The Strongest Clan's Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class ~Even with a Fail Job「Ta
Episode 44: Fallen Wings
Reesha's eyes nailed the headline on one side of it the moment she took the morning paper delivered to her boarding house. I accidentally put my hand on my mouth because it was so surprising.
"Lies...... Heavenly Wings Knights Disbanded? Oh, hey... Huh?
The Heavenly Wings Knights made this the strongest party in the B rank band of the Empire, a party to which Ofelia, a friend of Leisha's hometown, belongs. Since we are busy with each other and Ophelia is more superficial, we did not interact frequently, but still once a month, we are friends who were always eating together.
Reesha, who was shocked and flabbergasted, is further shocked by the fact that she once again turned her attention to the article and read the full headline, which she didn't notice at first.
"What!? The Heavenly Wings Knights broke up because they lost to Ethereal Heaven (Blue Beyond)!? What do you mean!?
The headline said:
"Fallen Wings! Heavenly Wings Knights defeated by Ethereal Outside (Blue Beyond), disperse!
When I read the body of the article without knowing why, I finally saw the truth about it. Apparently, the cause in the first place lies in the sudden policy shift of the Explorers (Seekers) Association (Guild). Until now, applications for the creation of clans have been granted almost unconditionally, as long as compulsory insurance contributions and bases can be prepared, but for some time thereafter, the failure to break through the rigorous scrutiny of the Explorers (Seekers) Association (Guild) appears to have become rejected.
Because of this, both parties rejected the application once. However, the protests between the two parties will result in a joint test and only the winner will be allowed to create it. Most importantly, the loser is conditioned to break up the party.
The exam is a battle between the Demon (Beast) designated by the Explorer (Seeker) Association (Guild) and the Demon-Eyed Bamboo King (Dantalion) belonging to Depth VIII.
And as a result of the exam, it was outside the sky (Blue Beyond) that became the winner. The defeated Heavenly Wings Knights were immediately disbanded in the name of the Explorer (Seeker) Association (Guild), as promised.
There were other articles, including interviews with each member and journalistic reflections, but many of the casual and cruel words against the Loser's Heavenly Wings Knights were too harsh, and Riesha threw away the newspaper along the way.
When the Heavenly Wings Knights were active, what a disgraceful return of the palm of hands they praised so much. This is why I don't like the bun shop, Leesha thought again.
"Nevertheless, I can't believe the Noels beat the Heavenly Wings Knights... Hey, I can't believe it...... Whatever it takes, it's growing too fast..."
However, Blue Beyond is excellent. It was the members who were renewed except for Noel, who had never had a great track record in the new party, but whose strength had already reached the realm of the mid-level party. Because two newcomers are so fierce that they don't think they're C-ranked. Instead, today's Ethereal Outside (Blue Beyond) may be much stronger than before.
But still, everyone's a rookie. Boasting a rounded strength, I don't think I can beat those Heavenly Wings Knights. More importantly, the enemy is not only the Heavenly Wings Knights, but also the Demon-Eyed Bamboo King (Dantalion), the superior demon (Beast). No matter how much brain simulation I tried, I couldn't imagine the paintings the Noels would win.
"Well, it's Noel..."
Noel, the leader of Blue Beyond, is an extremely peculiar Explorer (Explorer), even in this Explorer (Explorer) sanctuary, Etrai. Of all combat functions (jobs), he is the most vulnerable support position (buffer), but he is also known as the Rookie of Big Food by his rare command tower abilities.
He has also set the top executives of the largest gang in the Empire (Yakuza) and the Luciano group (family) in a trap. It was just when I was away from the Empire City on an expedition, so it's an untrue story for Riesha, horrible and hasn't been asked for details by her personals, but seems true to observe from the atmosphere around her.
"After all, I guess I won using my handkerchief. Seniors, they're strong, but they seem weak on their hands... Wasn't compatible..."
I don't even know what kind of hand I used, but the trapped and defeated Ophelia would have regretted it. Inside, sympathy cannot be forbidden.
But more than being a Seeker (Seeker), the word cowardice is only an excuse for the weak. There are only two things: victory or defeat. If you are defeated, you have to admit it with regret. Rather, because there was only life, and it is blessed.
"Unfortunately, you're a Seeker..."
The door to the room was knocked when Risha sighed deeply. The signs of the visitors standing across the door were well-acquainted people.
"... Senior Ophelia?
"... yeah"
Reply to affirm briefly. The reasons for the visit could be roughly guessed.
"... Senior, are you quitting Explorer?
".................. yeah"
That's the answer I expected. Visiting Riesha would be the purpose of a farewell greeting. Reesha worried whether or not she should stop. Ophelia is an excellent Seeker. Even dissolving the Heavenly Wings Knights is a lot of deduction. But if you think about Ophelia's mood, maybe you shouldn't stop.
When Risha is lost, Ophelia across the door squeaks with her nose.
