One auction item after another has been auctioned off by one unknown force after another, and now the auction has become the world of big forces, and ordinary people are no longer able to compete.

"The next thing is also a special item that I suddenly received in recent days, and it is precisely because of his particularity that it is arranged to show everyone at this time."

Ms. E said mysteriously, and then a watch was slowly brought over on the display plate.

Before Ms. E could introduce her name, Tang Chong had already recognized it, and at the same time, his heart was not only fluctuating.

A library of personal equipment for the Dragon Soul Organization!


The members of the Dragon Soul Organization present couldn't help but feel a pang of anger in their hearts, if it weren't for the strict arrangement of the Zero Organization at this time, I was afraid that the entire group of the Dragon Soul Organization would have rushed out.

"Someone must already know what this is!"

"That's right, this is the special database of the Huaxia Dragon Soul Organization, which stores all the information of countless C-grade, B-level and even A-level supernatural beings!"

"What's more, once you have thoroughly studied the program structure of this watch, then there is no chance to crack the headquarters information of the Dragon Soul Organization, and my friends are the database of the absolute first-class forces in the world..."

With Ms. E's inflammatory words, the entire auction of any organization worthy of the name aroused great interest.

"Eighty million! This thing is a little interesting, maybe you can really study something..."

"If nothing else, just rush the information inside, ninety million!"

The people of the Dragon Soul Organization were even bigger at this time, and the situation in front of them was beyond the scope of what they could handle, and their target was another item, but if they watched the database of the Dragon Soul Organization being photographed away by outsiders, I am afraid that they would be punished if they went back.

But once you buy the database, there must not be enough money for the next task!

At the same time, they couldn't help but look at the person in the lead.

"Mission accomplished! We don't know how important this task is, in case it's a big deal, we just bring back a waste database, wouldn't it be a big deal to break the above! I

saw this leading person slowly say, if Tang Chong did it again, he would definitely hear the identity of this person.

It's the East Army!

When the group heard the leading captain say this, they naturally obeyed the arrangement, so they had to close their eyes to the matter of this database, and they could only silently pray that this matter would not have much impact on the Dragon Soul Organization.

Finding that although the audience was quite interested, there were not many people who really bid, Ms. E couldn't help but sigh, and the final transaction price was only 98.3 million.

The reason why she took out this database was precisely because Ms. E also knew that the Dragon Soul Organization was mixed in, and I thought that the Dragon Soul Organization would do its best to take back this item in order not to leak information, but I didn't expect that I made a mistake.

Dong Qijun may not have thought that one of his decisions would inadvertently overturn Ms. E's little calculations, although it was just an innocuous little matter.

Although she did not get the expected price, Ms. E did not feel too frustrated, and quickly adjusted her state to start a new round of auction.

"The next auction will surely arouse everyone's interest."

With Ms. E's words, a simple parchment book was carefully brought up and then carefully placed on the display table.

"There is no need to explain too much about the auction items this time, a book of superior cultivation exercises, the value of which must be known to everyone, so there is no low price, everyone bids casually."

With Ms. E's introduction, the atmosphere of the entire auction became rigorous, and this exercise book was already an inevitable treasure for most forces!

You must know that most of the forces do not even have a slightly better technique, except for those top forces and some family forces in Huaxia, everyone is in the B-level cultivation and almost no progress has progressed.

For such a force, this exercise is no different from a long-term drought of manna, which can be said to be a life-saving thing.

However, it is useless for those big forces, wrong! On the contrary, the use is greater, and they have an object to learn from with one more exercise, so that some of the shortcomings of their own exercises may be found, and then they will be perfected into more perfect cultivation exercises.

Of course, even if it cannot be perfected, this also eliminates the possibility of a new top-level power appearing, and also greatly protects their interests.

So everyone will not budge!

"Ten million!"

The first price has been shouted from the auction table.

"Hehe, it's ridiculous, such a low price actually has the face to shout out, one hundred million!"

With the shouting of 10 million, soon a voice said with disdain, and then the price of ten times was reported, and the auction directly entered the white-hot stage.

"Everyone, this is the purpose of this trip, so please forgive me! Billion!

"Joke, 1.5 billion!"

Almost instantly, the price of this superior exercise soared to 1.5 billion!

Tang Chong couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene, he practiced killing skills in Mo Yunjie before he officially cultivated, and later taught himself a good exercise.

As his strength improved, the effectiveness of that exercise began to wane, and when he encountered the new exercises that the mysterious old man gave his daughter, even a strong man like Xiao Han sighed repeatedly.

That is, he had not been restricted by the exercises on his way to cultivation, and he couldn't help but rejoice when he saw such a scene.

"Guys, our second-rate forces, first-class forces have always been suppressed by their top-level forces, because they have more A-level than us and have stronger combat power than us!"

"But once we get this exercise, I believe that one day we will also be able to reach that level and get rid of their oppression, so I hope we can raise funds to buy it together!"

"Good! It has long been seen that they are not pleasing to the eye, we give out 100 million!

"We give out four hundred million!"

"Fifty million!"

"Four hundred million!"


One voice after another responded, and suddenly it seemed as if it couldn't stop.

"What! Damn, how so! Seeing

such a scene, all the major forces let out a shout and curse, but they were powerless to stop it.

As the last voice disappeared, Ms. E, who was calculating on the side, still widened her eyes.

"Six hundred and forty-four hundred and four hundred and five hundred thousand!"

Ms. E even stammered a little and said that this price was definitely a value that no one expected.

The top forces in the group are already a little numb when they see this value, this value is too big, they can't afford it, but once they spend so much money to buy this, then it will bring an avalanche collapse of all industrial chains.

As for mutual cooperation, everyone unanimously avoided this idea.

They also don't know what this technique is like, in case it is particularly suitable for a certain force, that force jumps to become the strongest force, that is not what they want to see.

As for the appearance of one more top power, just kidding, it is not so easy to survive in the cracks.

Under this mentality, this superior exercise book was sold.

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