The Strongest Clan's Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 25: My Motto is to Pay Back Thousand-fold!

Alma, whom I had asked for help via Link, had arrived as quick as a gale. It had taken her approximately two minutes. She must have been sleeping in her inn when I called for help so I was really thankful to her.

Alma yawned loudly and cracked her neck.

「I don't really get the situation, but will it be fine if I kill that?」

Her slender fingertip was pointing at Kouga, who was holding his sword at the ready.

Kill him, it would be easy to give that order.

But Kouga was still useful to me. If possible, I would like to let him live. It would be dangerous to order Alma to fight him without killing him though. Kouga was strong after all. After fighting him, I was even more sure that his strength was a match for Alma's.

It would likely be one-sided if I used my buffs, but it didn't seem like I would be able to activate my Skills properly. It would take another 30 minutes for the rebound from the combat stimulant to wear out. The only Skill that I could use in my condition was Link.

Thus, my order was short.

「Kill him」


While flipping the knife in her hand, Alma began to close the distance to Kouga with light footsteps. On the other hand, Kouga had a really reluctant frown on his face.

「You're Noel's ally?」

「That's right. That's why I have to kill you」

「Stop it. I don't kill women」

「Gender discrimination is bad. Besides, even if you try to act chivalrous, I'm stronger than you, so you'll just look uncool trying to keep up appearances」

「It's the opposite. You should have realized it when you failed to finish me off with your surprise attack. That I'm considerably stronger than you」


Ouch, he really hit Alma where it hurts.

Certainly, if Alma was stronger than Kouga, that earlier surprise attack should have ended it. I judged that Kouga, who had managed to defend himself against fatal attacks while being steamrolled by Alma's surprise attack, had come up on top in that instantaneous exchange.

But it was questionable whether he was considerably stronger just because of that. Whatever the circumstances were, it was also a fact that he couldn't stop the surprise attack and got steamrolled after all.

In my opinion, the two of them were evenly matched.

In that case, since I would be troubled if Alma didn't win, I ought to give her some fight advice as I couldn't cast any buffs.

But it seemed like that would be sticking my nose where it didn't belong.

「You're pretty insolent. Don't think that you'll get an easy death」

I could feel Alma's intense killing intent through her back. She had totally snapped. It was the first time I had seen the usually airy Alma this angry.

It definitely didn't seem like she would listen to me even if I gave her advice. Now that I was unable to use Peer Support, I had no way of stopping Alma, who was berserk with rage.

Well...... screw it.

Alma chose the path of becoming a Seeker rather than an Assassin. In that case, she needed the ability to win against an opponent with equal or better strength in a straight fight. It would be troubling if she became a specialist only against small fry.

Besides, the truth was that I also wanted to see the battle between two genuine monsters.


Maximum speed from the start. Alma, who activated Accel, broke through the air-resistance barrier and drew near Kouga while showing afterimages.

Instead of charging straight in, she jumped to the right and to the left and even used the surrounding walls to come from above, using her three-dimensional movements to toy with Kouga.

It was getting difficult to follow her visually. Alma was moving around endlessly at top speed, making her a shadow that appeared everywhere and nowhere.

Even for Kouga, it should be impossible for him to see through Alma's movements. He was keeping his awareness on his surroundings in preparation for an attack, but he was clearly unable to fully cope with her speed.

Alma, who was fully toying with Kouga, threw iron needles while continuing her high speed movements.

Scout Skill: Perfect Throw

With the effect of Perfect Throw, the countless iron needles released by Alma under the speed of Quintuple Accel assailed Kouga from all directions with unerring aim.

If it was only one or two needles, then they could be struck down. But striking down all the needles thrown from all directions wasn't realistic. It was also impossible to avoid.

Now, how will you deal with this?

Kouga answered the question in my heart with a Bladesman's Skill name.

「--Rain of Cherry Petals」

It was just one swing of the sword. But I definitely saw that one swing scatter outwards just like a rain of flower petals.

「You can even multiply the number of slashes!?」

The moment I yelled, the countless iron needles were struck down by the countless scattered slashes. They didn't stop there and spread all around the surrounding area, cutting towards Alma.

However, as expected, Alma was the successor of the legendary assassin.

She twisted her body to dodge the approaching slashes and by kicking at the air-resistance breaking speed of Quintuple Accel, she succeeded in moving out of the way in mid-air.

