With a whoosh, the lightning suddenly split into his body, almost destroyed his body, and twisted his body into pieces.

However, he soon recovered. It can be said that to some extent, his recovery ability almost made him have the ability of immortality. Generally speaking, the more times he died, the stronger his ability of immortality was. Even in this recovery, the more energy he absorbed, the more chance he had to be promoted from a quasi Heavenly Master to a Heavenly Master.

It can be said that the gap can not be made up by ordinary cultivation, but can only be achieved by repeated life and death training, even in this kind of training, it is possible to achieve, otherwise, the terrible consequences of countless deaths are likely to directly lead to the death of Wanyan Shang.

It can be seen that it is extremely dangerous just to cultivate the way of death. Moreover, this kind of danger can not be overcome by ordinary people. It is almost a near death.

But if we use this kind of power to extract life from other people's bodies and foster the way of death on them, we can transform this danger and improve our physical strength.

Just want to achieve this effect, must be with the realm between the holy and evil mutual conversion, so wanyanshang can find the emperor, to help himself promoted to the master of heaven, is one in a million.

Now that he meets Lu Yang again, it is equivalent to giving him all kinds of possibilities to break up the way of death in his body. After countless times, he evolves a new power again. This new power makes it possible for Wang Yanshang to be promoted to the master of heaven.

"Gagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagaga. All of you will die here. " Wang Yanshang felt as if there was an unspeakable power of the way of life in his body. This power made him transform rapidly, and even made his way of death start to produce some different places.

Yes, no matter how far the way of death develops, if it wants to break through the limit, it definitely needs the way of life. Finally, it forms the way of life and death. Especially, if it wants to be promoted to the master of heaven, it has to pass the pass of death.

So in the moment of Wanyan Shang's transformation, the way of death in his body gradually appeared a trace of rebirth.

If you let him through this moment, once he is promoted to the master of heaven, then he will be able to sweep everything.

Seeing this, Lu Yang had no choice but to save his life and taste it for the last time. He completely integrated the way of life and death into his own body. At the same time, a way of life and death, which can be compared with the full way of the holy steps, burst out from his fingers.

Normally speaking, the way of life and death can completely annihilate the way of death. In the way of death used by wanyanshang, there is a trace of chaos in the way of death. Because of the existence of this way of life, the way of death is restrained, so that he is not swallowed by the way of death.

Therefore, Lu Yang's way of life and death has not been able to completely control the way of death, and even to a certain extent, it has to be controlled by the way of death.

"No, if this thing goes on, it will really be planted here this time!" Thinking of this, Lu Yang decided to start burning life Shou yuan, even to communicate with the dead bone master, hoping to get some help from the other side.

"Life and death blend!" With the collision of the way of life and death and the way of death, the chaotic way of heaven, which was originally immersed in the way of death, has suppressed the way of life and death. However, in the process of perfect integration of the way of life and the way of death, a more powerful way of heaven has emerged.

This kind of way of heaven only appeared in the blending of life and death for a moment, which completely suppressed the chaotic way of heaven. Finally, the way of life and death turned into a black-and-white whirlpool, which completely melted the way of death. Finally, even the land ocean disappeared in the world.

"The dark way of heaven is finally finished." Lu Yang felt that when he was melting the way of death, his life seemed to stop.

That kind of feeling is very painful, if possible, he will never try again.

Now he has passed the test of the third way of heaven, followed by the bright way of heaven.

"Hum", Lu Yang just felt a flash in front of his eyes, a white light appeared in his sight.

Then I saw a lot of angels in the sky, but these angels are only eight winged angels, which is equivalent to the ordinary Saint level angels.

If they were heavenly angels, they would have five pairs of wings on their backs.

And with the increase of wings, the fighting power of these angels will also be improved.

"I didn't expect that there are angels in this world. I just don't know which Galaxy they are in." Lu Yang sighed and found that he had become an eight winged angel, and then his task appeared in his mind.

"What, get the ball of light, what is it?" Lu Yang had never heard of such a thing as the holy ball of light, so he could only get familiar with the environment here first, and then take one step.

At this time, a dozen Seraphs suddenly appeared in front of us.They looked as if they were going somewhere. After they appeared, a full-fledged six winged angel looked at Lu Yang and said, "Dear holy emissary, we all passed by here and wanted to go to the holy capital, but we have lost our way here. I hope the holy emissary can show me a way to the holy capital."

"Holy capital?" Although Lu Yang didn't know what kind of existence they were looking for, in his perception, in a certain direction, there was a very sacred force. If he guessed correctly, there would be the holy capital.

"What do you want to do when you go to holy land?" Hearing what the six winged angel said, Lu Yang asked strangely.

"It's like this. The once-in-a-hundred-year secret place of Shengdu is about to open. Our angels are about to enter the demon world and collect dark elements. Any angel who is willing to participate can go to Shengdu. Don't you know, my lord?" Hearing Lu Yang's words, the six winged angel asked strangely.

"Ha ha, so it is. It's also my fault. I've closed the door recently, and I don't have any concept of time, so I missed the time, so I don't have any concept. Since you say so, I'm probably clear. " Lu Yang nodded to answer the six winged angel's words. Then he pointed to the possible location of Shengdu, and he himself went in that direction.

Although he doesn't know the significance of this secret opening, as long as he can improve his strength and get the holy ball of light, it is absolutely worthwhile for him.

Because his cultivation level in the light world has reached the holy level, it took him less than four hours to come to the holy capital.

Compared with the demon city in the demon world, the holy city looks more brilliant, and it's not too much to describe it as a city decorated with gold. Especially in the bright city, a round sun covers the whole holy city, providing constant energy and constant cultivation for the angels in the holy city.

"No wonder it's called Shengdu. There's plenty of bright energy here, and there's a lot of bright heavenly way in it. If I can practice here all the time, I can get the bright heavenly way of the holy steps even without the holy sphere of light." When he came to the holy capital, Lu Yang sighed a little in his heart and began to enter the holy capital.

Entering Shengdu, Lu Yang was almost shocked by the brilliance inside.

From the outside, the whole holy city is glittering, like a city of gold. After entering it, you can see the golden light wherever you look. It has to be said that the whole holy city is made of gold from the inside to the outside, even if the clothes of the angels inside are woven with gold silk.

In the past, Lu Yang always thought it was impractical to see the resplendence from the trees. Now it's really appropriate to see it like this.

In addition, as soon as Lu Yang entered the holy capital, he was infected by the pure energy of the bright way of heaven.

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