The Strongest Clan's Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 33: The Swordsman Who Has Reached the Position of God

「Who's that woman? Doesn't she look pretty close to Sieg?」

「Eh, that's a man and not a woman, right?」

「No way!? Even though he has such a pretty face!?」

「I know him! That's the leader of Blue Beyond!」

「I don't know what's going on, but I'm getting a very alluring vibe!」

「Me too! I can see roses in full bloom behind both of them!」

The women were getting all excited while taking liberties with reality. I felt my face twitching slightly but I made a smile and looked straight at Sieg.

「Well, well, aren't you the Sieg Feinstein, sub-master of Supreme Dragon Squad, the strongest clan in the imperial capital? It's an honor to meet you. Yes, truly」

「I'm the one who feels honored that you know about me, Noel」

Sieg responded with a refreshing smile.

What a sarcastic person. Was there even a Seeker who didn't know who he was?

There were three people who had reached EX Rank in the imperial capital.

One of them was the clan master of a 3rd Star of Regalia,『Hundred Demon Parade』, King Slayer(King-Eater Golden Lion), Lioud Edin.

The second one was the clan master of the 1st Star of Regalia,『Supreme Dragon Squad』, Beginning One(The Founding Brave Warrior), Victor Klauser.

And the last one was this man, who was the sub-master of『Supreme Dragon Squad』.

According to the information Alma leaked when she was drunk, the Assassin Order's leader seemed to be EX Rank as well, but since I had never met him, I couldn't tell if that was the truth.

What had been confirmed, and was important, was that there were only three among Seekers.

However, Victor was already close to his 60th birthday and was well past his prime. Although he was EX Rank, his actual combat ability was only about A Rank. Of course, because he had the knowledge, experience, and techniques that he had cultivated over many years, he was still a powerhouse that was far above other A Ranks.

At any rate, there were only two Seekers, Lioud and Sieg, who were in their prime and could make the most of their ability as EX Ranks. In other words, the strongest Seeker in the imperial capital was one of them.

The humility of such a man was nothing more than sarcasm. Even if it was natural, the strong self-confidence in every aspect of how he spoke and behaved was evidence that he understood his position. In contrast to his refreshing appearance, it seems like the rumors that he was scheming and black-hearted were true.

「So, what can a worthless Seeker like me do for Mister Sieg, who should be busy 24 hours of a day, every day?」

「To say that you're worthless is preposterous! The rumors about you have spread to my clan. Not only are you the grandson of Over Death, the legendary Seeker, didn't you also foil the Gambino Family with just two people?」

「It's an acknowledged fact that I'm the grandson of Over Death, but I have nothing to do with the Gambino Family. Isn't it a case of mistaken identity?」

When I feigned ignorance, Sieg smiled deeply.

「It's not a case of mistaken identity. Many Seekers witnessed the dispute between the Gambino Family and you. And this is information that's not known to the public, but one week later, the Gambino Family's Don was replaced. Sure, no one was there to witness you taking Albert down, but isn't this more than enough information to surmise what had happened?」

「Supposing that's true, then I'm an extremely dangerous person. The Luciano Family, as the main Family of their organization, won't stay silent about this」

「That's right! That's what caught my attention!」

Sieg's squinty eyes opened suddenly. I felt a silent and dark heat like a smoldering fire in those silver eyes.

「When I think about you, who should be just a normal Seeker, and the magic tricks you must have used to accomplish such things, my interest truly never wanes. And from what I can see, you succeeded in ranking up. There are very few Buffers who can rank up. Including you, there are only two in this holy land for Seekers, the imperial capital」

「Goodness me, even though it was only supposed to be a strange coincidence, it's becoming quite dubious. Where are you trying to go with this conversation? I'm sure you have serious concerns but while I'm worthless, I'm quite busy, you know? If it's okay with you, I'll like to take my leave now」

When I turned to leave, Sieg placed his hand on my shoulder.

「Hey, don't touch me without permission」

「My bad. But I'm not done talking yet」

「What's that got to do with me? Do you have the misconception that you're someone important just because you're the sub-master of the strongest clan in the imperial capital?」

「That's pretty harsh」

Sieg let go of me and took a step back.

