The Strongest Clan's Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 37: The Knowledge of The Rearguard And The Evil Plot of The Snake

「Okay, I got it. Listen, Alma, you're not suited to be a rearguard」

Alma sighed at the result of Leisha’s unreserved analysis. Leisha was a beautiful, blonde-haired elven Archer. Despite being Alma’s friend, she didn’t show the least bit of mercy.

「You’re putting it bluntly, aren’t you?」

「There’s no point in flattering you, am I right?」

「That’s true, but…」

After parting with Noel and Kouga, Alma met up with Leisha and exchanged techniques and knowledge with her in a forest near the imperial capital. It was the place where Noel had previously ordered her to capture Killer Rabbits. They showed each other their Skills, did mock battles, and spent the time very meaningfully.

Leisha was still at C Rank, but she was a very good Archer. In addition to having a high level of proficiency with her Skills, her judgment and mobility in battle were close to that of a B Rank.

In the five rounds of mock battles that they held, she lost twice. Alma won more rounds, but in truth, the two rounds that she lost were the last two rounds. In other words, her movements had been completely seen through and countered strategically.

However, it didn’t mean that Leisha was stronger just because of that. If they were in a real battle with their lives on the line, it would have been over in the first round when Alma slit Leisha’s throat. Besides, Alma had also just seen through Leisha’s movements. If they held a sixth round, Alma would definitely win. The same would also be true for the subsequent rounds.

Nevertheless, in terms of the speed in which they saw through each other’s movements, Leisha was definitely faster. And that was the very thing that was an important part of being a rearguard, according to Leisha.

「The roles of a rearguard can be broadly divided into the following: a control tower like Noel, a disrupter of enemy lines who uses widespread attacks, and a supporter of the vanguards. What do you think those three have in common?」

「Control of the battle based on their grasp of the battle situation」

「That’s right, control of the battle. Because there are very few people who can become a command tower with unmatched accuracy like Noel, the main roles of a rearguard are essentially disrupter and supporter. Of course, rearguards are expected to make things easier for the party when they're on the offensive, but the most important thing is the ability to create a situation where the party can rally when it looks like they’re about to lose. Whether you fight back or retreat, it's pointless if everyone can't move properly, isn’t it? And the only one who can do that is the rearguard. It's impossible for the vanguard, who is crossing swords with the enemy directly」

Leisha's explanation was easy to understand, and that was why Alma's weakness was brought to the fore.

「Well, since Noel is there, I think that it’s fine to leave all the minute details to him. But what will you do if Noel is defeated? Can Alma properly fulfill the role of rearguard?」


「Why did you lie!? It’s definitely impossible, right!? After all, Alma gets fired up easily, don’t you!? If you can't even control yourself, there’s no way you can fulfill the role of a rearguard!」


As Leisha said, Alma's weakness was that she got fired up very easily. When she was shackled by Alcor, she was dispassionate to the point of being mechanical, but since casting off her shackles, maybe as a consequence of what she had experienced till now, she got emotional very easily.

Certainly, if she stayed like this, she wasn't suitable to be a rearguard.

「I’ll yield 60 million steps and consider what Leisha said as being correct」*(see below)

「No no, it's correct even if you don’t yield a single step. Besides, 60 million steps sounds like a lot but it’s really neither here nor there. In the first place, if you go all the way around, you’ll end up in the same spot, won’t you?」

「If I don't become a rearguard--a Chaser, there’s a possibility that we’ll have too many vanguards. That’s undesirable」

There were many kinds of Jobs that could be discovered in people, but the combat type Jobs that were most likely to be discovered were vanguards like Swordsman or Warrior. For that reason, there would be more freedom in the party composition if Alma converted to a rearguard.

「As you said, it’s not good to have too many vanguards. However, what I want you to consider carefully, is what happens when you forcibly convert to a rearguard, which you aren't suited to, and end up holding everyone back instead. Because once you've ranked up, you can't start over, you know?」

「……I know. As expected, it’s better to become an Assassin, isn’t it?」

「I think so. Besides, even if you’re an Assassin, you should still be able to avoid the problem of having too many vanguards. Umm--」

Alma clapped her hands, impressed at the tactic that Leisha had just suggested.

