"Team A reports the situation!" Di Shengjie yelled at the walkie-talkie, with incomparable urgency and anxiety in his voice, even more nervous than the last time he exercised with Tang Chong, because this time it was not a joke.

"Team A report! Company personnel evacuated completed! Company personnel evacuated completed!

"Go back and reinforce Team C immediately!" Where is the position of the president! Di Shengjie then roared.

"Team D report, find the president! We were in the left corner bathroom on the fifteenth floor! "

All reinforcements of Team D! Keep the president safe! Drive out of the underground garage! The person with the president reports the situation every thirty seconds!

"Captain! Let's hold on! Already called the police! There will be reinforcements soon! It's too risky to break through!

"Nope! The opponent's strength is too strong, we may not be able to hold it, we can't be careless when fighting, their strength is above us! Di Shengjie warned, "Execute immediately, report the wounded in time!"

Di Shengjie put down the walkie-talkie in his hand, gasped heavily, and looked at Li Hai, who was holding his bleeding arm beside him, and the other party also returned him with a wry smile.

"Captain, leave me alone, you are our backbone, you can't just be dragged to death here by me!" Li Hai persuaded.

"What a joke! Is abandoning comrades a soldier's job! Today we either go together or die here together! Di Shengjie glared at Li Hai, and then a little helpless, "Besides, even if I am alone, it is unknown whether I can pass this level."

"Do you still want to hide cowards? Come out and die! A rough voice came from the end of the corridor, in English, and just listening to the voice was enough to imagine what kind of big man this man was.

This voice was undoubtedly a talisman for Di Shengjie and Li Hai, who had been hiding here for only five minutes, and had already locked their approximate location for convenience.

Half an hour ago, before all this had happened, Di Shengjie and they went from the dormitory to the company and began their life as security guards. When he joined the company, Tang Chong had already explained that the entire building only needed ten people with their skills, so twenty people were divided into two teams, one team went to work, and the other team was on standby while training.

Going to work is really boring, this point Tang Chong also gave them a preventive injection, especially explained that the person they are responsible for standing guard should not be too straight, easy to expose their identity, to hide all the military characteristics on them, make everyone very uncomfortable, like clocks and watches for a long time, it is really difficult to suddenly pretend to be a security guard who is doing nothing.

Just when Di Shengjie was thinking about how to spend the day, the abnormality occurred, and a picture in the monitor in the security room was directly taken off, which means that the monitor has suffered irreparable damage. But there is no need to investigate, because Di Shengjie has been watching the picture of the monitor, which is a military habit and one of his few ways to pass the time.

And in the last picture of the monitor, there is a group of people, about five or six, foreigners, entering through the back door of the company, which is generally the place where the logistics department hands over materials, and as soon as they enter, they directly knocked the employees inside unconscious, and also exploded the monitor with a gun, and the visitor was obviously very bad.

Di Shengjie quickly grabbed the walkie-talkie and wanted to call someone to investigate, but who knew that at this time the door of the security room was opened, a bald man with a tiger's back and a bear's waist rushed in, and he couldn't help but move, Di Shengjie and Li Hai immediately counterattacked, maybe the other party did not expect that the security combat effectiveness of a company would be so high, and the two cooperated well and caught each other off guard.

But waiting for the other party to react, the two were immediately suppressed, Di Shengjie immediately decided to retreat, with Li Hai rushed out of the security room, anyway, this is Huaxia's territory, these people stay for one more second is dangerous, they just need to ensure their own safety, the longer it drags on, the more beneficial it is for themselves.

The other party obviously understood this truth, so he immediately put a few grenades and created an explosion, causing panic in the entire building, and everyone was fleeing everywhere, but taking advantage of the chaos, the other party ran up, letting Di Shengjie know that the other party's purpose was not simple, and remembered Tang Chong's words.

"You can not do anything in this building, but you must absolutely protect the safety of the president, this is an order, unless you are all sacrificed, the president must not make the slightest mistake!"

Di Shengjie woke up and quickly called the remaining ten people in the dormitory to hurry over to support, twenty people took action instantly, the ten people who dared to come behind were responsible for evacuation support, and the ten people in the company were responsible for protecting the safety of the president.

Di Shengjie didn't know what the other party's strength was, but in any case, he couldn't let the other party come together, otherwise he really couldn't fight, so he took Li Hai to intercept the strong man, and a real fire was fought under a fight, Li Hai's arm was stabbed, and they could only die there if they didn't withdraw.

But the other party obviously did not let go of their thoughts, this was just as Di Shengjie intended, they relied on their familiarity with the company's terrain to gain a few more minutes of respite, even if they died today, they would have to delay enough time for their comrades, and now the time is almost running out.

"Li Hai, you hide, I'll try to lure him aside."

Without waiting for Li Hai to reply, Di Shengjie rushed out, and the bald man was overjoyed when he saw his prey, holding a short knife and rushing towards Di Shengjie. Although this corridor is wide, the other party is obviously a top master, step by step compressing Di Shengjie's dodging space, facing the short knife Di Shengjie can only resist in front of the baton, but he is defeated, and there are only snow-white walls behind.

Di Shengjie gritted his teeth and insisted, only hoping that if he could win a chance to break through, he would be able to lead the other party away, otherwise the other party would easily find the injured Li Hai after dying here.

But the other party just didn't give him this opportunity, Di Shengjie even risked death to launch several waves of offensives, wanting to let the other party temporarily avoid the edge and make concessions, but the other party's strength was higher than him, and directly pushed Di Shengjie back.

In the last move, Di Shengjie's baton was thrown by the other party, and the short knife approached Di Shengjie's neck, which was barely dodged by him, and thus lost his center of gravity and fell backwards, at this time, the strong man approached with a tiger jump, and the blade was aimed at Di Shengjie's heart.

"See God, go garbage!"

Di Shengjie could only be prepared to accept death, and if the enemy's knife was fast and accurate, he would not even feel the pain of death.

In the next second, the bald man slammed into Di Shengjie's body, almost pressing Di Shengjie's intestines out, but the knife fell aside.

Di Shengjie didn't understand why the other party didn't give him a knife, but when he looked up, he found that the other party's eyes were glaring at the boss in front of his chest, as if he wanted to stare him to death, this kind of scene Di Shengjie was very familiar, which showed that the other party was out of breath.

"How long are you going to lie with him in your arms? Do you need me to leave you a two-person world?

A familiar voice sounded in Di Shengjie's ears, with a little reproach, Di Shengjie woke up like a dream, pushed away the bald man on his body, and quickly stood up.

"Commander-in-chief!" Di Shengjie saluted dignifiedly.

Tang Chong glared at Di Shengjie in guilt, "When are you still engaged in this set!" Where is Lin Yun now! "

Eh, the president is in..." Before

he finished speaking, the walkie-talkie on Di Shengjie's waist sounded.

"Team D encounters enemies on the fourth floor! The president was shot in the leg and could not move! Need support! Need support! "

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