"I've been working so hard, I thought I could be strong... But it wasn't even a little strong... I'm tired already...... I don't think it was for the Seeker... So....................."
The signs of Ophelia disappear unexpectedly. When Risha opened the door in a hurry, there was only the leftover incense of Ophelia.
I'm sure he went back inside the Riesha's. We know that returning home is the best way to heal your heart's wounds. But I still felt sorry for him.
"Explorers are so intelligent..."
Vlacaf is a werewolf beast. A beast man is a species that combines the characteristics of a person with a beast, and in the case of a werewolf beast, he looks like a person has worn the fur of a wolf. Alternatively, it can be described as like a wolf walking upright as it is. Among the beasts, the beast is a species of intense colour.
As a result, they can be subjected to unwarranted discrimination and slander, and even an imperial capital full of a wide variety of races seldom sees their compatriots.
The Vlacaf clan lives in a desert where no man leans. Because of the disadvantaged position, it was clear that there was no future for a closed and pessimistic clan.
Vlacaf hated such a clan from an early age. But on the other hand, he wanted to give this clan a future.
There is one way for a discriminated werewolf to gain a strong position in society. Become a Seeker and grow up with your arms. So Vrakav visited the Empire City.
At first I was anxious. In the first place, I don't even know if I have a werewolf beast myself and a Explorer (Explorer) to join me in. But that anxiety vanished when I met Leon and the others. The Heavenly Wings Knights are a great party. It was not only strong but also well-behaved and consistent with the aim of improving the status of werewolf beasts.
But I also knew this relationship wouldn't last long. Because as we fought, everyone began to think that the Heavenly Wings Knights belonged to the leader Leon. No longer, the Vlacafs are only Leon's entourage. As it stands, even if the Heavenly Wings Knights continued for a long time, it would not be possible to achieve Vlacaf's aims.
So Vrakav was not particularly shocked when he was defeated by Ethereal Heaven (Blue Beyond) and the Heavenly Wings Knights disbanded. Either way, it was due to leave soon.
"Welcome, Master Vlacaf! I've been waiting for you!
Veronica Redbourne, leader of the Red Lotus Fiery, greeted me with a big round of smiles when I visited the Pork Ghost (Oak) stick pavilion. As it's still out of business hours early in the morning, I don't see anyone in the store but Vlacaf, Veronica and the store owner.
It was more than a month ago that Veronica came into contact with Vlacaf. The purpose was headhunting. Veronica, who was discerning the purpose of continuing Vlacaf's Seeker and her dissatisfaction with the status quo, invited her to her party on condition of favourable treatment. If you were willing to accept the invitation, I promised to contact you on the owl flight.
And on the night the Heavenly Wings Knights were dissolved, Vrakav sent a letter. The reply was early, I was sent to the Pork Ghost (Oak) stick pavilion tomorrow morning, and it said:
"Dear Mr. Vlacaf, I'm glad to hear from you that you've been contacted, that you like the colour.
She's a forceful woman. But it is preferable not to go around.
"Oh, nice to meet you"
Veronica cried out loud and joyfully at the moment Vlacaf poked both fists in front of her chest and thanked her for the Werewolf Man ceremony.
"Alright ahhh!! Now all you have to do is absorb a party of stupid wolves and stupid monkeys! That way, we can jump to a big party - no, we can be big clans! Look, Noel! I'm not gonna make you look big again!
Apparently, this woman also has a grudge against Noel. I'm going to obey Veronica more than I'm one of us, but I just want you to give me a break from fighting Noel again.
That's because people are not the enemy.
"Kym, how about it's time to go home?
As Kym drinks, the bar owner looks at this one worried.
"... just give me a few more drinks"
"Say that, how many more drinks have you had?... I know it's hard, but don't drown in booze. You're still young, so there's always a way to get back together, isn't there?
"No, that's not it... I'm done..."
The Heavenly Wings Knights disbanded, two days. After that exam, I broke up with my buddies without much conversation. Then, Kym can't let go of the booze. If you don't drink and stay bare, you can't stop shivering.
"Even now, this hand still has the feel of when I stabbed Leon... I've done a hell of a thing... Indeed, as Noel said, I wanted to be free somewhere in my heart... But that's why I didn't have to do that... Yet without even trying to discuss it, I was preparing a knife painted with paralysis poison..."
The more I think about it, I don't think it was sane. Turning away from what we should be facing, the result of trying to justify ourselves was that heinous crime.
"I also said terrible things... He was just worried about me... I said something I should never have said about a traitor... The real traitor was me... I'm the worst scumbag..."
Kym stumbles onto the table and leaks a whimper. Sobbing as the emotions crept in, eventually the shopkeeper gently stroked his back.
"Kym, indeed, you did irrevocably. But are you sure we can keep this up? Is that how you're allowed to sin just because you're drowning in alcohol? No, there's no way. You have something to do."
"............ what to do?
When Kym looked up, the shopkeeper nodded.
"Set Leon free."
