Seafood TV.

“What a warning!”

“@召唤黑店百地, is your dog’s head so tumultuous?”

“EDG is blind, right? This is a genius list? Choose a big tree to resist pressure and be chased and beaten by a dog’s head? Sooner or later, EDG will run out and depowder. ”

“The Di God is over, well, who just said that the Di God Hero Pool is not good?”

“Lying groove, the dog’s head can also play like this? You can’t learn, you can’t learn. ”

“Even if I’m blind, I don’t want to watch IG play around like this, and the dog heads are selected? Hmm, it’s so fragrant. ”

“There is a saying in the poor road, this debut of EDG’s new single, I am afraid it will become the background board of the flute god!”

“The game has just begun, what is the use of rune talent? This is also not an advantage for one person, EDG or an advantage, what do you spray? Love to see and not to roll, I roll first as respect. ”

“A batch of uncomfortable trees ah, can’t be moved, but consumed, can anyone tell me, how should he play?”


Audi is really hard.

You can’t fight and you can’t beat it, and you can’t consume it.

How does this play?

Looking at Wu Di, who has been Q soldier and ran over from time to time.

Audi was about to cry.

Play a dog’s head, you still play so strongly, and let others not play the game?

In other words, why did you return blood so quickly?


He is a big tree, he has a quick return of blood, but compared with Wu Di, he can’t compare it at all, how can this be compared?

“Factory, come to GANK.” Audi looked at Wu Di, who was using Q to replenish the soldiers, and asked the factory for help.

If you let the dog’s head Q fold, this game will not be playable.

“Huh?” After catching the broiler chickens, the factory was strong in the early stage of the blind monk, invaded the blue zone of IG, and just finished playing the blue buff, and was fighting toads.

As soon as he heard Audi’s call, the factory shifted its perspective upwards.

At a glance.

I saw that Audi, who had run out of supplies, was only half blood left, and was obscene at the back of the line.

I saw Wu Di, who had not eaten two bottles of red medicine and was mostly bloody, using Q skills to take down a melee soldier.

What’s the situation?

The factory was stunned.

The big tree hits the dog’s head, and when the dog’s head Q is not developed, how can it be 55 open?

What’s going on?

Audi is crashing?

It’s just over 3 minutes, that’s it?

Glancing at Audi’s four-knife replenishment, the factory’s face darkened: “What are you playing with?” ”

Finish the sentence.

The factory was stunned, this sentence gave him a feeling of déjà vu?

“The life of the dog head rune is restored, you see how fast he returns blood.” Audi said aggrievedly: “He is passive and steals his life, he fought with me for two waves, and he will be full in a while, and he can’t beat the factory.” ”

“Wait for me GANK!” The factory hated iron and shouted.


Wu Di is very comfortable.

He is controlling the line, and as soon as the Q skill is good, he will Q kill the remnant blood soldier.

When the Q skill cools down, he draws A to replenish the troops.

If there were no remnants of blood, Wu Di would have pressed Audi’s position forward.

Watch Audi keep jumping back.

Wu Di Meizhi.

The current version, and only Xiaofa, can bring players such a high sense of achievement like a dog’s head.

Looking at the Q skill that has increased by 21 layers, after Wu Di upgraded to level 3, he did not learn E but upgraded the Q skill to level 2.

The Q of level 2 itself cools down for 6 seconds, plus the minus CD of Wu Di’s rune talent, it can be used once in only 5 seconds.

This made Wu Di more comfortable.


“The two sides exchanged blue BUFFs, we can take a look, after the child god has not reached level 3 after collecting the blue, he will go directly to the middle road.” At the commentary table, Miller explained: “The snake woman of the scout contestant did not flash, the child god is going to be caught?” ”

“There is no vision in the middle at the moment, do you notice it when you look at Scout?”

“Scout’s consciousness is very good, he has always controlled the position, how to say this position? Look at the child god has gone around the back. ”

“The factory just finished fighting toads and has reached level 3, but he chose to go up. Yes, if the dog’s head is always comfortable, the pressure on EDG will be very great, and catching Wu Di is the right choice. ”

“The child god came, but scout’s reaction was so fast, directly E skill covered the ground, put it in front of the broiler to prevent the broiler from chasing, hey, the child god EQ made a mistake, scout went directly back to the tower, this wave of IG is a good loss, the child god flashed and handed over, and did not catch the scout.” Rita explained passionately.

“The factory has reached the fruit of the explosion, he seems to be communicating, and did not jump.”

“It seems that the factory is very cautious, after all, he caught Wu Di several times in the last game, but he was unsuccessful, this time to see if he can catch Wu Di?” Miller said this and smiled: “Break the rumor of Wu Di’s full picture? ”

“It seems that it can’t, because this guy Wu Di has already retreated!” Rita said this with a helpless look.

She wanted to see Wu Di make a mistake.

She wants black Wu Di.

But looking at Wu Di, who obviously stepped back a few positions on the screen, Rita was helpless, Wu Di didn’t give him a chance at all.

“Yes, Wu Di’s sense of player is too strong, and before the factory jumped, he realized that the factory was coming to catch it.” Miller said this, turned his head to look at Rita and said strangely: “Are you sure you don’t know Wu Di player?” ”

This guy came out in all four words?

If you don’t know, you won’t be called, right?

The fire of gossip in Miller’s heart was thick.

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen it, I don’t understand.” Rita’s face froze, and her quality was three times in a row.

“Okay, okay.” Seeing Rita’s expression, Miller smiled meaningfully, and explained: “Actually, just now the child god went to catch the middle, and the factory did not show its head in the middle. Coupled with the exchange of blue BUFFs between the two sides, Wu Di must have realized that the factory was still in the blue BUFF wild area, so he retreated. ”

“Are you forcibly explaining a wave, Wu Di’s consciousness?” Rita asked, tilting her head.

“If I don’t explain, if I don’t explain, tomorrow the news of the single player Wu Di on IG opening the full picture game will definitely spread throughout the LPL esports circle!” Miller pretended to be helpless and laughed.

“Forcibly explain a wave!”

“Haha, don’t explain that I really opened the picture as a flute god, this consciousness is too terrifying.”

“Catch the flute god, that doesn’t exist!”

“Lying groove, the next road is fighting, Emperor Zhao is so fierce.”

“Let’s take a look, the lower road duo of both sides is already level 2, the sister buckle hammerstone Q has reached the cold ice of the micro-emperor, and the E of the second level of the royal blue Bloom is directly in front of the Zhaohuang to prevent the Zhaohuang from exporting.” Miller said quickly: “But Emperor Zhao is so fierce, he directly flashed to fight strongly, and at the same time, the sister buckled the second stage Q close to the cold ice, and the E skill was scraped, and the cold ice was slowed down.” ”

“Ignite and hang, the cold ice double summons are handed over, it’s over, Emperor Zhao sent a Q skill to take away the head. Can you run if you see if you can see Royal? Yes, choose to cross the flash directly, the EDG duo has no skills, and Baolan runs away. ”

Rita spoke: “In this wave of the next road, Wei Huang’s cold ice mistake is very big, in order to supplement the position is too far ahead, this time, IG is not good to fight on the next road.” ”

“Yes, for more than four minutes, EDG head 2:0, head distribution is very reasonable, double C one person.” Miller said: “The EDG lineup was already fierce in the early stage, and it will be more difficult for IG to win the head, and now IG needs someone to stand up.” ”

“There are some small collapses in the middle and lower levels, and the child god level is also much behind, who can stand up?” Rita said this, subconsciously looking at the upper road of the Summoner Canyon on the screen.



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