The Strongest Clan's Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 54: The Evil People’s War Of Words・(2)

「I think that it's an opportunity」

With the interview changed to a debate format, Sieg was the first to speak.

「Certainly, the Variant is a threat. A lot of blood may be spilled. But it has already been proven that it’s definitely not an enemy that can't be defeated」

Sieg laughed fearlessly, then continued.

「The materials obtained from Variant should further advance our Empire’s Magical Tools civilization. The water supply and sewage facilities that are now commonplace in the urban areas were invented using materials from a Variant. The clean water that gushes out endlessly, and the facilities that completely purify sewage have become cornerstones that support this Empire」

A constant supply of clean water was a crucial factor in maintaining a person’s health. Especially in the densely populated urban areas where epidemics were likely to occur, there was a world of difference in mortality rates and life expectancy before and after the water supply and sewage facilities were built. As Sieg said, if we could win again this time, the Empire would probably be developed further using the Variant’s materials.

But Johann expressed his disapproval of Sieg's opinion.

「Sieg, isn’t your sense of crisis a bit lacking?」

Johann frowned as he spoke.

「Certainly, if we can defeat the Variant, this Empire will probably develop further. To begin with, there’s no future for us if we lose. That’s a fact. But considering the amount of blood that will be spilled, it’s never welcome」

「In that case, what are you trying to say is the correct thing to do?」

「On the premise that we’ll win the battle, we should think of ways of fighting that will reduce the casualties to a minimum. Because the lives that have been lost will never return no matter how much civilization advances」

「Of course, it's important to limit the casualties. But the opponent is a catastrophe-class enemy. Is that an opponent that we can win against if we're afraid of suffering casualties?」

「I take pride in the fact that thinking about that is our role as Regalia」

Johann's arguments were sound. But I doubted that they were sincere.

What on earth was he aiming for?

「Then, can you tell me about the specific measures that you have in mind?」

「In preparation for the day of the decisive battle, I would like to be temporarily given the authority to manage all the clans. If that is done, I can promise certain victory and the reduction of casualties」

Those words caused a stir in the venue.

「By reorganizing all the disjointed clans as one big organization, we can improve the coordination between everyone by smoothing the chain of command. That’s the surest way」

I see, that was unexpected.

Propositions that were made here would not become reality just like that, but there were big players in various fields gathered here. If they acknowledged the proposition’s legitimacy, they would become backers when he tried to put it into practice.

Johann Eisfeld, he was a more sharp-witted and bolder man than I had expected.

「Unite all the clans and have them obey? That’s ridiculous. Have you lost your mind?」

Sieg spat out those words, and stared at Johann with overt disgust. But Johann remained unruffled.

「I'm always serious, Sieg. Continuing to fight separately as independent organizations when the country’s survival is on the line is what I consider ridiculous. Everyone should stand as one and confront it together」

「And that’s why we should follow your plan? All I hear is the barking of a mere 3rd Star」

「Then, it’s fine if my clan becomes the 1st Star, right?」

「Are you thinking that you can do that?」

「That is indeed my intention, but what about it?」

「Hahaha, you have a better sense of humor than I do」

Sieg and Johann remained smiling, but their eyes were terribly cold. It was an atmosphere that could easily develop into a fight to the death on the spot.

In order to make headway on the tense state of affairs, I sent instructions to Thomas with my eyes. Even though he was afraid of the two people’s spirit, Thomas nodded.

「Th, thank you both for your valuable opinions! The opinions are a bit split on this subject, so let’s move on. Next, I would like to hear, not only from the two of them, but also from the others, whether you support or oppose the unification of all clans」

Among the other clan masters, some said that they supported it, while some opposed it.

「I support it. It's the right thing to do, given the threat of the Variant」

「I oppose it. Why do we have to dissolve our own clan?」

「No, wait. Isn’t it temporary?」

「It doesn’t matter if it’s temporary. Once it has been acknowledged one time, it sets a precedent, and the same thing can be repeated again. If that happens, it’s the same as being dissolved」

「Won’t it be alright if we come to an arrangement beforehand so that something like that doesn’t happen? After all, if we can't defeat the Variant, the survival of the clan will be meaningless, don’t you agree?」

「Where is the guarantee that the arrangement will be fair!?」

「Don't just assert your own rights! It’s a national crisis, you know!?」

The numbers of both sides were exactly the same. The proponents were led by Johann, while Sieg headed the detractors, and the debate between both sides was getting heated.