Alma glared at Kouga from mid-air and then began a fierce assault on him. The flow of the fight was the same as the previous one, but the difference was that Alma had activated Quintuple Accel.

As Alma's knife was lighter and easier to swing compared to Kouga's sword, there would be nothing Kouga could do if she got in close to him with that speed. She would probably be able to slit his throat easily.

In opposition, Kouga activated a new Skill.

「--Serene as Still Waters」

Of all things, Kouga closed his eyes. But, in that state, his sword swings kept Alma's onslaught at bay.

「What's going on!?」

Alma yelled in surprise. Even though she was shocked that her attacks were being defended by someone with his eyes closed, she kept up her continuous attacks at short range.

By all rights, in-fighting should be overwhelmingly advantageous to Alma. Despite that, Kouga showed absolutely no signs that he was falling behind.

「Serene as Still Waters, he said. Is closing his eyes a requirement to activate the Skill? If that's the case, I can understand how he was able to move after being blinded by the flash grenade」

From the situation so far, it was probably reasonable to think of it as a Skill that doubled other senses when the user's eyes were closed. No, it wasn't just the doubling of senses. His attack speed had also increased dramatically.

Not being able to visually confirm the situation around him was a huge drawback, but if it was only within a radius of 5 meters, it was a Skill that demonstrated unparalleled strength.

「Bladesman from the Far East. What an interesting Job」

The fight between these two monsters that hardly looked like they were both C Rank was literally sending sparks flying. I could no longer tell how many hundreds of times their weapons had clashed.

As I watched the progress of the fight attentively, I drank a portable potion to restore myself. The rebound from the combat stimulant was gradually wearing out. The potion healed my fatigue and I began to feel the strength in my legs again.

Suddenly, I tasted blood in my mouth. It appeared that I had been unconsciously grinding my teeth too much.

「......Damn it, why don't I have the kind of strength these two do」

Frustration. Envy. I knew that lamenting over it was useless. But when I was showed this overwhelming difference in talent, my heart hurt so much that I wanted to tear my hair out.

「Even though I would be stronger than the two of them if I was a Warrior just like Grandpa......」

Grandpa had said that even a Talker could become the best Seeker. And at the end of his strict training, I had felt the pride of obtaining that qualification.

But there was always someone better than you. That was a place that a Talker--Buffer like me would never be able to reach.

「......I knew it. My way of thinking was right after all」

I staggered to my feet. To be frank, watching the two of them fight had lifted a weight off my chest. As I felt my heart lighten, I could feel the fire in my soul burning hotter than ever.

I won't lose my way anymore. I won't lament. There is only one path I should follow.

「I'll become the strongest by having the strongest obey me」

In front of me, who had gotten to my feet, the long-lasting battle between the two was approaching its climax. The two of them were getting fed up with the unsettled fight and it looked like they were going to bring out their respective special moves

「I'll admit it. You're strong. That's why I'm not going to care how I win. --I'll kill you for sure」

Alma sliced her own palm with her knife and filled the grooves on the blade with her blood.

Scout Skill: Blood Poison

It was a Skill that refined deadly poison using her own blood. She had given up on settling the fight using straight-forward fighting techniques and intended to grasp certain victory using poison.

「I won't think of you as a woman any more. --I'll kill you」

Kouga sheathed his sword and bent deeply at the waist. That was definitely also a requirement to activate a Skill. The pressure he emitted swelled further and that stance clearly conveyed that a killing technique was coming.

This was bad. At this rate, there was a high chance that they would take each other out. I had been quietly observing, but it looked like I couldn't stay on the sidelines anymore.

I changed the bullets in Silver-chan and fired a shot into the sky. It wasn't a magic bullet. It was just a signal bullet.

The signal bullet exploded like fireworks in the night sky. The two people who were in a battle-ready state widened their eyes at the sudden, loud sound and light.

「Wha, what!?」 「What's that!?」

「That's it for this fight. The military police will be here soon. Get ready to retreat, both of you」

Alma bristled in anger at my order.

「Stop kidding with me! The fight hasn't been decided!」

「Shut up. Didn't you hear my order?」

「B, but!」

「I should have already told you to shut up」


Peer Support seemed to have worked. Alma regained her composure and sheathed her knife in its scabbard while clicking her tongue.