「Certainly, it's as you've guessed, this encounter was not accidental. I came because I wanted to speak with you. I apologize if that offended you」

「No need to apologize. You're just a complete stranger to me after all」

「Now now, please wait. The topic that I've come to discuss is not a bad thing for you. For the time being, let's go somewhere we can drink tea and relax--」

「Didn't you hear what I said? I'm busy. I have no time to hang out with you. Be it now, or in the future, or forever」

「You're stubborn」

「Hmpt, stubborn or whatever, I already knew what you wanted to talk about from the very beginning. In short, you're headhunting, right?」

It was common for big clans to absorb promising parties. Not only would the clan be strengthened, it also reduced future rivals, so it would be against their interests to not do it.

But once they reached the Regalia level, they rarely took proactive actions like that as they had already assembled sufficient strength. They probably won't reach out to anyone unless it was someone with considerable strength.

I was genuinely glad to be acknowledged by those at the top. But more than that, I was displeased. I didn't care for this person's methods.

「The things you're doing, they're really petty」

「What did you say?」

「Whether it's pretending that it was a coincidence when you came to headhunt, or the way you forcibly invite someone, just as I thought, you really do have the misconception that you're someone important. Did you think that everyone would meekly obey just because you showed up? That's a gross misunderstanding. For all that, your goal is to crush your future rivals while you have the chance, so you're contradicting yourself. This is the sub-master of the strongest clan in the imperial capital? Don't disappoint me」

Wolf and even Finocchio, a Yakuza, had been more sincere. But I didn't even feel an ounce of that from Sieg. Even when he was acting humble, his arrogance oozed out. If I had to obey someone like him, I would rather die.

「Looks like I've offended you greatly」

「It's not『looks like』. I am offended」

「Certainly, what you said is correct. My goal is to absorb Blue Beyond into Supreme Dragon Squad. But there was one thing that you were mistaken about」


「It's not a misconception. I am important」

In an instant, Sieg's fighting spirit swelled and pierced the heavens.

I see, so this was the current active generation's EX Rank. Finocchio and Raios would be dwarfed by his pressure. But it was not at Over Death's level. Someone like me would be powerless against him, but it wasn't worth fearing.

「Having realized that persuasion is impossible, you're using brute force next? You're getting increasingly petty」

「That's right, I'm a petty person. That's why I never ease up on whatever I'm doing and will use any method to get whatever I want. That's how I got to where I am today」

He was saying that he understood his own mental weakness.

Irregardless of whether the Seeker was weak or strong, many of them prioritized their vanity and refused to admit their weaknesses. Among those close to me, the legend's successor, Alma had that mentality.

But Sieg was different. Even when dealing with a rookie like me, he didn't try to hide his weaknesses. He clearly acknowledged what his weaknesses were. Despite the pride and dignity that he had as one of the strongest in the imperial capital, he had an unbelievably flexible mind.

It was difficult to use my verbal skills to corner this kind of opponent. He would easily sweep aside anything I said, and use force to make me capitulate in the end.

「Now, I would rather not resort to violence. I know a store that serves delicious cakes, so why don't we talk there?」

Sieg's bright smile felt like a chain that was wrapping itself around my neck.

Certainly, he was a difficult opponent. But I knew that there was a topic that a strong person could never ignore.

「I feel blessed to be a Seeker that the sub-master of the strongest clan in the imperial capital would be this bent on recruiting. Okay, I get your point. But I also have a condition that is non-negotiable」

「Yes, that's natural. Go ahead and say what your condition is. Even if it's something that's difficult to fulfill, I'll bring it back to the clan and we'll do our best to thrash it out」

「No, there's no need to bring it back to the clan」

「Hmm? What is it that you want?」

「I have absolutely no intention of being under anyone. But, supposing that I was to be under someone, that person ought to be someone whom I've acknowledged as the strongest. Hey, Sieg. Between you and Lioud, who's stronger?」

The effect of the topic that I presented was instantaneous. Sieg's very composed expression changed in a blink of an eye to an indescribable expression of perplexity and repulsion.

「......In other words, your condition is for me to prove that I'm stronger than Lioud?」

「Exactly. Doesn't that reasoning make sense? I absolutely refuse to follow a number two. Your clan may be number one, but that's thanks to the clan master, Victor. If you want me to follow you, show me the proof that you're the strongest」

Sieg closed his mouth and remained silent.

Who's the strongest in the imperial capital?

It was a topic that was frequently raised, not only by the general public, but also by Seekers. From past to present, there were many who deserved the title of the strongest. Over Death was also one of them.