「Amazing! It’s revolutionary!」

「Right? Sounds good, doesn’t it?」

「Yeah, I’ll have a discussion about that tactic with Noel. Thank you, Leisha. Contrary to your appearance of someone who plays around, you’re surprisingly intellectual. You’re a great help」

「Ehhh, that's the impression I give off!? I’m extremely lady-like! I mean, I don't want to be told that by someone with her boobs half out!?」

「Leisha, it's not good to judge people by their appearance. You should be ashamed」

「Even though it was Alma who did it first!?」

Suddenly, both of them tensed up. It was because they had sensed the presence of several armed people. The sharp senses of the Scout and Archer probed the identity of those people, who were still far away.

「There are four of them. Two vanguards. Two rearguards. One is an Archer and the other is a Mage」

「The vanguards are a Swordsman and a Spearman, aren’t they? All four are quite capable. They’re B Rank」

「It doesn’t look like we can win even if we fought them seriously. But I don't feel any hostility」

「Aren’t they most likely Seekers who are returning from an expedition?」

「It's troublesome if we clash with them, so let’s leave」

Seekers were basically rough people. Even if they weren't hostile at first, if they realized that there were two women here, there was a possibility that they might suddenly change their mind and attack. In places that were out of sight of the military police, even in the city, contact with other Seekers should be avoided.

Also, their Archer had already noticed them. If they were attacked suddenly, it would be disadvantageous for the two of them. The sooner they left, the better.

But Leisha stopped her feet and tilted her head.

「Oh? It might possibly be someone I know」

「Is that so?」

「Yeah, let me try a little something」

When Leisha whistled a rhythm through her fingers loudly, the same tone was returned from afar.

「That sound is...… I was right after all. He~y, Ophelia~! Senior~!」

Leisha raised her voice and waved her hand. Eventually, an elf woman appeared from deep inside the forest. Just like Leisha, she was dressed in a light outfit with a skirt and a leather chest protector, and was running with her braided, strawberry blonde hair fluttering.

「Oh, as expected, it's Leisha! Long time no see, what are you doing here?」

The elf, whom Leisha called Ophelia, stopped in front of Alma and Leisha and laughed cheerfully with one hand raised.

Basically, everyone in the elven race was beautiful-looking, but Ophelia had particularly pretty features. Leisha’s features did not lose in beauty, but Ophelia's eyes were different. Their beauty felt just like that of a crystal clear lake.

「We’re doing combat training. Is Ophelia returning from an expedition?」

「Yeah, we’ve just returned. It's faster to cut through this forest compared to staying on the road. Your friend over there is an unfamiliar face. Is she a new party member?」

With Ophelia’s gaze directed at her, Alma shook her head.

「No. I’m--」

「Oh, this girl is a member of another party! Her name is Alma, and she became a Seeker only recently」

For some reason, Leisha was answering for her. Alma thought that it was suspicious, but Leisha seemed to have a reason for it, so it seemed like it would be better to leave it to her.

「I see, a rookie, huh? Since Leisha is the senior, you must look after her properly because it's really difficult for a rookie to grow」

「I know that」

「The two of you seem close. Are both of you from the same hometown?」

When Alma asked, they laughed and nodded.

「Yup, Ophelia and I are from the same village」

「We’re close in age too, aren’t we? But I’m the one who became a Seeker first」

Was that the reason the two of them felt similar? Seeing them standing side-by-side, they looked just like sisters. While Alma was agreeing with her own reasoning, men who seemed to be Ophelia’s allies appeared.

「Ophelia, don't run off on your own. You gave me a shock, you know?」

A Swordsman, who seemed to be the leader, showed a troubled smile. The reason it was immediately clear that he was the leader, was because he emitted the presence of being the strongest person.

