperor's body, he suddenly found that there was a way of heaven.

"How could there be the way of heaven? How interesting! Heaven fire dragon Lu Yang was also flustered in the face of the icy heaven. Six of his forehead opened perfunctorily and burst out six flames to clean up the icy heaven. Then the heaven of life and death continued to operate to consume the heaven of death.

Lu Yang's ability to heal the emperor is mainly because he has the way of life and death. When he absorbs the way of death, he can also add vitality to the emperor. Therefore, if the emperor has enough time, it is not a big problem for him to recover completely after being treated by Lu Yang.

Unfortunately, what they lack most is time.

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