The initial heart is the essence of a planet, and also the core of a planet.

Normally speaking, if the heart of a planet leaves the planet, it is easy for the planet to collapse before a new one is formed.

Of course, the original heart of the planet is no longer the heart of the planet, so even if the land ocean takes it away, it is impossible to change the status quo of the planet.

After leaving the Terran continent, Luyang entered the ocean.

The ocean is one of the most mysterious regions of the Terran continent.

It is said that in addition to marine beasts, there are also marine people. Apart from being able to survive in the ocean and not adapt to life on land, they are not very different from ordinary people, so they rarely see marine people on land.

This time, the place where the land and ocean enter is the territory of the sea people.

"Here it is After traveling 100000 kilometers in the ocean, Lu Yang saw a slightly small city.

Although the city is very small, the average strength of the sea people living in it is very strong. Even the sea people guarding the city have the strength of the Beast Master. This is a surprise to Lu Yang.

But he didn't care too much. After all, he is the first man under the master of heaven. Even if he meets any danger, he can always call his master slaves. When the master slaves appear, they will have more opportunities to get the initial heart.

But the reason why he didn't take the master slave with him now is that he didn't want to rely on too much external force. After all, even if he had the master slave around him, he would depend on himself in the future.

"Who is in front of you? If you want to go to the city, please ask for a piece of Tianjie crystal stone!" Standing on the top of the tower, the Beast Master stares at Lu Yang. He can't see Lu Yang's cultivation state, and his tone becomes more relaxed.

"It seems that the price of a piece of Tianjie crystal is too much!" Lu Yang shook his head and said, "I don't know why we need so many resources to enter the city?"

The city guard looked at Lu Yang and didn't want to tell him the reason. But when he saw the powerful energy wave from Lu Yang, he could only see it from the king or the emperor. So he could only bear it and said patiently, "this friend, I'm afraid you didn't go back and forth to our Zhenhai building. This is the eye of the whole ocean Every three days, there will be an extremely strong submarine whirlwind. Even if the king stage exists in the whirlwind, it can't move freely, and even life is in danger. Therefore, the price of a piece of sky stage crystal is really not very high! "

"Oh? What about the ordinary sea people? Where are they hiding? " Hearing the words of the soldiers guarding the city, Lu Yang asked strangely.

"You should be a Terran from land. I advise you to go. We don't welcome Terrans here!" Hearing what Lu Yang said, the soldier shook his head and stopped talking. It seemed that he hated the land people very much.

This makes Lu Yang feel very strange.

Is there something unpleasant going on between the sea people and the land people.

"My friend, we don't welcome the Terrans here. Please leave. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!" Seeing that Lu Yang didn't leave, a Beast Master of Tianjie finally stood up and said.

"Oh? you are welcome? Well, I'll wait for you to come. I'll see how you are so rude Lu Yang didn't expect that he would be insulted like this. Although the other party didn't know his identity, he couldn't bear it.

"Well, since you don't drink so much, don't blame us for being rude!" With these words, more than 20 Heaven level beast masters jumped out of the gate and formed an array to encircle Lu Yang. This kind of strength, not to mention a heaven level Beast Master, even a earth level Beast Master could be killed by this combined attack array.

However, Lu Yang is not a local Beast Master, but a real saint, and he is also the most powerful saint on the human beast planet. Even if these minions rush up and attack Lu Yang for hundreds of years, they may not cause any harm to his body.

Therefore, in the face of the attacks of these heaven level beast masters, Lu Yang just transformed his war pet into a huge layer of sunken runes, and saw that he was covered by them. Despite the crazy attacks of these heaven level beast masters, he just didn't take any action.

Lu Yang just waved his hand casually when they were tired. They were just like a bunch of flies. This kind of strength completely calmed them down.

Just when Lu Yang was ready to kill, a fire like shadow fell down from a distance. After he appeared, a more powerful emperor appeared in front of Lu Yang.

"In Xiaming sea, the emperor has seen the saint!" When the city master said that, the sea Royal beast masters who originally wanted to continue to attack Lu Yang were all dumbfounded. They never dreamed that Lu Yang was a saint. No wonder they just wanted to scratch each other.It's true that it's almost impossible for some heaven level beast masters to harm the saints.

"Well, the emperor of the sea, get up. I just want to pass by this time, so I'm a little strange about the climate here, so I'll ask for directions. It's a pity that the beast keeper doesn't seem so friendly!" Lu Yang's voice was very low. He knelt down all around these days. It was true that his words were too big.

"Please calm the Holy One!" Hearing Lu Yang's words, those who wanted to attack him were so stupid that they all knelt down to salute Lu Yang.

Lu Yang didn't want to embarrass them, so he let them stand up.

After all, there's nothing wrong with these days.

"Holy One, the weather here is changeable, but the most severe one is the submarine cyclone. Once this cyclone expands, even the emperor will be restrained, and only the holy one can walk freely. If the saints want to, our Zhenhai building is willing to fully absorb the saints to rest in the Zhenhai building. " The sea emperor of the underworld quickly bowed his head and said, for fear of offending the saint Lu Yang.

Although there are many emperors in their city, they still have no ability to resist the saints.

"Well, I don't blame you for this. As long as you can tell me the truth, I'll forgive you. Now I'm leaving!" As soon as Lu Yang turned around, he went deep into the ocean.

Seeing that Lu Yang had gone, the emperor of the sea of hell said to one of the emperors around him, "tell the saint that someone from the mainland has come to look for it. Let him get ready."

Since he was promoted to the holy rank, Lu Yang has rarely met anyone that ordinary holy ranks can compete with him, especially since he has got the treasure of the withered bones master.

But this time, in order to get the initial heart, he felt that he still needed to kill again in the future.

The sea emperor thought Lu Yang couldn't hear him, but actually Lu Yang could hear him clearly. He could even see the breath of the sea emperor.

If he wants to go back to kill the sea emperor, it's easy.

But since he was talking about it, he wanted to see what it was.

If it's something he wants, he can take it with him. If it's not, he can take it with him.

After all, if someone wants to kill him, he should at least be ready to be killed.

Left zhenhailou, Luyang continued to walk. After walking about several thousand kilometers, he saw a hillside in front of him. On the hillside, there were large sea trees, similar to Huancao, but more like big trees on land. Moreover, this kind of thing looks very thick and strong. It takes root on the sea floor and grows very fast. It can not only be used, but also be used as a hidden tree Hiding, ambush, the best place to kill and steal.

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