The interview format required clear answers and accountability from every person. In contrast, for the debate format, because both the proponents and the detractors had their own supporters, they were less likely to hesitate to speak. Although there was less content in the statements made, the intense exchange of words made it more exciting for both the involved parties and the audience.

However, I deliberately didn’t join in the debate, and only looked on calmly. The debate continue to heat up, but they remained unable to get on the same page. Eventually, when both sides ran out of opinions, Johann tried to draw me out.

「Noel, you’ve been playing dumb all this while, but it’s about time we heard your opinion. Even though you were the one who wanted a debate, what are you trying to pull by not participating at all?」

「Oh, Johann, you wish to hear what I have to say?」

「Yes, I would definitely like to hear it. I'm looking forward to hearing what kind of wonderful opinion you have」

Inevitably, all eyes were on me. It was the best time for me to speak because both sides had already said their piece.

「If you ask me whether I support or oppose the unification of all clans, then my answer is that I’m opposed」

「Hmm, would you care to tell us why?」

「Each clan has its own way of fighting. Unifying the clans doesn't necessarily mean that they will be able to act in a coordinated manner. If anything, it's more likely to result in unnecessary confusion. That’s why I’m opposed」

「Isn’t it unreasonable to assume that things will turn out that way?」

Johann crossed his long legs and put on an undaunted look as he continued.

「I’ll acknowledge that each clan has its own way of fighting, but if we decide on a strategy and practice it repeatedly, we should be able to solve that problem」

「”Should”, you said? That’s a pretty half-baked counter-argument, isn’t it? Are you saying that we can achieve an overambitious thing like the unification of all clans with such an ambiguous way of thinking? Most of all, I don't think that the will to fight as one will arise under an unwanted leader. There’s practically nothing good about it, as sketchy coordination will only cause morale to drop」

「......It's a crisis that involves the survival of the country. It’s sheer folly to be tied down by worthless pride and forget about the cause. I believe that everyone is capable of making the wise choice」

「Fufufu, I think that the person who is tied down by worthless pride is you」


Looking at the frown on Johann’s face, my smile deepened.

「If you’re advocating for the cause, why are you advancing the discussion with the premise that you’ll be the leader? Isn’t it more logical to leave that decision to the Seeker Guild, which manages all Seekers?」

「……Of course, I’ll also need to get the Seeker Guild’s approval. But, for any proposition, it should logical to see if the proposer has any intention of becoming the person in charge first. I'm saying that I'll be the representative in order to take responsibility for my proposition」

「That's a splendid idea, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's legitimate, you know? There are many more talented people who are suitable to be the commander. And if you’re asserting that you’re not acting in self-interest, wouldn’t the other Seekers be more accepting of the proposition if you, the proposer, is excluded as a possible candidate? I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on that」

When I countered him immediately, Johann was at a loss for an answer. But he instantly put on a contrived smile, and clapped his hands.

「Hmm, wonderful. What Noel pointed out certainly makes sense. Your opinion will be used for future reference. Thank you very much」

He was putting on airs despite having difficulty responding. It seems like talking from a superior position and brushing off inconvenient topics was the extent of this man’s verbal skills.

「By the way, what does Noel himself think is best thing to do? If it’s alright with you, can you tell us?」

By changing the focus of the debate to me, it seems like his plan was to turn around and criticize me this time. But he was too lax. He was certainly a sharp-witted man, but he was no match for me.

「It's a simple matter. If the Beast that acts as the core of the Abyss is defeated, the Abyss will be cleansed automatically, and the other Beasts will also be put out of action. In other words, we simply have to subjugate the Variant quickly. That’s the best way to prevent unnecessary casualties」

「Hahaha, I was wondering what you would say, but that’s just sophistry. Did you forget something important? It is us, the Regalia, who will fight the Variant directly. Foisting what you can't do onto others and saying that it’s the best way, even I can't help but say that you’re being too brazen. I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on that」

Johann smirked in a triumphant manner.

