“White rabbit, when who doesn’t know the same.” Makura Ye chuckled and walked out of the Cardo Group with his trouser pocket.


In the evening, Makura returned to Dazna’s home looking as usual.

At this time, Sasuke and Naruto had basically mastered the essentials of condensing Chakra under their feet, and Asakura Ye glanced at it casually, and he was not interested, which was completely the content of his practice around the age of seven.

The next day, when the news of Kado’s killing came, Datsna clapped his hands, but Kakashi glanced at Asakura with special meaning.

Three days later, Asakura and his party returned to Konoha, and after Kakashi gave a detailed report of what happened to the three generations, the three generations added once to Kakashi’s mission record, A-level mission.

Immediately afterwards, the third generation thought about it again, opened the task record of Makura Ye, and changed zero to one on the A-level task 0 times.

As for Sasuke and Naruto, there is no such treatment, and those who fight soy sauce and those who really participate in the battle, after all, it cannot be a treatment.

After that, Asakuraha’s life returned to calm and comfortable, and he began daily ninja quests and panel improvements.

However, the upcoming Chūnin exam broke the peaceful and comfortable life of Makura Ye.

Not only Makura Ye, with the arrival of ninjas from various ninja villages, the atmosphere of the entire Konoha Village has become a little dignified, and since the beginning of these days, walking in Konoha Village, you can see some strange faces, these are from other ninja villages.



“I heard that there are more and more foreign ninjas in the village in the past few days, and several conflicts have broken out, and I really want to beat these arrogant guys hard.”

“Well, you still have this guts in this crane tail?”

“Bastard Sasuke, what did you say?”


“You two…”

In the past few days, Kakashi has relaxed the standards of the task, so that the three of them can not take the task, which is probably a holiday.

In rare leisure time, Naruto Sasuke invited Makura Leaf out, agreed to eat ramen, and practiced together.

Speaking of which, the three of them are in the seventh class, although Asakura Ye does not care much about Sasuke and Naruto, but often contact, plus Asakura Ye is very strong, Sasuke and Naruto admire the relationship between Asakura Ye, the number of activities between the three is not very small, and the relationship is already called good friends.

This is when the three of them are ready to go to practice together after eating ramen.

Suddenly, not far ahead, a familiar voice came, the voice was not small, and they could all clearly hear it here: “Hey, I warn you, you guys from other villages, don’t be too arrogant!” ”

“It’s Tooth, what happened?” Naruto and Sasuke immediately looked ahead.

Makura Ye also followed suit, and suddenly frowned, and saw Hinata’s figure in it.

Hinata, Ya, and Shino are there, it seems that they have clashed with three other people from the outer village, and Asakuraha’s gaze is a little dumbfounded, the other party… It turned out to be I-Ai Luo, Temari, and Kankuro.

“Let’s go over too, there seems to be a conflict, guys from this outer village!” Naruto rubbed his fists.

“Hmm.” Ma Cang Ye nodded lightly and muttered in a low voice: “I really didn’t expect to encounter it in this situation.” ”

As Asakura and his group approached, the conflict over there had become intense, and Ya moved, but was easily restrained by Kankuro and fell behind.

Unexpectedly, on the other side, another group walked over, it was Ning Ciban, every day, Xiao Li was also there.

Makura Ye couldn’t help but smile: “Things are really getting more and more interesting. ”

After a while, the three classes met, but they did not gather together, and Ning Ci and the others probably understood what happened.

Ning Ci glanced at Hinata lightly, and then glanced at the three of my Ai Luo, as always, unceremoniously, and said coldly: “The people from the outer village are so arrogant in our Konoha, do they want to find death?” ”

On this side, Naruto and Ya had a scowl on their faces, eager to try, Sasuke, Tenten, Xiao Li frowned slightly, Shino, Hinata’s eyes were calmer, but also with resentment.

Only Ma Cang Ye looked at it lightly, looking calm.

On the other side, seeing that there were more people, Kankuro sneered and retreated behind Iro.

My Ai Luo glanced at everyone with a contemptuous gaze, and the hoarse voice was full of evil aura, and sounded: “Why, do you want more people to bully less people, it’s better to come together, you guys… Inadequate. ”

“Oh!” Ning Ci opened his eyes and stared at I Ai Luo, and the corners of his mouth also floated with a touch of disdain: “Isn’t it too childish to say this kind of words, I can beat you down alone!” ”

The robe was hunting, wrapped in a strong wind, and Ning Ci’s arrow step, a palm had slapped towards my Ai Luo.

I Ai Luo’s face was expressionless, his hands were still holding his chest, and he looked at it lightly, and a yellow sand turned into a shield, just blocking the front of Ning Ci’s palm.

The fierce force in the palm of my hand poured into the yellow sand, scattering the yellow sand all over the sky, but it did not hurt my love Luo in the slightest.

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