Hearing such an answer, Shizune directly widened his eyes, those eyes blinked, and his heart was at a loss, Tsunade-sama, this is by … Teased?!

Tsunade’s face darkened directly, and he stared at Asakura Leaf condescendingly: “Little ghost, if it weren’t for your young age, you would definitely become crippled today.” ”

Makura Ye was speechless for a moment, he really didn’t mean that, just accidentally told the truth, but this truth did sound a bit like teasing.

Shin Hokage had just taken office, and he was teased by himself on his first day of work, and Asakura felt that he was really a bit dead…

“That, I didn’t mean that, I just wanted to come and take the task.” Asakura explained.

Tsunade glanced at Asakura Ye and said noncommittally: “I know, I have heard of you, and I am very active in taking on tasks, yesterday, someone mentioned you to me, saying that you will come over early, so that I want to get up early!” ”

Under normal circumstances, ordinary tasks are picked up in the mission hall, but there are only low-level tasks there!

Those low-level tasks, Ma Cang Ye naturally will not take it, and if they take it, they will not have much prestige.

Advanced missions, on the other hand, are to be picked up in Hokage, because some missions are important intelligence in their own right!

Seeing Tsunade’s unkind gaze, Asakura Ye suddenly began to miss the three generations a little, although he was an old guy who didn’t look at it, but at least he was diligent and went to work on time.

Then, as the door was silently opened with a key, Asakura Ye cheekily walked in with the two.

“Naruto-sama, that… I want to ask, what happened just now, can I still receive a task from you? Asakura asked tentatively.

Tsunade turned to look at him, pouting a little arrogantly, “Now you know it’s called Naruto-sama?” What do you want if I say no? ”

When Makura Ye heard this, he sighed helplessly, turned his head, and did not look at Tsunade again: “What else, I won’t ask for a woman, don’t take it.” ”

Tsunade narrowed his eyes, feeling a little interesting: “Oh? Won’t ask for a woman? Do you think women are inferior to men? ”

“It’s not about that, it’s a matter of dignity.” Ma Cang Ye said lightly.

“Dignity?” Tsunade smiled: “In this way, you still look down on women, it’s better like this, we are better than one, let you know, women will not be worse than you, how?” ”

Tsunade’s voice seemed to be tinged with teasing.

Shizune next to him was speechless, and quickly stepped forward to grab Tsunade-sama, and whispered: “Hey, Tsunade-sama, you are now a Hokage, bullying a child who is inferior, it would be too humiliating to pass it out.” ”

What the two didn’t expect was that Ma Cang Ye agreed: “Okay, I want to try, just how about strength?” ”

This time, it was Shizune’s turn to be stunned: “Than, than strength?” ”

Tsunade also had a funny look on his face, and said strangely: “You want to compare strength with me?” ”

Ma Cang Ye nodded seriously, and said at the same time: “Yes, than the strength, but not now, a month later, moreover, you must bring a colored head, otherwise, it will be boring.” ”

“With a colored head? That means, you want to bet with me? Tsunade was interested all of a sudden.

“Yes, don’t you dare?” Makura Ye spoke.

Tsunade almost fell down with a smile and asked rhetorically, “What’s the bet?” ”

A brilliant light flashed in Makura Ye’s eyes: “I want your Hundred Hao Technique!” ”

When these words came out, Tsunade was stunned, obviously he didn’t expect that a child in Makura Ye could say this, and paused: “You know the art of a hundred heroes?” ”

Asakura Ye did not answer, but continued to ask, “Don’t you dare to bet?” ”

Hearing this, Shizune was full of excitement, and wanted to step forward to stop Tsunade, but she was still not as fast as Tsunade, as soon as she heard Makura Ye’s words, Tsunade directly said: “Gamble!” ”

Soon, the two sides agreed on a bet, what Asakura Ye wanted, was the art of Baihao, Tsunade thought that it was impossible to lose, and casually set a bet to taunt Asakura Ye, and the two sides made a bet at this point.

After that, Tsunade did not let Asakura Ye take the task, but still let Asakura Ye take the task and went to carry it out.


This gamble was an emergency, but Makura Ye was well thought out and was not purely looking for death.

Because Asakura Ye sensed the secret of the panel system, according to his guess, every 50 points of the panel system is a threshold that will change.

Just a few days ago, his [body] column, the number of points exceeded 100 points, and the words in parentheses behind also changed.

Became [Body]: 101 (strange power).

Obviously, this means that Asakuraha’s physical fitness has reached the level of strange power, plus a month to increase the number of points, there is no reason to lose to Tsunade.

And the art of Baihao is an extremely powerful amplification ninjutsu, if it can be obtained, it is of great benefit to Makura Ye.

PS: Ask for evaluation, ask for flowers, ask for tips! Collect it! Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a change!

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