So I laughed too.

「Hahaha, when did I say that I would foist it onto others? On the day of the decisive battle, my clan will also fight the Variant. Of course, as one of the Regalia」


「I give my word and swear on the name of my grandfather, Brandon Stollen, the great hero called Over Death. Wild Tempest will definitely become one of the Regalia by the time the Valiant crosses over. Beyond a shadow of a doubt」

At my assertion, the whole venue burst into an uproar.

「Become one of the Regalia!? Didn’t he create his clan only recently!?」

「He doesn’t have enough strength and achievements! It's impossible no matter how you look at it!」

「But he's that Over Death’s grandson, you know!?」

「Also, given the rapid progress that he’s shown since the creation of his clan, you can’t say for sure that it’s impossible!」

I didn’t even need the shills, the audience was in an excited turmoil. Their attention was now focused on my every move.

「Stop spewing nonsense!!!」

Johann stood up in a rage.

「You should be ashamed as a Seeker for using the future, for which nothing is guaranteed, as a shield in order to escape this situation! Your words are merely delusional remarks!」

「You’re acting imperious, but I’ll return those words right back at you. You said that your clan will become the 1st Star, right? That’s also in the future for which nothing is guaranteed, isn’t it?」

「My clan and your clan are in a different class! Talking about yourselves as if we are of the same level is the height of arrogance!」

「Aren’t you the one who’s being arrogant? Regalia is not a permanent title. There have been Regalia who had been replaced. Despite that, what makes you think that you can stay a Regalia forever? Fufufu, I can see it, the sight of you falling down from that position」

At my provocation, Johann’s body trembled with rage.

「……All right. If you’re going so far to say all that, why don’t you show me proof? Proof that your clan is worthy of becoming one of the Regalia」

Johann probably said that while thinking that it was impossible for me to show any proof. But that was a big mistake. Because I had been waiting for those very words.

「Understood. That’s what you want, am I right?」

「Oh…… Yes, that's right……」

Johann flinched at my confident tone, but he couldn’t take back the words that he had said now that things had gone so far. The only thing he could do, was to nod.

「I can’t refuse the request of the esteemed clan master of Lorelei, the 3rd Star of Regalia, now can I? Everyone must also be tired of a debate where both sides remain unable to come to an agreement. Please give me a moment of your time and allow me to speak」

I stood up and bowed slightly. To say nothing of Sieg, who was my collaborator, none of the other clan masters raised an objection.

It was only natural. Without me, they would have no choice but to defer to Johann. No idiot would pick a fight with an overwhelmingly more eloquent opponent in public.

「I’ll take the silence as consent. Is that alright, master of ceremonies?」

「Err, yeah, please go ahead, Mister Noel」

When Thomas nodded, I walked to the center of the stage, then turned to face the audience.

The audience was warmed up enough. It was the real deal from here on out.

「As you all know, the title of Regalia is bestowed by His Majesty, the Emperor. Therefore, a clan that’s worthy of that title must not only be strong, but must also show exemplary integrity」

As I was giving the speech, a phrase popped up in my mind.

――Plots are about『Sincerity』.

「In order to prove that my clan is worthy of becoming one of the Regalia, I promise to eradicate one of the evils that has spread throughout the imperial capital right here in this venue. The name of that evil is deception. The innocent are judged unjustly and thrown into prison, while the evil, who should be judged, are allowed to roam free. As a subject of His Majesty, the great Emperor, it’s impossible for me to overlook this」

The audience was in a stir. With a smile on my face, I continued.

「Does everyone remember the man called Hugo Coppelius?」

Oh man, Noel prediction! The last time he used those words, he was telling Leon that he would see him crying and defeated. Will his prediction come true this time too??!! Somehow, I have a feeling that I can guess which one of the Regalia is going to be replaced by Wild Tempest……

Looks like the climax of the party is next! Will we finally find out what happened to Hugo and who framed him? Stay tuned to find out!

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