「Kouga, you leave too. I'm sure you don't want to be caught by the military police」

「......Following your orders rubs me the wrong way, but you're right」

As Kouga turned to leave. I called out to his back.

「Wait just a moment. There's something that I have to say to you」

「......What is it?」

To Kouga, who had stopped and looked back, I continued.

「My motto is to pay back thousand-fold」

「Huh? What did you say?」

「So pass these words on to Albert. I'll definitely crush the Gambino Family. If you don't want that, don't be a scaredy-cat and come take my head yourself」

Kouga had failed the mission that he had been given

Knowing Albert, he was surely not going to forgive Kouga. The time to be skinned alive and stuffed might have finally come. But it couldn't be helped. Kouga was only a slave after all. He was always in a position where someone else was holding onto the power over his life or death.

「I see. Thank you for your hard work」

The one who received the report from Kouga, who had gone back to the house, was the sub-leader of the Gambino Family, Raios. Albert seemed to have gone out.

Kouga had told him about the battle and its outcome, but kept quiet about the message. Those words were just reckless bravado. There was no way a mere Seeker would be able to put up a fight against the Gambino Family. Then, for Noel's sake, it would be better to keep quiet about them.

「Leave it to me to inform the Boss. You should go rest your body」

After listening to the report, Raios gently patted Kouga's shoulder with his big hand.

Although he was a large and fierce-looking man, he had a sincere personality that was unimaginable for a Yakuza, and he was an outstanding talent that was trusted and acknowledged by not just his underlings, but by other Families as well.

The fact that the feared『Mad Dog』Gambino Family was able to keep up its appearance as an organization was all due to Raios' ability. If Raios wasn't around, the Gambino Family would likely have disappeared ages ago.

But considering Albert's impudence and reckless behavior, it might actually be better if they did disappear. Raios was a good man that Kouga could respect, but his existence resulted in the suffering of many.

「Kouga, I heard that you failed the assassination?」

The night Albert returned to the house, Kouga was immediately called into his room.

「......I apologize for my lack of ability」

Kouga bowed his head deeply. Albert regarded his apology wordlessly, but started to laugh merrily after a while.

「Ahahaha, Kouga is so serious. Even though I'm not particularly concerned about it or anything. After all, the opponent is just a Seeker. I had no choice but to send Kouga because of the request from the village chief of Mintz village, but I didn't promise the village chief that he would definitely be killed」

「Y, yes......」

「The village chief of Mintz village is long dead anyway, so I've already fulfilled my obligation, right? So don't worry about it, it's all good! Just take it easy, Kouga」

「Un, understood...... Thank you very much......」

It didn't feel like a satisfying ending to him, but Kouga couldn't be happier that Albert was going to overlook this failure. After all, he really wanted to avoid being skinned alive at all costs. When Kouga breathed a sigh of relief, Albert continued, as if he had been waiting for that exact moment.

「But well, not carrying out my, your master's, order is a separate problem, isn't it? We'll have to properly set things right」


Caught off guard, Kouga's heart rate jumped up instantly. He recalled the village chief of Mintz village being asked for his right arm. The village chief had ended up dying from that wound.

「Set things right...... What should I do?」

「About that, you don't have to do anything this time. There's someone who has already set things right in Kouga's place」

「In my place?」

Albert had an ominous smile on his face as Kouga tilted his head.

「Raios, give that to Kouga」


Following that order, Raios moved from Albert's side, where he had been standing, and presented a wrapped box tied with a ribbon to Kouga.

Having received that, Kouga was even more confused.

「What's this?」

「Open it and take a look」

「Y, yes. Understood」

Kouga opened the box like he was told. And--


He threw the box away with a scream. What fell out from the box and rolled onto the floor was a badly mangled head. Kouga knew that face very well. It was his previous master, the Halfling Miguel.

「Oh, what a nice scream. It was worth it to prepare this surprise present」

「Sur, surprise, you say......」

「Properly thank him, okay? Because Miguel set things right in Kouga's place. It's his shared responsibility as the previous owner」

「No, no way......」

「Yes, but now I'm troubled. All the people who could have taken responsibility in Kouga's place are gone. You can't fail anymore next time」

He was hinting that the next failure would mean meeting the same fate as Miguel. It looked like he hadn't been skinned alive, but from the expression of agony on Miguel's head, he was definitely subjected to something just as, or more torturous.