But what everyone was most interested in, was who the strongest being in the current generation was after all. This was true not only for those who were uninvolved, but was probably even more so for the candidates themselves. In particular, Sieg had a flexible mind, but he also had a lot of pride. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been obsessing over me to this degree.

Consequently, it would definitely be hard for him to sweep this aside. With that said, it wouldn't be easy to prove who was stronger. Even if Sieg wanted to have a showdown, it would be meaningless if Lioud was not on board with the idea. Above all, if two people with closely-matched strength fought seriously, either of them would definitely get seriously injured or even die. It might be fine if they were simple Seekers, but Sieg couldn't take such careless actions because of his position as the number two in his organization.

Of course, he could just say he was the strongest, but that wouldn't prove anything, and even Sieg couldn't possibly be that shameless.

In other words, it would be almost impossible for Sieg to fulfill my condition.

「......I see, got it. So that's the kind of person you are. I can understand now how you were a match for the Gambino Family」

「Thank you very much for your praise. Now then, I've conveyed my condition. Come see me again when you've fulfilled it. I'm looking forward to it. Bye bye」

I waved with a smile and left. Sieg didn't try to stop me this time. But, it was at that moment that some idiot blurted out something that was uncalled-for.

「Hey, look! It's Sieg, the『second strongest』Seeker in the imperial capital」

There was something called a dragon's reverse scale. Among all the scales on a dragon's body, there was just one that grew in reverse, and it was said that if someone touched it, the dragon's fury would be like a raging inferno.

「The one who said that, was it you?」

Sieg pointed in the direction that the words had come from. What stood there was a very commonplace young man. He was most probably a rookie that had just graduated from a training school.

「Err, it was me. Is something wrong?」

The oblivious man tilted his head instead of apologizing.

「Yes, there's something wrong. You've just stated very clearly that I was the second strongest, right? Why is that? Lioud and me have never fought before, right?」

「Ah, th, that's because Lioud is a clan master......」

「In other words, you're saying that even though we've never actually fought, I'm inferior to Lioud because I'm a sub-master?」

「N, no, that's not what I meant......」

It looked like the man had finally noticed that something was wrong, but it was already too late. It would probably be too late even if he prostrated and apologized right away. Sieg was already within striking distance.

「Then, what did you mean?」

「Er, err, Mister Sieg......wait, wait a minute--」

「No, I won't wait」

At that moment, I had absolutely no idea what happened. By the time I noticed, the man who had been talking to Sieg was flying through the air. He kept on flying into the distance at a tremendous speed.

The only reason I knew that the man had been blown away by Sieg's sword strike was because he was holding his sheathed sword in his hand.

It appeared that Sieg had held back, after a fashion, so as to not kill him. But to be blown away in that manner, that man would be so heavily injured that even a skilled Healer won't have an easy time healing him.

I watched that terrifying scene from start to finish from the rooftops, which I had reached using the wire gimmick in my watch.

「Even if you're in a position where you can silence the military police, it's scary that you would brazenly perform such acts of violence」

If I had stayed there, there was a possibility that I could be drawn into that affair. I felt chills run down my spine when I thought about how I could have ended up just like that if I had made one wrong step.

But despite the danger, I needed to stand up to Sieg resolutely. Even if I had kept on refusing the headhunting from Supreme Dragon Squad, had I responded timidly, other people would get the wrong idea, and rumors that couldn't be undone would be spread. If newspaper reporters wrote articles about it, then it would almost become an established fact, and even if I created a clan, its value as an organization would suffer.

After such a clear refusal, Sieg probably won't be back to headhunt me. He did say that he would use any method to get what he wanted, but even if that was true, he was also a busy person so he would undoubtedly not take any real action.

But there would be others who were thinking the same thing as Sieg. If I dragged my feet, I would have to deal with such troublesome things again.

「I need to quickly create a clan before any more unnecessary interruptions show up」

Taking care not to be seen, I jumped from roof to roof as I made my way towards the Seeker Guild.

It’s another Noel, but EX Ranked! Or rather, I think that it’s hard to achieve success unless you have a mentality like that.

What do you guys think? It’s an entire chapter on Sieg, although not from his POV. Is he a friend? Or an enemy? Will Noel finally be able to create his clan already!? Stay tuned! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

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