"Since you say so, I'm not polite!" Lu Yang directly opened the door of the cave, let them leave, and sealed the door with the ice heaven.

Before they entered the cave, no one found out, mainly because six ice bears just came in from the outside, causing a lot of noise, which distracted the attention of Mr. Xie Lang and Mr. long. Otherwise, with their strength, they could definitely kill them.

After that, Luyang began to walk deep into the cave.

But just as he got to a turning point in the cave, he heard the sound of tearing. I'm afraid six ice bears were eating in it.

"Those two people's things should not be in the ice bear's cave. Let me see where they are?" Lu Yanggang is to let nine tail snow fox into his own part to carry out the task, if it is to let little sister to go, I'm afraid he now lacks an excellent assistant.

So now that he has come to a relatively open place, it is necessary for Xiaomei to speculate how many places in the cave are suitable for hiding treasures.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xiaomei finally gave the answer. There were only two places to look for. The first place was under his feet, and the second place was in a very hidden space near the ice giant bear cave.

"Now let's get under my feet!" Lu Yang has the space of quasi Celestial Master level, and the way of heaven can naturally drill into the underground. This is his trump card, so he will not take it out in ordinary times.


Lu Yang found a space. There are hundreds of square meters in the space. In the center of the space, there is an array. There are hundreds of attribute stones in the array. If these attribute stones promote some people to five elements, they can satisfy at least six. This is not the other four special runes of heaven.

"This time, it's really amazing!" Lu Yang immediately cracked the array with the Royal beast system. Soon he mixed into the array, cracked it, and stole all the attributes of Shenjing.

It's nothing. Lu Yang also uses pure energy to simulate these attributes of Shenjing. Even if the original owner comes, he won't find them if he doesn't open the array himself.

"Now go to the second place." As soon as Lu Yang turned around, he tore the void into a second space where he could store his goods.

as like as two peas, he saw another almost identical pattern here. This makes Lu Yang feel a little depressed.

Is Mr. long so confident, or does he only know this kind of array?

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Lu Yang. When he entered the array, he found a map and tens of thousands of Shenjing. With these Shenjing, he could buy all the other attributes except space Shenjing.

Now that so many Shenjing are in the hands of Lu Yang, he will not be cheap to others.

Soon, he made a lot of money, which can be said to drain the wealth accumulated by others for hundreds of years or even longer into his own pocket.

"Now I can leave!" Lu Yang directly cleaned up all his traces and soon returned to the team.

Now the team is encircling and suppressing the ice giant bear who has been left alone. Soon the ice giant bear was killed under their encirclement and suppression, and the task was naturally completed.

"Let's go!" Wolf heart sword felt that Lu Yang had returned to the team and left with the team.

Only after walking millions of kilometers did wolf heart sword look at Lu Yang, hoping for an answer.

"To tell you the truth. I've got the attribute Shenjing. Don't worry. I've got a lot of attribute Shenjing. I should be able to give each of you a share. You can choose for yourself. " Lu Yang said very frankly.

"It's a great gift." A few of them thought about it and said what they wanted.

Lu Yang quickly sent out resources without any hesitation.


Not only the wolf heart sword, even other people are overjoyed when they get the resources.

If you don't guess wrong, wolf heart sword may be promoted to five elements after getting the resources of this word task.

The other players are still a few short of the five elements.

However, after more than ten years of accumulation, the wolf heart sword is getting closer and closer to the God.

Although he hasn't used it for more than ten years, the speed is not slow, even faster than that of some big family disciples.

But then they have to finish the task. Otherwise, they all of a sudden get such attribute Shenjing, even if Lu Yang clean up all traces, it will cause others to doubt.

So the safest way for them is to gather enough capital before the other party finds them.

At that time, they will be able to become masters of heaven. Naturally, no one will dare to manage them any more. This is also a kind of detachment.Wanye grass's fourth task is to find nine color fire.

The so-called nine color fire is a kind of fire that can exercise impurities in the body. With the burning of this kind of fire, even some less gifted would-be heavenly masters may be absorbed in God, or even ten would-be gods.

After all, if you want to be promoted to the divine world, it's not enough to have the divine power of a quasi Heavenly Master. You must have the corresponding potential, such as talent and luck. Otherwise, if you don't have enough talent, your strength will be low, and you will easily die in the execution of tasks.

In short, the total cause of the nine color fire is very expensive.

As long as you can find nine color fire and take a certain amount, you can exchange a certain amount of attribute Shenjing, which is flame attribute and the only attribute Shenjing that wolf heart sword lacks now.

As long as he can get the rest of the attribute Shenjing, then he will enter the list. However, it is even more difficult for him to enter the list.

"Ouch, ouch..."

Just as they continued to move forward, there were bursts of tiger roaring sound in front of them, which was very vigorous and powerful, like waves of collapsing sea water, and even formed a kind of penetrating force, beating the leaves around them.

Lu Yang was a little stunned, only to know that they had entered a fierce beast territory at the level of a Heavenly Master. The other side had already threatened them.

"What can I do? If I guess correctly, this is the ten color tiger. If I see him, then the nine color fire should be nearby." Wolf heart sword some hesitant said.

"Let's go. Now that we have reached this stage, we must make a breakthrough. What's more, I can hear that this fierce tiger seems to be strong outside but strong in the middle. Maybe he doesn't dare to do anything to us?" Hear the words of wolf heart sword, Lu Yang very affirmative say.

"If that's the case, let's make a break!" Hearing Lu Yang's words, wolf heart sword immediately changed his mind.

This is not because his attitude changes too fast, but because he is full of confidence in Lu Yang's strength.

The same is true of other people. When they hear that Lu Yang is so confident, they will not drag their feet.

So their small group began to walk deep into the forest.

After walking for several tens of kilometers, you can see a huge cave in front of you. If you are not wrong, it should be the place where the ten color tigers live.

And the nine color fire is underground at the entrance of the cave!


At this time, the tiger finally appeared.

Different from the ordinary tigers, the ten color tigers are wrapped with ten colors. On top of these ten colors, there are all kinds of power runes, which look like ten different ways of heaven.

But these ten different ways of heaven and land are definitely different.

Each of the ten Heavenly ways mastered by Lu Yang is the basic one, but the ten Heavenly ways mastered by the ten color tigers are uneven, and even some of them are almost nameless, equivalent to chicken ribs.

But even so, the power of these ten Heavenly ways can't be underestimated. At least the chicken ribs heavenly way can provide powerful energy for the ten color tigers, which is not too rubbish.

However, the appearance of the ten color tiger scared the others.

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