However, he didn’t look very strong based on his appearance. He wore a silver-colored rough-looking armor, but he had a gentle and harmless-looking face. His unkempt, bed-hair-like gray hair strengthened the impression all the more that he was a good person.

In contrast to how mild-mannered the leader looked, the other two men had a fierce air to them. The Spearmen, who wore leather armor and carried a large spear, had piercing eyes; and the Mage, who was wrapped in white cloth, was a fierce-looking wolf beast-man.

Regardless of their actual personality, at the very least, their appearance didn't look as gentle as their leader. They were Seekers that looked like typical Seekers.

「Sorry, Leon. It's my friend so I couldn’t help myself, you see?」

Leon smiled as Ophelia stuck out her tongue and apologized.

「Then, I guess it can’t be helped. Umm, your name was Leisha, right?」

「That's right. And this is my friend, Alma」

「Oh, a rookie? I'm Leon Frederik. The party leader of『Sky Winged Knights』. However, because everyone else is excellent, I'm just a leader in name only」

As Leon scratched his head while chuckling, Alma clicked her tongue inwardly. Leon was being neither sarcastic nor humble, but had spoken from the heart. However, there was no doubt that Leon's strength was head and shoulders above the others. In other words, he was blind to his own strength. Natural airheads like him were the type of men that Alma hated.

「Since we’re all here, I might as well introduce you to everyone else」

Ophelia pointed out the Spearmen first.

「This Spearman with the scary face is Kaim」

「Hey, the part about the scary face is uncalled for」

Kaim smiled while touching his spiky black hair. The sternness that Alma had felt from him softened because of his mannerisms. Although his face was fierce-looking, he didn't seem to be a bad person.

Ophelia pointed to the wolf beast-man next.

「This hairy one is Vlaclav」


Vlaclav didn’t say anything in particular, and simply gave a greeting with a nod. Alma didn’t think that he was unable to speak, it seemed like it was just his nature to not speak needlessly.

「And I'm Ophelia. Nice to meet you, Alma」

Ophelia grinned and pointed at herself last.

「Ophelia, nice to meet you」

「Yeah, if you have anything that's troubling you, I'll listen and offer you advice anytime. Because, despite how we look, we're pretty strong. Leisha knows how to contact us」

「You're really kind」

「Because we're all Seekers, we have to help one another. Especially since there seems to be a weird person acting as she pleases recently」

「Who's this weird person?」

「The woman called Noel Stollen」

Alma understood the purpose of Leisha's inexplicable attitude the moment she heard that name.

「She's the party leader of Blue Beyond, but she cast out all those who didn't follow her wishes and made the party her own. And she didn't simply cast them out, but it seems like she sold them into slavery. That's unbelievable, isn't it?」

「That's horrible」

「Rumor has it that she has connections with the Yakuza, and I've heard that the people that she's displeased with got attacked one after another by the Yakuza. She's a pretty dangerous woman, so Alma should be careful of her」

「Got it, I'll bear that in mind」

Rumors were scary things. Noel would be definitely be displeased after hearing about this. Of course, the part that Noel would be displeased at was the part where he was said to be a woman instead of a man. Alma could get angry in his stead, but because more than half of the rumors were true, she couldn't get angry even if she wanted to.

「Ophelia, it's not good to judge people by rumors only. It's not like you've actually confirmed it, right? It's not good to teach rookies things that aren't certain to be true」

When Leon chided her, Ophelia shrugged her shoulders.

「There's no smoke without fire, is how the saying goes, right? Certainly, I'm not sure whether it's true or not, but it's better for Seekers to be too cautious about danger than not enough. Especially rookies, right?」

「Even so, Ophelia, I dislike speaking ill of strangers」

At his adamant tone, Ophelia's long ears drooped.

「I, I understand. Sorry……」

Alma reaffirmed Leon's leadership after seeing Ophelia become meek instantly. Not only was he strong, but it seems like he also had the ability to control his party members.

「Well then, we’re leaving. Sorry about being so boisterous」

Leon smiled softly and walked towards the imperial capital. Kaim and Vlaclav followed him, and Ophelia waved to Alma and Leisha as she left.