「......I definitely won't fail next time」

「Good, Kouga is very serious-minded so I'm sure that you will definitely never ever fail again. Well then, I'll summon you when I have work for you so you can leave now」


Kouga turned to leave, putting his hand on the doorknob. But then he stopped.

「......I forgot one thing. Noel asked me to pass on a message to you」

「A message? For me?」

Kouga turned back to Albert and looked him straight in his eyes.

「He said, I'll definitely crush the Gambino Family. If you don't want that, don't be a scaredy-cat and come take my head yourself」


Blood vessels popped out on Albert's forehead. It was proof that he was furious.

「Hey, is that the truth? It's not going to turn out to be a lie, like with the village chief of Mintz village, is it?」

「It's the truth. He definitely said it」

「Is that so? I see, I see......」

Albert nodded over and over again, as if he was reviewing the message in his mind. He finally couldn't suppress his anger and blew up like a powder keg.

「A mere Seeker getting carried away!! I'll kill him!!!」

In his rage, Albert plunged his knife deep into his desk.

「Raios, gather the combatants immediately! Find this guy and tear him to pieces!!」

「You've said something unnecessary」

Anger and irritation oozed out from Raios' voice as he walked down the hallway.

「Why did you rile up the Boss with the reckless bravado of that Seeker? Were you that frustrated about not completing your job?」

「......I'm very sorry. But, it's not like that......」

「Then, what is it?」

「That guy...... Noel Stollen is an amazing guy......」


「Even though he has the weakest Job as a Buffer, he's ludicrously strong...... I can tell that he most probably worked himself to death in order to finally get as strong as he is. But despite his hard work, he definitely doesn't stand a chance against anyone with talent and a decent Job」

Kouga thought back. To the fight with Noel. To the words they exchanged.

「Yet, his eyes were shining. Like they were telling me to become a true man who will never lose to anyone, they were like... sparkling...... Once I noticed that, how do I say it, he's amazing, I thought...... In that case, I thought that I would fulfill his wish, even if it's just passing on a message......」

It was difficult to fully express his feelings into words. But the things that he said were all from his heart. Kouga scratched his head, feeling embarrassed for being so bad with words.

「I see」

Raios stopped and stared at Kouga's face.

「You've fallen for him, haven't you?」

「......Huh? No, no! I don't swing that way!」

Kouga desperately shook his head, thinking that he was misunderstood as someone attracted to people of the same gender. Raios' expression softened and a chuckle escaped.

「Kukuku, I know. That's not what I meant」

「Th, then what did you mean?」

「Hmm, it's difficult to put it into words. But a day will definitely come when you will come to understand it. The true meaning behind a man falling for another man」

「O, okay...... Has Raios experienced it before as well?」

「......Yes, a long time ago」

Raios had a faraway look as he answered in a lonely voice.

Ok, how many thought that Alma was going to own Kouga but was totally surprised that wasn’t the case? I have to admit, I was surprised!

Kouga x Noel!! Mary will be ecstatic!

Ok, ok, I’m pushing it with this joke. But I don’t know why, but I’m always tearing up whenever other characters talk about how hard Noel works and that it’s useless against talent but that they can’t help but be moved by him… But we’ve seen him constantly struggle against his inferiority complex many times now but right in the middle of the chapter, was Noel’s character growth, where he finally “stood up”, got rid of his envy and reaffirmed his path. In my head, it’s a super epic scene, looking at Noel from behind as he stands up shakily, but full of determination, while the fight can be seen in the background…

Now that Albert and Noel are fully gunning for one another, what will happen!? Stay tuned, the Yakuza arc is still going full speed ahead!

Rain of Cherry Petals is Ōka Kyōshou, which literally means mad scattering of cherry blossom petals, is another famous move from many games, most notably the Final Fantasy series. It’s in FF9, FF14, FFT, DFFAC, and several more, mainly a skill for the dragoon class. You’ve not heard of it you say? Yeah I only realized that it was famous to me because I used to play games in Japanese, and the English version of the games translated it differently all the time. For example, in FF9 it’s Chaos Thrust…

Serene as Still Waters is Mei Kyō Shi Sui, literally means clear and serene as a polished mirror and still water, I’ve seen this as a skill in various mediums, though what popped in my head immediately was Mobile Fighter G Gundam. I believe it’s the skill the MC learns from the German ninja.

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