"He's so free now... The Heavenly Wings Knights have disbanded..."
"No. I haven't seen Leon since that day, but he's just like you, and I'm sure he remains trapped in a cage of hearts. I'm worried that I couldn't believe my people. Because he's your disciple."
Indeed, Leon, whom Kym knows, is the man the shopkeeper is right about. If you have a strong sense of responsibility and problems among your peers, you have a habit of blaming yourself and thinking about it.
"It could be...... But what can I do to hurt him... I stabbed him with this hand..."
"Discuss it properly, even if you can't. I've been watching you guys in this store. So I get it. Discuss it and we'll see."
"... what if you can't?
"It's also a way for us to be free."
"Right...... Right..."
Kym nodded, determined.
your weakness and facing Leon.
Heavy rain falls from cloudy skies. It's a cold, stained rain. In that, Leon walks without an umbrella.
The cherished Heavenly Wings Knights have been disbanded. Everything was ruined because Leon, the leader, was impudent, even though he had any chance of winning.
I can't repent if I repent. The Heavenly Knights were the same as Leon's body. Leon was no longer the same as dead than he had lost that half of his body.
Without guessing, the commuters sometimes mocked Leon roaming the city in ghostly footsteps, sometimes with pity. In any case, for them, Leon is no longer an aspiring Explorer (Seeker) as before. We were only losers in life, inferior to ourselves.
That was the time. A young boy comes running over to Leon, letting him breathe out.
"Mr. Leon, please! Please help!
"Huh?... suddenly, what's wrong?
"My sister slipped my leg and hit me in the head! So, there's a lot of blood... But we don't have any money... not like this... hiccup..."
Seeing the crying boy, the fire lit Leon's soul, which was about to go out.
"It's okay! I'll definitely help you! So don't cry!
"... ho, really?
"Oh, it's true. Not as good as my main job, but I'm confident in treatment. Now show me to your sister."
"Yeah! Over here!
The boy entered the alley from the boulevard. The alleys of Teito, with the detriment of rapid development, enter like mazes. It's troublesome to get into contact with a guide boy. Leon carefully follows the boy to avoid losing sight of him in successive bends.
"This way! Over here!"
Eventually, he went out to the square where the building was unnaturally spaced. I don't know if the building has been demolished or if the owner of the land has left it, but there are these accidentally born squares dotted in the alley of the Imperial City.
"Is my injured sister in this square?
As Leon looked around and asked, he accidentally felt the signs of a large number of armed men. It's a trap, it's already late when you realize that, and you'll be surrounded in no time.
The boy who guided Leon leaves with his tongue, and instead, nearly twenty rough men armed, all approaching him with a humble grin.
"I can't believe I got caught up in these hands. Heavenly Wings have fallen."
A big man with a leader-like eagle nose came forward. That's the face Leon knows.
"... Captain Edgar, the Silver Steel Hound Army cut-in"
"You remember me? Glad to hear it."
"What the hell are you doing to me?
"It's not a big deal. I just didn't like you the whole time. So I was hoping you'd look me in the eye for a little bit of a silly pain."
"Did you use a young boy for that? Something's wrong..."
I don't understand, shaking his head, Edgar distorted his face with anger.
"You're a genius, you don't know. I can't believe how ridiculous we've been behind your praise... One newspaper said: Compared to the Heavenly Wings Knights, the Seeker's book, the Silver Steel Hound Army is a gathering of the Gorotsky. You don't have a lot of strength, but it's just a prestigious clan."
"Isn't that right? I'm doing this right now."
"You're not. You're the one who's sorry, Leon. Without you, we wouldn't have been fooled, either. You're a hypocrite. When I heard you broke up after losing to the Blue Beyond, it cleared my heart. She finally peeled off her make-up skin."
To put it too irrationally, there is boiling anger.
"Edgar, you are crazy..."
"Maybe. But how about you? You were great wandering around like a ghost. You fell to the point of falling, too."
"... shut up"
"The glory of the Heavenly Wings Knights is already in the past! All that remains is the defeated and insane end of the line! The Glades look great on you now!
"Shut the fuck up!!!
The moment the fierce Leon reaches for the sword, he is then hit hard in the head. Leon chewed on the cold ground because he didn't faint but was completely unintended.
"Die! Die, Leon! You don't deserve to live! So die here!
Edgar and his companions flock to Leon in unison. I had myself calmly objectified that this was dead. But really, it's not worth anything to me right now. Maybe you should just die like this...
When they were about to give up everything, those who surrounded Leon screamed one after another. And I lifted up my face, and verified, and there was a finger slashed off in the hand of one, and a needle of iron stabbed deep in the hand of another. In any case, everyone is suffering by dropping the weapons they had.
"Guh, so, who is it!? Come out!!!
When Edgar, who lost his right hand finger, screams as he holds his hand, the sound of walking on the cobblestone with this one returns from behind the alley.
"You're doing something fun. Mix us up, too."
A demon with a black coat and wings was there.
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