“623... I think that the mice that we thought were dead before just entered a state of suspended animation, which was actually the shock brought by the high-speed operation of body cells, which made me very excited, but we searched for a long time, and still did not find those mice, some people thought that it might be taken by someone, but everyone said that they had not been close there, and after investigating the surveillance, we denied this possibility. "

“624... The lab suddenly lost power, but only in our lab, other places were still operating, and the maintenance worker said that there was no problem with the power supply, and that the wiring somewhere was broken. "

“625... We did a massive investigation, and it took a whole day to move those bulky tables and experimental equipment, which means that we didn't do anything for a day today... But just when everyone was a little irritated, guess what we found... That's right, those mice!!

"They are indeed alive, extremely vigorous, and a little too vigorous, they have dug a big hole in the wall, all hiding inside, compared to before, they are more than twice as large, their eyes have become blood-red, they have sharp teeth and claws, they are using these things to dig holes in the wall, one of them has dug into the main wire of our laboratory, has died, this unexpected joy allows everyone to see the new research content. The entire laboratory seemed very excited, and it seemed that the plan to accompany Xiaoyun had to be postponed. "

“628... We found that these mice all had some mutations, that their muscles were much stronger than the average mouse, and that they showed a strong tendency to blood, something that only happens in science fiction horror novels scared some people, but others found it interesting to figure out what was going on, including me. "

“629... These things are too powerful, one night to bite out of the cage out of a hole, fortunately they are too big, there is no way to pass, for safety, we had to transfer them to another metal box, on the way to transfer, one of my researchers was accidentally bitten by one of them, I immediately asked people to send him to the hospital to inject rabies vaccine, the mice in the laboratory are specially bred, should not carry any germs, but no one can be so sure, hope he is fine. "

“71... The researcher had no problems and returned to work in the lab. We did tail clipping experiments on these mutant mice, and without the need for a control group, we could also see that they grew back to their tails faster than before, which is unbelievable, because we originally thought that the improvement of the drug's ability to restore tissues would only last a few hours, and now more than ten days have passed, which is an unexpected development. "

“72... The rats' thirst for blood became so strong that last night there was a fight in the box, and when I arrived, there were only two left, and I felt a pity, and immediately separated them in different boxes for the next experiment. "

“73... There was an accident in the laboratory, not the mice, but the researcher who was bitten by them before, he suddenly attacked his companion while working, tried to bite the throat of the other person, and was finally held down by three people, we found that he became very abnormal, also developed a thirst for blood, and the body was stronger than before, in order to take complete control of him, we spent some effort and finally tied him to a chair, and a cloth plugged his mouth.

"This incident caused panic inside the laboratory, but I blocked them and strictly forbade them to pass it out, originally I also wanted to end the research, but I knew that this was equivalent to giving up this researcher, only we can find a solution to this matter, and finally I gathered everyone in the laboratory and told them that our purpose now is no longer to research this drug, but to save our friends, colleagues."

"Some people still opted out, and I respected their choice, got them to sign non-disclosure agreements and paid additional salaries, and I and a dozen people began researching solutions."

“74... In order to keep the researcher stable, we each drew a bag of blood, fed him a hundred milliliters a day, let him live in an isolation ward, after feeding the blood, he would remain stable for a while, and called to deal with things at home, but sometimes, he would still enter a state of madness, listening to his voice work, it would make everyone feel some great pressure, but none of them said. "


“719... There were only me and seven researchers left in the lab, and the rest could not bear the pain, silently handed in their resignations to me, and the workload suddenly increased, but no one blamed them. "


“81... We finally found a clue and modified the researcher's body a little, he was finally able to control himself, and we encouraged him to resist the thirst for blood, because there was not much blood left, and the eight of us could not sustain too much consumption. "

“82... The two mice were still dead, and we hid it from the researcher, but he saw something in everyone's expressions and fell silent. "

“83... He was silent all day, which worried us a little, but soon he started laughing and we took turns talking to him, keeping him in the mood. "


“87... He hadn't drunk blood for days, and his performance was no different from that of a normal person, which made us happy, maybe the effect of the mouse on him had gradually disappeared. "

“88... He told us he wanted to go out and get some air, and I agreed to his request, but sent two people to follow him. "

“89... He escaped. The

log was gone here, and the last one was written a little desperately, Tang Chong knew that this must have dealt Lin Rui a big blow, as for why he went abroad after that, and what progress was made in the follow-up research, Tang Chong guessed that it should be recorded in other logs.

However, from this log, a lot of information can be obtained, for example, Lin Zhuo's original intention is indeed to create drugs that can increase the growth rate of tissues, and vampires are just unexpected products.

As for the later transformation of the researcher to allow him to control his thirst for blood, it was in line with Tang Chong's previous speculation, Lin Rui's research made the vampire more perfect.

After learning this, Tang Chong confirmed that the direction of Lin Zhuo's final research and development was immortality.

He suddenly felt a pity, if there was no power outage that day, if the researcher had not been bitten, then everything that followed would not have happened, Lin Rui would have time to accompany Lin Yun without leaving regrets, and he could also live a dull life with Lin Yun.

For some people, these accidents can be regarded as surprises of great value, but for Tang Chong, this is a huge regret that makes him miss out on happiness.

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