EDG lounge.

The atmosphere was very strange at this time.

Edzhu sat in his chair with a gloomy face.

Not far away.

Abu and Ko-chan both stood in front of the fifty-six-inch TV screen, closely watching the situation of the game.

Watch the dog’s head go Q after Q, constantly developing.

Abu’s mentality collapsed.

Before the game.

He was confident and arranged the tactics.

EDG’s performance did not disappoint him at first.

The factory is caught in the second level.

Emperor Zhao broke IG down the road.

Every performance of the EDG team members is like a pennant, allowing Abu to talk and laugh and explain to the boss Edzhu why EDG fights so much and why the factory appears.

In words.

Inside and out, it reveals a decisive gesture of victory thousands of miles away.

Edju was also very happy, and praised Abu fiercely.

But the direction of the next game made Abu confused.

This dog’s head is weak, obviously there is no eye, why can you realize that the factory is going to catch?

Also What is the middle scout playing?

Can’t you forcibly scratch a dog’s head?

Even if the dog’s head shrinks under the tower, you cross the tower.

Abu still didn’t believe it, three people couldn’t catch a dog’s head.

But right now.

In less than fifteen minutes, 370 layers of Q dog head, plus bright and bright boots.

Let Abu know, even if Scout and the factory cooperate with Audi to cross the tower to kill.

This Wu Di’s dog head can be changed for at least two.

Even replace three.


It’s all over.

This game is gone!

Abu exhaled deeply, desperate.

“This is what you call a strong Audi on the meat?” Edju looked at Abu, and his eyes seemed to swallow Abu.

“In the last game, you said to wait for the middle of the scout to take the rhythm, I waited to see, what was the final result? It’s been beaten up! ”

“I think it’s normal for the game to have a loss and a win, so I gave you a chance to watch another game.”

“Now it’s okay, this is what you showed me?”

“What about the genius on the list? Isn’t meat tan very strong? Sixty knives behind the replenishment, this is the genius you are looking for? ”

The more Ed Zhu spoke, the more angry he became.

Standing up suddenly, Abu shrank back in fright, and Hikaru-chan lowered his head even more, with an expression that I didn’t know anything without looking at me.

“Abu, don’t you still admit that it was your mistake to let Wu Di go?”

“It’s true, you don’t even have the eye to read people, it’s really not suitable for coaching EDG.”

“Boss…” Abu panicked.

He started as a WE analyst and moved to EDG.

He coached for several years and became famous in LPL.

If he leaves EDG, he knows what his coaching level is, and his thinking can no longer keep up with the LOL version.

Abu had a pitiful expression and said, “Boss, I was wrong, I admit that I looked at Wu Di wrong, my mind was on Audi at that time, and I didn’t pay attention to Wu Di.” Sorry boss, I ran away the genius that should have belonged to EDG. ”

“But you give me another chance, I will definitely make up for it, I will strengthen EDG on the list, you believe me, the next time we meet IG, we EDG will definitely win.”

These words were filled with tears.

“Hmph, not only to strengthen the list, but also to study Wu Di’s hero pool and study him thoroughly!” Edzhu didn’t make up his mind after all, and his tone loosened.

Then his gaze turned, Edzhu looked at the director camera on the screen, supplemented the figure of Q pressing the tree tightly under the tower, and said grimly: “The next time we meet, he can’t get out of the tower.” ”


As the game progresses.

EDG and IG fought several waves of small team battles around the canyon pioneer.

In the end, neither side took Canyon Pioneer.

At 19 minutes and 45 seconds.

Canyon Pioneer disappears.

This on-off and small-scale team battle that lasted nearly five minutes ended.


EDG was slightly ahead, and the scout snake woman took the child’s head.

EDGs currently lead 3:0 in headcounts.

What made the audience relish was that in this small-scale team battle, Wu Di and Audi did not participate in the single.

At the same time, the two sides fought for 20 minutes, and neither side pushed down any of the other’s defense towers.

Watching the director turn to the next road all the way to make up Q, brush the line and brush the dog head of the stone man.

The audience had a doubt.

When is he going to Q?

Inside the venue.


“It’s more than 600 Q, do you keep Qing? Now joining the group, EDG can’t fight at all. ”

“Who knows? Isn’t this dragging the rhythm? ”

“Don’t be ridiculous, the god of the flute once wanted to renew the contract with EDG, EDG chose Audi and gave up the god of the flute, the god of the flute this is revenge!”

“And such a thing?”

“Of course, after Di Shen joined IG, EDG Guan Bo also said that Di Shen was too dish, haha, the faces of the EDG coaching staff are swollen, right?”


Seafood TV.

“Hang big, what is the dog’s head doing?”

“Brother, I know that an eye hospital is particularly good, I can introduce it to you.”

“What question does this ask? What do you say you’re doing? The Flute God is in the Q Soldier! ”

“Always Q has always been cool, wrong wrong, everyone, I just gave birth to a son surnamed Zhao, please choose a name for yourself.”

“How is Zhao Batian?”

“Said Zhao Batian’s suggestion, you should also go to the eye hospital.”

“Weakly ask, when will the god of the flute be Q?”

5 minutes later.

The game lasts 25 minutes.

Commentary desk.

“Is he still in Q?” Rita helplessly looked at the camera turned by the director and said: “It’s been 25 minutes, and he hasn’t left the line.” ”

“Yes, the performance of the Wu Di player is very interesting, even if the EDG four people dismantled the middle two roads and one tower just now, the Wu Di player did not support.” Miller took the words and said with a smile: “But the Wu Di player is too terrifying now!” Triathlon, glacier armor plus burning gems and minus CD shoes, has reduced 45% of the CD. ”

“Coupled with 900 layers of Q skills, as long as he appears, I don’t think EDG can play at all.”

“The key is that he uses Q skills to replenish troops, does not join the regiment, and does not push the tower?” Rita’s tone was unabashedly complaining.

It’s been 25 minutes since a game.

That stinking scoundrel has always been a small soldier and does nothing.

The other members of the two teams fought a few times, but they were all small team battles and were insignificant.

Is this a competition?

The only thing to watch in this game seems to be watching that stinky rogue stacking Q, right?

“Hey, let’s take a look, the EDG four walked in the direction of the big dragon. Do they want Ruch Dragon? Miller suddenly exclaimed: “It seems that the EDG people are not ready to let Wu Di develop, and yes, the EDG four can’t catch Wu Di now!” ”

“At least two or more people have to go to hope to catch Wu Di.”

“But as soon as the person leaves, IG will immediately force the dragon, and EDG has no choice but to force Ruch the dragon.”

“IG vision is doing a good job, EDG is in the row, let’s take a look at EDG’s selection.”

“In the ambush, EDG is in ambush, has cleared the vision, EDG is waiting for the IG four in the big dragon pit.” Miller became excited: “You can see that IG walks very cautiously, and the displacement child walks in front and opens the scan and lines his eyes.” ”

“Wow… The factory chose to open strongly. ”

“When it arrived, the factory Q flashed a set of R combos and kicked Weihuang’s cold ice back.”

“Emperor Zhao’s Verus is so fierce, he directly flashed R skills to hit the broiler, and Zhaohuang’s corrupt vines spread to the IG four!”

“The micro emperor fell, and the scout was exporting wildly.”

“Is IG going to collapse?”

“Look, Wu Di and Audi teleported at the same time.” Rita exclaimed, “He’s finally going out of the mountains? ”

“This wave can’t fight, the remaining three IG are all bloody! Will Wu Di cancel the teleportation? Miller shouted.



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