Although Sasuke is very reluctant to the newly resurrected Itachi, he is not a mother-in-law’s person after all, and he knows what the big picture is.

After leaving Yunyin, Sasuke asked casually: “Ye, since you can obtain the abilities of the dead, and you can use the power of the kaleidoscope to kill and resurrect people, why not find more companions to obtain their abilities?” ”

When Asakura heard this, he glanced at Sasuke: “I have thought about this question for a long time, but this ability to kill and resurrect people is too mysterious after all, and I don’t know if it will leave any sequelae for people, and I won’t experiment with friends and companions until I understand it.” ”

After a pause, Ma Cang Ye said again: “Besides, if you do experiments, even if you use this method, I kill and resurrect you, what power can I get, Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye, I have already possessed it, so it is basically unnecessary to do so.” ”

After listening to Asakura Ye’s explanation, Sasuke came back and nodded.

The two of them picked up speed and rushed to the battlefield on the other side of the desert.


Meanwhile, in the middle of the desert.

Marching in the endless desert is an extremely boring thing, and at such times, it is natural for people to talk about gossip, or some trivial matters.

The two female ninjas who knew each other were not old and naturally not so mature, they were doing things with Temari, but they couldn’t help but whisper at this time.

“It is said that the captain of our two armies is the genius of the ninja world who has recently gained fame!”

“Who, do you mean that Konoha ninja named Asakuraba?”

“Yes, I heard that he is very powerful, even when I was in Shayin Village, I often heard high-level talk about his achievements, and it was spread to the gods, and I don’t know if he was really as powerful as rumored.”

“But he seems to be very young, just the same age as my Lord Ai Luo, he shouldn’t really be that powerful… And once, I accidentally met him, he looked very lazy, he didn’t look as reliable as my Lord Ai Luo, he was quite handsome. ”

“Well, yes, it should be a false name, I also heard …”

Just as the two were chatting vigorously, Temari silently appeared behind them, knocked on their heads, and said sharply: “You two, what are you doing, as a member of the Ninja World Alliance, you must be ready to fight at any time.” ”

Temari said solemnly, “In addition, private officers are not allowed. ”

Asakuraha, as the team of the third force, as well as the combat commander, is naturally the commander.

The two stuck out their tongues and were about to slip away.

But at this time, the coalition army, at the end of the desert, four figures appeared.

In the wind and sand, those four figures completely ignored the scorching sun and yellow sand, and faced the huge number of ninja alliance forces step by step.

Above, when I Airo and Ohkino who were flying in the air, their faces changed slightly when they saw these four people.

I love Luo only recognizes the identity of the middle person, that is, his father, the fourth generation of wind shadow, Luo Sha!

The well-informed Okino, but recognized the identities of all four people!

Ohkino immediately shouted, “Stop moving forward and get ready for battle!” ”

At this time, most of the Ninja World Alliance Army could barely see the four figures in the distance.

The two female ninjas who were severely reprimanded by Temari just now couldn’t help but say again at this time: “Aren’t there only four people, why are you so guarded?” ”

In the air, Ohkino glanced at her and said coldly: “Do you know the identities of these four people, they are all shadows of the ancestors… The fourth generation of wind shadow, the third generation of thunder shadow, the second generation of water shadow, the second generation of earth shadow!! ”

“What!?” For a while, people’s faces changed drastically.

I Ai Luo muttered, “In the beginning, did you come into contact with such a difficult opponent…”

Perhaps, a simple name, or name, it is difficult to make any impression, and it is almost impossible to immediately make people feel frightened and flustered, after all, many names are not as famous as yellow flash, Sanshin is so famous, there are many people who have not heard of these names.

But there is a different name, and when everyone hears this name, they can immediately know that the person who has this name is an absolute strongman.

That is, the name of the shadow.

Right now, I heard that the four enemies in front of them were actually the shadows of the ancestors, and the entire Ninja World Alliance Army was in turmoil, and the tense atmosphere spread.

Not long after, the four figures in the distance were already close.

“It’s really impossible to form a ninja alliance to fight with the ninjas in your own village, but there is no way around it.” The four figures glanced at each other, and the second-generation water shadow couldn’t help but say.

“The attack is coming!” Luo Sha’s eyes narrowed, looking at the yellow sand rushing towards the sky, and said to himself: “Is it me who loves Luo?” ”

His hands were open, and the placer gold surged up, forming a barrier with the sand’s size, easily blocking the sand’s attack.

When the two sand curtains dispersed, the expressions on their faces could already be seen clearly between the two sides.

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