「Both of you, see you again~!」

Once the members of Sky Winged Knights could no longer be seen, Alma looked at Leisha.

「They were an interesting bunch of people」

「Right? And I think Alma knows as well, but they’re really strong」

「I guess so. In particular, that guy called Leon is bad news」

「That’s because Leon is the strongest among all B Ranks」

「Just as I thought」

「Sky Winged Knights is also the strongest party among the B Ranks」

「Party? Even though they're so strong, they aren’t a clan?」

When Alma tilted her head, Leisha let out a troubled laugh.

「It’s because it’s those people’s motto to be humble and down-to-earth. Even though they had the strength to create a clan long ago, their policy is to do things prudently and deliberately. But still, it’s about time for them to create a clan, isn’t it?」

「Hmm, so they’re prudent. What a big difference from us」

Just what would Noel think if he heard this story? In all likelihood, he would snort in laughter and probably make fun of them. Because, for those who aimed for the top, being too prudent was as good as being dead.

「Really, what a big difference from us」

At the end of my night run, a man approached me from the darkness.

「Hey, Noel. I've finished the job you requested」

That man was Loki, an information broker. I controlled my hurried breathing and led him somewhere inconspicuous. It was late enough that the stars had come out, but there were still a lot of people around the city walls as it was still too early to close the city doors.

A bundle of pieces of paper was in the envelope he handed me. I looked through them one by one. As always, he did a wonderful job. I had all the information I needed.

「I’ve certainly confirmed the contents. Here’s your reward」

Loki shook his head when I tried to get my purse out.

「I can’t accept that from you, boss」

「If it’s about that affair, you should have already repaid what you owed though?」

「I know, but I did something wrong after all……」

「I’ve accepted your apology. You've repaid what you owed. So accept the reward」

Loki pulled a long face when I forcibly gave him the money.

「You’re surprisingly stubborn, aren’t you, boss?」

「It’s because I know that there's nothing scarier than something that's free」

「What’s with that!? Are you thinking that I'll betray you again!?」

「I didn't say that. However, when one side takes advantage of the goodwill of the other, the relationship quickly becomes toxic. It’s nothing more than that. You’re also a professional, so you know that as well, right? 」

「Th, that’s, right, but……」

Disregarding the stammering Loki, I quickened the speed that I was flipping through the pieces of paper.

「What kind of evil plot are you scheming this time, boss?」

「I’m not scheming any evil plots」

「Liar. Is a request like gathering information on all the B Rank Seekers in the imperial capital something that someone who isn’t scheming an evil plot gives?」

I smiled wryly at Loki's confident words.

「Hey, Loki」


「Are Sky Winged Knights the strongest among the B Ranks after all?」

「That's right. They’re not a clan yet, but their individual abilities are the best. In particular, the leader, Leon, stands out」

「Is that so? It’s just as the rumors say then」

I just happened to be on the piece of paper for the Sky Winged Knights.

Kaim, Spearman series B Rank Job, Rampage.

Ophelia, Archer series B Rank Job, Hawkeye.

Vlaclav, Mage series B Rank Job, Summoner.

And finally, the leader, Leon, Swordsman series B Rank Job, Knight.

Despite their small numbers, their abilities and achievements were certainly at a level that surpassed that of a party. They were comparable to mid-ranked clans.

Wonderful. Truly wonderful.

「Boss, you're denying it with your mouth, but you’re making an incredibly evil face」

When Loki pointed it out, I tried touching my face. I hadn’t noticed at all, but my mouth was certainly twisted into the form of a cruel smile.

”to yield a step” is the Japanese idiomatic equivalent of “conceding a point”. But the joke won’t translate if I used that.

Yup, threw you a fake in the previous chapter, though I didn't lie at all. Evil Noel is back and fun times are starting!
(^ ^)

What's Noel's evil plot and what is she *ahem he going to do to the Sky Winged Knights!? Stay tuned!

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