"What does that devil mean? Could it be that we should send them to death?

"It shouldn't be possible, but he promised our Huang family that he would train people, so this may just be a kind of training."

"But the devil said that this may be our last sleep, doesn't it mean that we will die?"


The name devil has also spread on the side of the people of the Huang family, and now on the surface, they will call Tang Chong Tang instructor, but in private, they are basically called devils.

After the training, a group of people from the Huang family did not immediately go back to their rooms to sleep, but gathered together to discuss tomorrow's tasks.

When many people were arguing, they set their eyes on Huang Yingni, as if they wanted to ask Huang Yingni what she thought.

Huang Yingni saw that everyone was looking at her, coughed lightly, and said: "Before I came, I said that this training will be dead, so this mission must be the same as what Instructor Tang said, it is possible that no one will come back tomorrow." Huang

Yingni's words made everyone's faces change, although in the past few days of training, they have also faced several threats to their lives, but that is only training, and now to face the real battle, it still makes them a little nervous.

"Now if you are afraid, I can go and talk to the devil and kick you back." Huang Yingni glanced at the group of people.

Although the words are a little ugly, everyone knows that Huang Yingni is a safer choice for them.

Many people in the Huang family lowered their heads and pondered, as if they were thinking about whether to quit, originally in the past few days of training, they already felt tired enough, and now they have to face the vicious terrorists, which is a huge challenge to their psychology.

"Sister Huang, it's all come to this point, I'd better go, after all, one less person in this mission is one more danger." A few minutes passed, and finally the first person made a statement.

With this good start, many people did not hesitate in the future, and they chose to join this operation, they did not want to give up halfway, and they did not want to make the people of the Huang family more dangerous.

Although most of the children of some families do not have a sense of family honor, those who can be selected by the Huang family to come here are basically more loyal to the Huang family, otherwise they would not spend 100 million to cultivate this group of people.

"Listen to that devil instructor, only we will go tomorrow, and the Ascending Dragon Squad will not join this operation." Huang Yingni glanced at everyone and said, "So, tomorrow we must work together to overcome the difficulties!" "Good


The people of the Huang family can be said to be surprisingly united at this moment.


The next day, around three o'clock in the morning, Tang Chong rushed directly to their dormitory, the woman would be gentler and just yell, while the man would directly flip over their double bed and throw them out directly.

A group of people were originally still sleepy, and they were so engaged by Tang Chong, they were gone in an instant, plus the training in the past few days, they already had an instinctive fear of Tang Chong inside, and they all immediately cheered up.

In ten seconds, a group of people had already put on camouflage clothes and walked out.

"First of all, let me introduce the next task." Tang Chong pushed a movable blackboard in front of everyone in the Huang family, and then pressed a small red flag on the blackboard, saying: "This place is the den of that group, there are about two thousand people inside, selling drugs and weapons all year round, and carrying out attacks in some specific areas.

"Now our task is very simple, that is, to destroy all these two thousand people, and the most secondary result is to beat them to death, until only half of them are left, as long as they surrender."

When Tang Chong said this, Huang Yingni couldn't help but raise her hand and asked, "Demon... Instructor Tang, I want to ask, are only thirty of us going to deal with this terrorist organization? Is there no support from the police army?

"There is no support, but there will be plenty of firepower for you." Tang Chong said: "Although your own strength is very important, don't forget that sometimes people's speed is faster than a bullet!"

"It's true that your ancient martial arts family wants to improve your strength, but you must also learn the use of firearms, and only if you have good abilities in long-range attack and close combat, you can really improve." Your marksmanship is only training in the past few days, and it will not improve you very much, only this kind of actual combat will have a significant improvement effect on you!

"Of course, this operation, because it is a gun battle, many of you may be killed by random shooting."

Tang Chong's words made many people's faces pale, they were only thirty people to face more than two thousand bandits? How does this fight?

"That, Instructor Tang, I think thirty people against two thousand people, it's still a little..." Huang Yingni expressed her opinion.

Even if they are not bandits, just ordinary people, thirty of them will be tortured to death with their bare hands with these two thousand people, not to mention that these are two thousand bandits with guns.

Tang Chong tugged at the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your equipment has an absolute advantage over them, most of the guns used by this group of people are just old-fashioned hunting guns, and not all of them have guns, you deal with it, although the odds of victory are not great, but there is still a glimmer of life." "

Don't worry?

The corners of Huang Yingni's mouth also twitched fiercely, how can this 'glimmer of life' not make people feel any sense of relief?!

Knowing that it was nonsense to speak next, Huang Yingni simply didn't say it, anyway, he felt that Tang Chong would not let them die in vain.

"Okay, if you still have any questions, please ask them as soon as possible, and those who want to withdraw now can also say, don't run away at that time and harm your own family." Tang Chong continued to glance at the group of people, and found that they were all holding their heads high, and none of them withdrew before he smiled and said, "Very good, I appreciate your courage, and then I will announce the plan to attack." "

The terrorist organization's dens are in underground tunnels, and in order to conceal themselves, they have only set up three entrances, one in the north, one in the east, and one in the west, respectively, these three locations."

"The interior of this den, that is, in the underground tunnel, the terrain is complicated, and so far, we do not have a complete map, so after you attack it, you can only rely purely on your own judgment."

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